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Posts posted by DrPepper715

  1. Hello,


    In the GECK recently I added a command to a very basic NPC follower called SetPlayerTeammate 1. I made it so the NPC can crouch when I do and I also get experience for when he/they get kill something.

    I have the command put in all of the result scripts in the Begin/End/Change tab in their follow package.


    There is one problem, I went in game and they could not be killed. I would shoot at them and their health would automatically reset to 710 (What I set it as) once it went down far enough. I also tried setessential xx00e585 0 and even the Kill command in the console and no luck. I looked in the NPC's base stats and the only thing ticked was no knockdowns. ESSENTIAL IS UNTICKED. I eventually tried unticking "No Knockdowns" and the result was once the NPC's health went down, it made the NPC unconscious but I still gained infamy with the reputation and also I don't think he got back up. I also could not loot him for it continued to display the message "US Soldier is unconscious". :wallbash:


    I want the NPC's to be powerful, not immortal. :no:


    So should I remove the SetPlayerTeammate 1 thing? and should I make it a proper script?


    PLEASE HELP! :ohmy:


    Thanks :thumbsup:





    I took the command SetPlayerTeammate 1 out of the Begin/End/Change result scripts and it worked but I still need the NPC's to crouch when I do and give me exp when they kill something. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:



    Like I said, should I make a script that runs when they spawn that has the SetPlayerTeammate 1 Command? What would that script look like?





    I went in-game and the command itself makes the NPC (when he loses all of his health) unconscious even when I just used the console. :sad:



  2. Hello,

    Basically the title says it all...

    A custom made follower of mine will not crouch at the same time I do like vanilla followers do.


    On my follow package for the companion, the follow distance is 300, Continue during combat is checked, Allow swimming and allow falls are checked, Observe combat behavior, reaction to player actions, friendly fire comments, and allow idle chatter are checked. Pretty much a standard follow package.


    What is going on here and how can I make it so he crouches when I do?

  3. Hello,

    My problem is basically what the title says, the game will crash to the desktop when it is on the loading screen for entering the presidential suite. I had a mod that upgraded the suite and added some fancy stuff to it and I thought that was the problem but I was wrong. I disabled the mod and tried entering the suite again but It still would not finish loading.









    I am at the Wild Card mission after you kill Mr. House for Yes Man and he takes over. I don't know if it might have to do with anything with that but...



    It is impossible to enter the suite, I have tried using the console but it still crashes. :(


    Help please!



  4. Open up FNVEdit and see if any of your mods are altering that object.

    I checked for errors on all of my mods that are active and I don't see anything that would conflict with the texture.

  5. Hello,

    Recently when I was playing in FNV I encountered a missing mesh (red exclamation point) problem with the "busshelter01.nif". I tried fixing this in the GECK but when I load the edit the model settings in the static window, it shows the correct directory with the correct model and everything still the red exclamation point.

    I then tried to see if the model was just "completely" missing, and it turns out I was wrong!


    I opened it in NifSkope and it showed the whole model with complete textures in all.


    I don't think any of my mod's are conflicting with this error.


    I just decided to delete it completely. I even tried using the mesh from Fo3 by pulling the mesh from the game files and no luck. :(


    I'm playing through the game without the static object, but It would be nice to get it back in the game.


    Anyone have any ideas?



  6. A corrupted plugin or an unresolved reference can make the Geck or the Game crash.

    Have you checked the plugin for errors in FNVEDit? Right-click -> check for errors.


    Your mod manager alters time stamps of plugins to manage the load order. ESMs load first, oldest first. Then esp's load, oldest first. FNVEdit never alters a time stamp even when you save a changed plugin. When you save a plugin in the Geck, it puts the latest time on it so it will load last unless you adjust the load order with your mod manager. The MM will adjust the date stamp to 'fit' in between the plugins before and after it.


    Well In game the plugin seems to be working just fine but in FNVEdit, many errors show up. Is there one I should be looking for specifically?

    Because originally the plugin still had many errors even when I could still use it in the GECK.

  7. Hello,


    I'm going to make this as quick as I can but here it goes.

    I have some pretty decent experience with modding using the GECK, Fo3/FNVEdit, and FOMM. I recently ported a mod I made from Fallout 3 over to New Vegas. I loaded it up in the GECK and It had absolutely no errors. I edited a few things and then went to go test the mod out in game. After exiting the game a few times and fixing some errors, I eventually came across this problem and it is very frustrating.


    The geck will not load my .esp (plugin) because it crashes after I set my mod as an active file, then click ok. My plugin gets to about 40-44% before the GECK stops loading the rest and it finally says the GECK is not responding. I tried making it a .esm file and removing some masters that were tied to the file (even though the .esp had no content using the masters) In FNVEdit but no luck :sad:


    I even re-installed the GECK to see if that might have been the problem and no luck with that either.


    I have never had this problem before in my long time with the GECK. :ohdear:


    The last thing I remember working on in my mod was reputation/factions and testing killing them in the game.

    Should I remove the Factions and/or Reputations in FNVEdit? I really want to find a way to fix this without deleting the entire mod.


