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About CrisSpiegel

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  1. That would be my case. Sequenced instruments on the computer and my singing. Versions of commercial songs all done by myself. My doubt is all in the "that may fly", because I want to know the consequences of including those songs in the mod. Would the file be promptly deleted from Nexus? Would I be banned? Would a lawyer sue Nexus and get its ass? Would I be kindly asked to remove the song covers in the case of a legal notification, but until that happened no one would care? I already took the songs away from my mod, but I'm a little sad because that hurts the experience. "Would I be kindly asked to remove the song covers in the case of a legal notification, but until that happened no one would care?" - that would be awesome for me. EDIT: To make it the utmost clear: I'm talking about PLAYING THE SONG YOURSELF. (EDIT2: In this case, myself.)
  2. I remembered that I tagged an actor reference as Initially Disabled, but had forgot to change his alias. Really silly stuff, but it's so random that I was lucky to solve it.
  3. Is that why the Bear Musician mod is not on Nexus anymore? (It used a recording of a midi version of Dick Dale's Misirlou.)
  4. no, you have to find the copyright holder. the game maker doesnt usually have the copyright, they usually pay money to legally use it. sorta like renting i guess, you dont buy it you just borrow it. Yeah, when I said game maker, I was thinking about the one who made the original one for the game. I should have expressed myself better. I'm sure the copyright holder could have OCRemix taking down a cover, but can they face legal shitstorm for what they do? Do they have a black list or a list of allowed games/companies/composers?
  5. covers still require permission from the copyright holder who owns the song that is being covered. All those music replacers with covers from other games have express permission?? If I ask someone from OCRemix to put his stuff in a mod, I still have to look for permission from the game maker!? :ohmy: (Which means OCRemix is the hands of game maker's lawyers if they wish to hit the site.) Can't I claim fair use!? That's scary.
  6. SOLVED! SOLVED! SOLVED! SOLVED! SOLVED! LET IT SLIDE! The great moment was nigh: I was about to finish my mod. It was time for the last test. So I started to play it from beginning to end, with no God Mode, hunting for remaining bugs and minor stuff that still needed to be changed. I was using saves, so I changed stuff and came back to the game to see how it was. Everything was really nice. True, some stuff I added then was bigger than planned, but everything seemed to turn out great. Then, the horror. I went directly from title screen to some cells to test modifications and the NPC were not answering. I tried to trigger a scene from in-game mechanics and the scene didn't start. Nothing relating to the quest was working. So I loaded one of the save files and it worked, as the quest was open in the memory, but anytime I started a new game, it wouldn't work. I looked for backup files as old as two days ago and they won't even start! The game crashes. As I didn't realized earlier that something was wrong, I don't have backup files older than those. So I sticked to the newest file but I can't find a clue. The .SEQ file is there. The aliases seem to be correctly tagged. The scripts are compiled. Papyrus logs don't reference the quest. What else can cause that to happen? Wrong property values in scripts? Dialogue conditions? Some scene data? If I run a check on TES5Edit, will it show me what's happening? TES5Edit have always accused errors, but most of them were just empty property values and unused stuff. Nothing new seems to show. I know there are already topics here about quests that won't start, but all I've seen are about people starting to create mods and not knowing about .SEQ files or not tagging aliases, but there seem not to be a comprehensive listing of possible causes for the problem, so I'm not able to solve it. The one guessing it right will be credited in-mod as the Ultimate Bug Buster.
  7. How about song covers made by the modder? Like you record yourself singing a Judas Priest song and add it to a bard? I remember seeing a mod with Zelda tunes, if I'm not mistaken.
  8. Wow! Thank you, Tamira. You'll get an extra slot in the credits of my mod (besides your plants pack, that is). Bendix and Abigail thank you kindly. http://i.imgur.com/lRVCsFv.jpg?2 Double-checking my .nifs before releasing my mod will be a job harder than I've anticipated...
  9. Thanks for the help, but it still crashes here, with both the game and CK. Maybe I sould make a new mesh and import it into Skyrim all over again.
  10. Hi, peoples!! I've made a custom staff that I think is causing CTD. [Yeah, definitely is it. Trying to preview it in CK crashes it immediately.] Could someone look at it with nifskope and see what the problem is, please? I've been using this same .nif as 1st person model too. I don't think it's a problem, but who knows? Any help is... helpful. Here is a pic of the bad boy: http://i.imgur.com/iMb879T.png?1
  11. Hey! Thanks! Gonna try that now! UPDATE: IT WORKS!! Many thanks!
  12. This looks amazing! Gonna check out your Spectraverse and watch out for the releasing of Dwemertech.
  13. Hello, people. I'm making this fellow: http://i.imgur.com/RQjVo5M.png Gorgeous Wandering Beholder It's the second version of it. With the first one, I separated body, feet, hands and "head", but only the feet worked. So I tried to make everything within the body. And it doesn't work.It's not the first time I do body parts. Some of you may remember me from other topics. I'm making this mod for quite some time, but I still can't figure out what makes some body parts fail. The body part index in CK corresponds to the one in Nifskope or so it seems. Here is the file if anyone wants to take a look: http://www.mediafire.com/download/w1qciw4cz98t84s/WanderingBeholderByCrisSpiegel.zip Please, help me. :sad:
  14. I had already weighted the mesh. The thing was that most vanilla meshes don't have all the bones (I mean the mesh whose armature I was going use as parent to my custom mesh). Anyway, I worked it out. Opened skeleton.nif and copied the NiNodes of the bones I wanted to add. What confused me was that, in that file, bones that are children to other bones are nested into them, unlike in armor and bodypart files. Just put all the extra bones equally into the root NiNode and voilĂ . Thank you for the attention.
  15. Hello, beautiful people of our beloved community! So, I'm making a custom outfit with Blender and I decided that it would be nice to use skirt bones because it's a vest that goes down to the knees. Tested it with Growlfs TES5 Blender Animation Chain and everything is fine, but now I can't find a single mesh that has all the bones I need (besides the usual ones, R, L and B Skirt Bones) to use as template. I humbly ask for one of either: please tell me which mesh would work for me or teach me how to add bones with nifskope (tried once, didn't work). I'd really appreciate any help.
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