Hy everyone, I don't know if someone is still around searching for an answer... anyway. I managed to fix the problem ! i had the same problem on one of my 2 characters...one has the musics and not the other...strange. By reading some comments here i've been able to fix the problem (almost all solutions given here were not working for me though). Now i can load and reload my game even after restarting the game properly and i have the music playing....sooooo good to hear those again, it's been a while. Concerning my mod list : I installed "sound propagation overhaul" (but apparently it's not the culprit) and "Fight against the thalmor IV" (all episodes) at the same time, so it was hard to guess which one was messing around...i made a playthought with this exact same character who doesn't have music now ...i think that's why i still have the music on the character who never done those Thalmor quests. I had to uninstall those Thalmor mods a long time ago...good mods but really unstable (CDTs)...i'm still playing with "sound propagation overhaul". what to do (at least what i did) : IMPORTANT do not use any quotes " " while doing console commands > go into a town (i was inside Solitude next to the exit / entrance) > save the game (to help you see better in your save list make a named save using console command...example : "save test_01") > use Alt-tab to go on your desktop > go back to the game to hear the lovely "dragon attack" music > use command : "removemusic MUSCombatBoss" ...the dragon attack music will stop and will be replaced by town music > now go to another town...in my case i used a teleport spell from this mod : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14947/? i don't know if Fast travel is working but i used a custom "recall" spell to go in my player house in Falskaar (i don't know if it's because it's out from skyrim or because this mod has its own soundtrack but it worked) > make a new named savegame using console (example : "save test_02") > now try to load this last savegame... the town music should still play So now it should work everywhere even if you're reloading this savegame, doing Alt-tab or even restarting the game (this last savegame MUST be your new starting save now because the trick has been done on it) I still don't know if this trick is long term, i still have to play a little more and see what will happend when i meet a dragon (if the dragon attack music will play properly and stop after) Leave some feedback if it's working for you just to know :smile: EDIT : Yep...it's working even after a dragon fight, custom mods with other musics, loading, reloading...etc