    So here I am typing this sitting at my computer with the "GECK not responding" thing showing up...


    Oh and also, A very odd thing. On the plugin information when I click on it in the esp selection. It shows this. Created on: 8/10/13 9:53 PM and Last Modified: 1/1/2008 2:46 AM. RIGHT NOW IT'S 1:18 AM?!?!?!?!?

    GHOSTS!!!!! :ohdear: :ohdear: :ohdear: :ohdear: :ohdear: :ohdear: :ohdear: :ohdear: :ohdear: :ohdear: :devil:


    Really though, this is very odd. WHAT IS GOING ON! :wallbash:


    HELP! :ohmy:


    thanks! :thumbsup:

  8. If you share the NIF file in Dropbox and provide a link, I'll be happy to take a look and see what's wrong.

    Ok, ill post the pictures too.


    It would be awesome if you could fix it for me too :devil:

  9. Hello,


    I am in the process of making a very large mod for Fallout 3, the mod is called US Army in the wasteland. I am in the final process of my mod. I have come across many problems since it is a very large mod but most of those problems have been fixed. A new problem has popped up.


    The problem is that a mesh of a helmet I have made using two resources

    1. http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/10183/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D10183%26preview%3D&pUp=1- Dragonskin Tactical Armor (Helmets) by antistar


    2.http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/10453//? Military Equipment by JackoO


    Is having one part of it that is in the wrong place.


    I mixed the two together and the final result is a helmet with a chin strap and a protective shield infront of it for my US Flamer Unit.


    Everything like the helmet and the chin strap is fine but the shield in front is in a odd location. It is in the middle of the NPC's head.


    Please email me for the image of what It lt physically looks like and a screenshot of it in NifSkope and if I did not give enough detail. Email is: [email protected]



    Or here is a Dropbox link https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xpr4ovkfip7hzgg/G4hSX-vqLO








  10. Hello everyone,

    lately i have been playing fallout 3 on my gaming pc (not going to get into specs because i'm lazy, ask for them below if needed) and i killed a raider in power armor by Chevy Chase east metro. after i killed the raider, the corpse fell down the escalator and then out of boredom i picked up the corpse and "resurrected" it using the console and after the 3rd time I killed her, her body fell down the escalator and my game froze. not like it does sometimes where I have to restart or use task manager but this time the game and my computer came to a complete STOP once the corpse of the raider hit the floor.


    I let my computer sit for a bit to see if it would say it crashed but i looked at the computer itself and the light that tells you when it is running, was not blinking at all (red). So after a while I reset my computer and then once it booted the startup it said that my computer was damaged? it had to do a scan to see what was causing the problem but it could not find anything. I knew though, that it was the game freezing.


    Now every time I play the game, I worry when I kill an enemy that my computer will come to a complete Halt when the dead body hits the floor.


    (Its late so sorry for my bad grammar, spelling, punctuation etc.)


    Is there a way to prevent this from happening? like could I change something in the FALLOUT.ini text thing???

    And finally, what was the REAL source of the crash (freeze) if you know. Try to answer if you can.




  11. Hello everyone,

    In my Fallout 3 game I noticed lately when I approach a NPC that has an aggro radius, they warn me to back off and they say "Ok thats Close enough" or something but then they draw their weapon they immediately put it away but then they draw it again. :huh:


    Here is a video,




    It is very weird but is there a way to fix this? :confused:



  12. DrPepper715 - Hello!


    Okay, looking at some of the sounds from other weapons I find that some use the same sound for 2D & 3D.


    However, it looks like the 2D & 3D (based on what vanilla weapons use) should be different to each other.


    2D sounds are stero while the 3D are mono.


    Apart from the lack of stereo effect they should sound about the same volume though.


    Have you got a sound program to check them in like Audacity?


    Audacity is a simple to use (& free!) program for manipulating sound files:




    You can check to see if one is mono & the other stereo in that.


    The 2D should have two channels in the display & the 3D should have one.


    You can even use Audacity to increase the sounds volume in case it's just simply too quiet by going to Effect - Amplify & saving. Make a backup first though!


    Hope this helps!




    are you a mod god. Yeah you are.

    Thank you so very much, you can be my first tester of the Mod I am making when It comes out. :dance: :dance:

    I have screenshots too, if you want to see the progress; find me on steam! Dr pepper715 was my original name.


    Once again, you are my savior!

    THANKS Prensa! :thumbsup:

  13. Hello people of the forums & modders!


    I have a idea for a mod someone could make.

    I've been looking around on the Fallout 3 nexus for a good Light Machine Gun weapon mod and i've had no success lately. :sad:

    I found a MK48 LMG mod that looked Sick and was to my liking, but the mod was unfortunately deleted.


    Im not into the Chinese styled LMGs and im more into the one like the Mk48 LMG mod.


    I am making a mod that needs a npc with a machine gun.

    It would be awesome if it came with custom sounds, meshes, etc.


    Thanks and happy modding! :thumbsup:

  14. DrPepper715 - Hello!


    Have you checked it's setting in GECK as mentioned in my post above?


