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About Saintzer077

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  1. I apologize if I missed the protocol for this sort of thing. I meant nothing by it. Forget I asked or delete the post
  2. If anyone could port the oldrim version of the Throthgar follower mod I'll dance at your wedding! www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48797/
  3. I thought there was some sort of conflict between skyui and one or more of these mods for SSE
  4. Where would climates of tamriel fall in that order?
  5. Getting Frostfall, camping, SkyUi, ineed and realistic needs and diseases to work together takes a lot of doing. Maybe not possible until Frostfall is updated. Or I'm completely wrong and have missed something
  6. Apparently Frostfall hasn't been made compatible with other survival mods for SE Does anyone know if there is a reasonable facsimile available to us? Maybe an abomination of survival mode + any compatible mods?
  7. Just came back to Skyrim after a much needed break. Years ago I had no problems with using mods. I have officially borked everything up and pretty much need to start from scratch. I'm not sure how far I have to go as far as uninstalling/deleting/redownloading. I'm prepared to do it all if that's what it takes to do it right. Then there is the putting it back together. In what order? Skse64? Skyui? What does it all mean Basil? I'm really hoping that someone has a link to a guide to do this. There are videos but they ramble on....
  8. I'd like to get the most immersive playthrough I can get (given the hardware I have). Id like to have all the mods installed I needed before I even begin. Tired of running myself into the wall over my phone d conflicts. I was hoping would a good list in their Mod Organizer for such a playthrough. BTW, I can't use any mods that would stress my system. Game auto detect puts graphics on low. Any comments are appreciated Thanks
  9. Ok that's great. Thanks so much for the info :cool:
  10. I just bought Special edition and Survival mode I'd like to get rid of it any any other mod from the bethesda mod site tool. Not sure how to begin. Uninstall and manually delete all in the data folder? I installed Mod Organizer 2 and all the mods I have are classified non-mo.
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