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Posts posted by KiddLuthor

  1. Hello, I'm KiddLuthor!

    I've recently begun to create a new and ambitious mod project, in the Tamriel universe. One that will be very exciting for players, and Mod contributors; and offer a really exciting chance to work on a very unique story with some really amazing concepts. The Mod will be a predictably large project and has a LOT of amazing content and some serious lore-mongering;it will also feature a really rich and deep story that Elder scrolls historians will appreciate.

    I am looking for a few people who might show interest in a really fun and exciting mod that will allow creators to explore the talents, and create a mod that will be one of the most interesting and engaging mods of the year. I am currently in the concept stage, and planning the mod but would like to start bringing a small amount of people onto the project for now to introduce the concept and story to.

    If you're interested and at least want to hear about the mod and it's story, concepts, characters and ideas, please feel free to leave a reply below and I will reach out to you soon! Thanks in advance, - The Kidd

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