    If so & that's drawn a blank, check the weapons sounds directly in your folder & make sure they sound fine in a media player, taking particular note of the one that's labeled with 3D at the end as that should be the one that you hear when an NPC fires the weapon.


    In GECK, call up the 3D sound to the problem weapon.


    Now call up the vanilla shotgun sound:




    Compare the settings "Minimum Attenuation Distance" as that controls the distance at which the weapon's sound will be the loudest. Make sure it's not too low.


    I've found in the past that experimenting with either using 360 LFE, 2D or 2D Radius or combinations of those can help.



    Hey Prensa,


    So I compared the "Minimum Attenuation Distance" with the regular combat shotgun and my custom one and I went in game and got no luck.

    I then went to the directory, Data/Sound/FX/WPN/(myweapon) /M1012 and in the 3d sound file I previews it in Windows Media Player and it sounds quieter than the 2d one.

    (So obviously the 3D sound file is the issue)

    I then went in the GECK again and tried playing around with the sounds and the only thing that works is when I give the WPN3D Sound the 2D WAV file it sounds normal but I can hear it from 3 miles away just like I was firing it when the NPC really is firing it.

    Still really puzzled about this. :confused:

  15. DrPepper715 - Hello!


    Are there two sounds for the weapon?


    There should be two sounds assigned under the Art & Sound tab of the weapon in GECK, one is what the player hears when an NPC fires:


    Attack Sound


    The other is what the player hears when they fire:


    Attack Sound (2D)


    The sound files themselves can actually be identical just with different names.


    Fallout 3 seems to be a bit fussy about naming though & I've seen it ignore improperly named sound files so I always stick to the naming convention set in vanilla sounds.


    The Attack Sound (2D) sounds should be named something like:




    The Attack Sound should be named something like:




    Obviously that middle "NameofyourWeapon" is up to you. :)


    Check in GECK that the path set for the sounds matches where they have been placed in the Data folder.


    If it's the NPC fire sound missing then take particular note of the WPN 3D one.


    Check to see if the WPN 3D plays in GECK, go to it in Sounds.


    Also, in GECK, the Attack Sound (2D) should have:


    2D Radius

    360 LFE


    Ticked, at least normally.


    The other Attack Sound normally has neither ticked & no other setting ticked (just No Looping set).


    Hope this helps!



    Hey Prensa,

    So I recorded with my laptop which is a toaster and I made a video on youtube on whats going on.

    Here is the link to the video,






    Anyways while I was playing, and at a specific part of the video when the npc was shooting me but the projectiles where missing I could hear the shooting sound BARELY. the volume was (obviously) high and I could barely hear it.

    Any thoughts?

  16. Hello,

    I made a NPC mod and I downloaded a combat shotgun replacer and it includes custom sounds and meshes, textures, etc.


    But the sounds play when I use them (my player) but when NPC's shoot them, you can just hear the bullets hit the target. Not the custom shooting sound. *Bang!* (lol)


    anyway, I went in the geck and the sounds are assigned and everything is fine I think.


    Please, if you have any ideas, post them below

    I will give more detail if needed.


    Thanks :thumbsup:

  17. DrPepper715 - Hello!


    "Prensa, the suggestion you made works. The npc's go into buildings now."


    Glad that fixed it! :)


    "but there is still one more problem.... they roam off, stop fighting, aim their guns up in the air and stand there with angry looks on there faces. and they get lost

    Any ideas? "


    I've not got much experience with followers.


    I take it you're using a Follow package to make them follow the player?


    If so, make sure the "Continue During Combat" is ticked in their package. It's listed under "Flags" in the Package window of the Follow package.


    Other than that, check the combat style isn't set to something it shouldn't be, Default seems to be the standard for followers.


    I note that vanilla companions also have "Enable Fallout Behaviour" unticked in their Follow packages.

    Under that column they just have "Friendly fire comments" & "Allow Idle Chatter" ticked.


    Try mimicking those settings & see if that helps their combat.



    OK! Ill try that out man.

    Thanks :thumbsup:

  18. DrPepper715 - Hello!


    The only thing I can think of is, has your NPC got "No Low Level Processing" ticked?


    If it is ticked, untick it as it prevents the NPC from updating their AI if the player is not in the same cell.


    This setting is fine for NPC's that don't leave their cell, it's a good way to save resources in game.


    It's no good for NPC's that need to follow you from one cell to another.


    If your NPC is using another as a Template who has No Low Level Processing ticked, you will need to unitck the "Use Base Data" box on your NPC in order to be able to untick No Low Level Processing.


    I do notice other vanilla companions have "Quest item" ticked too but I think that just prevents their bodies being cleaned away after death & also increases the priority of their AI handling.


    Hope this helps!


    EDIT: I was assuming that your follower was an NPC & not a Creature, Because Creatures have a "Can't open doors" box that would prevent them using any doors even teleport doors if ticked.




    YOU ARE A GOD PRENSA! :dance:

  19. Hello,

    I was wondering if someone could make more hair styles for Male Npc's and for the Male Player. Like crew cuts, better looking buzz cuts, more things like that aka etc.


    I ask because I don't know how to make hairstyles and for a mod I am making, I need a Crew Cut type haircut.



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