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  1. No it doesn't remove any music...the command just stop the music from playing. By doing the trick explained above you'll be able to remove the "dragon attack" music which triggers in unapropriate case (Alt-tab)... then after following how to fix the problem (still above) you will be able to play normally (music will trigger normally, even dragon attack music)
  2. The mod limit with NMM is 255...in fact i can only go to 254 and NMM reject the last one... but apparently you can trick the software by merging some ESP together with TESVedit (like grouping few ESP together in only 1 ESP...so NMM will get it as only 1...like a zip file)...you can find some tutorial around how to merge ESP files. MadFrenchie never updated his series of Thalmor mods...there are many dirty edits and a lot of bugs in all episodes. The fisrt one was the cleanest...but i had several CTDs with the 2nd one when entering certain specific areas...then the 4th is causing the "music stop" bug we all had here (someone reported the bug when enterring the mine...at a certain point)
  3. My pleasure ;) So many mods could have made this problem... actually i have 250 mods installed and some of them are sound mods someone on this forum pinpoint the culprit mod as "Fight for the Thalmor"...which was really unexpected even if this series of mods was full of bugs and CTDs (i was suspecting a sound mod like "Sound propagation overhaull" first) and someone else gave the console command i was looking for ages on skyrim wiki to activate / deactivate a sound...i knew it was the solution but i didn't have the right key to do it...so thanks to them too. I don't know if my method has to be followed exactly like this (it worked for me in that specific case) maybe you can manage to deal with the problem with a variant (like doing the trick by just making new saves in the same town) Enjoy your game with music now !
  4. Hy everyone, I don't know if someone is still around searching for an answer... anyway. I managed to fix the problem ! i had the same problem on one of my 2 characters...one has the musics and not the other...strange. By reading some comments here i've been able to fix the problem (almost all solutions given here were not working for me though). Now i can load and reload my game even after restarting the game properly and i have the music playing....sooooo good to hear those again, it's been a while. Concerning my mod list : I installed "sound propagation overhaul" (but apparently it's not the culprit) and "Fight against the thalmor IV" (all episodes) at the same time, so it was hard to guess which one was messing around...i made a playthought with this exact same character who doesn't have music now ...i think that's why i still have the music on the character who never done those Thalmor quests. I had to uninstall those Thalmor mods a long time ago...good mods but really unstable (CDTs)...i'm still playing with "sound propagation overhaul". what to do (at least what i did) : IMPORTANT do not use any quotes " " while doing console commands > go into a town (i was inside Solitude next to the exit / entrance) > save the game (to help you see better in your save list make a named save using console command...example : "save test_01") > use Alt-tab to go on your desktop > go back to the game to hear the lovely "dragon attack" music > use command : "removemusic MUSCombatBoss" ...the dragon attack music will stop and will be replaced by town music > now go to another town...in my case i used a teleport spell from this mod : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14947/? i don't know if Fast travel is working but i used a custom "recall" spell to go in my player house in Falskaar (i don't know if it's because it's out from skyrim or because this mod has its own soundtrack but it worked) > make a new named savegame using console (example : "save test_02") > now try to load this last savegame... the town music should still play So now it should work everywhere even if you're reloading this savegame, doing Alt-tab or even restarting the game (this last savegame MUST be your new starting save now because the trick has been done on it) I still don't know if this trick is long term, i still have to play a little more and see what will happend when i meet a dragon (if the dragon attack music will play properly and stop after) Leave some feedback if it's working for you just to know :smile: EDIT : Yep...it's working even after a dragon fight, custom mods with other musics, loading, reloading...etc
  5. Hy everyone... i'm sure some of you know about the "Dragonpriest Masks" mod i've made... I want to update this mod with more optionnal stuff to make the most complete masks mod as possible...but i'm a noob with 3D softwares and CK...so i'm gonna need some help !! I want to create a complete mod, create more hoods and more masks (with better textures)... i tried to use Nifskope to separate the masks from the hoods but i have some isues (invisible player / NPC head)... i just need some help to understand where is the problem... WHAT I WANT TO DO : > separate the mask and the hood from original 3D models (Nifskope) > create more hoods and masks (saving 3D model with diferent names from Nifskope should work i think) > add 2 slots for the player / NPC head (1 for the hood and 1 for the mask) > make the hoods buyable or craftable (CK) WHAT I NEED : > someone to explain to me how Nifskope works and what i've done wrong so far to have invisible head > some help to make / modify equipment slots > a tutorial or explaination for CK (to make craftable / buyable items) I don't want the complete solution from you (just tips)... i want to understand all by myself how to make my mod... i just need some help ! thx in advance !
  6. Hy everyone... i'm sure some of you know about the "Dragonpriest Masks" mod i've made... I want to update this mod with more optionnal stuff to make the most complete masks mod as possible...but i'm a noob with 3D softwares and CK...so i'm gonna need some help !! I want to create a complete mod, create more hoods and more masks (with better textures)... i tried to use Nifskope to separate the masks from the hoods but i have some isues (invisible player / NPC head)... i just need some help to understand where is the problem... WHAT I WANT TO DO : > separate the mask and the hood from original 3D models (Nifskope) > create more hoods and masks (saving 3D model with diferent names from Nifskope should work i think) > add 2 slots for the player / NPC head (1 for the hood and 1 for the mask) > make the hoods buyable or craftable (CK) WHAT I NEED : > someone to explain to me how Nifskope works and what i've done wrong so far to have invisible head > some help to make / modify equipment slots > a tutorial or explaination for CK (to make craftable / buyable items) I don't want the complete solution from you (just tips)... i want to understand all by myself how to make my mod... i just need some help ! thx in advance !
  7. hi guys I'm having an issue with the console command "player.modav healrate xx". When i started the game i wasn't happy with the health regen... so after few hours ingame i put this command line to stop it : "player.modav healrate -0.7". It worked like a charm... now after 200 hours of game the health regen came back... don't know why. My problem is even if i put the same command line than before it's not working. If i put a large positive number it's working (the meter gets full really fast) but even if i put a large (insane) negative number the meter keeps regenarate (but really slow). I tried the same thing with the magicka... and it's working here (positive or negative number are working as they should be) So if someone can help me understand why the health meter react like this that could be great ! I tested the command line with and without mods to see if that was the origin of my problem... same result !)... an i don't have any healing power or gear.... and if i put the "player.getav healrate" command line i can see my healrate is at 0.00 Thx
  8. hi guys I'm having an issue with the console command "player.modav healrate xx". When i started the game i wasn't happy with the health regen... so after few hours ingame i put this command line to stop it : "player.modav healrate -0.7". It worked like a charm... now after 200 hours of game the health regen came back... don't know why. My problem is even if i put the same command line than before it's not working. If i put a large positive number it's working (the meter gets full really fast) but even if i put a large (insane) negative number the meter keeps regenarate (but really slow). I tried the same thing with the magicka... and it's working here (positive or negative number are working as they should be) So if someone can help me understand why the health meter react like this that could be great ! I tested the command line with and without mods to see if that was the origin of my problem... same result !)... an i don't have any healing power or gear.... and if i put the "player.getav healrate" command line i can see my healrate is at 0.00 Thx
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