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  1. Wondering what Mod or Mods is causing the major studder on sol and well on new Atlantis and neon. NPC Have Major studder problem. Computer Specs. NVIDIA system information report created on: 12/03/2024 15:25:31 NVIDIA app version: Operating system: Microsoft Windows 11 Pro, Version 10.0.22631 DirectX runtime version: DirectX 12 Driver: Game Ready Driver - 566.14 - Tue Nov 12, 2024 CPU: 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-13900K RAM: 64.0 GB Storage (3): SSD - 1.8 TB,SSD - 3.6 TB,+1 more Graphics card GPU processor: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Direct3D feature level: 12_1 CUDA cores: 16384 Graphics clock: 2535 MHz Resizable bar: Yes Memory data rate: 21.00 Gbps Memory interface: 384-bit Memory bandwidth: 1.01 TB/s Total available graphics memory: 57212 MB Dedicated video memory: 24564 MB GDDR6X System video memory: 0 MB Shared system memory: 32648 MB Video BIOS version: IRQ: Not used Bus: PCI Express x16 Gen4 Device ID: 10DE 2684 367519DA Part number: G139 0330 Display (1): Dell AW3225QF Resolution: 3840 x 2160 (recommended) Refresh rate: 240 Hz Desktop color depth: Highest (32-bit) Display technology: Variable Refresh Rate HDCP: Supported Load Order. 0 0 Starfield.esm 254 FE 0 Constellation.esm 254 FE 1 OldMars.esm 1 1 ShatteredSpace.esm 253 FD 0 SFBGS003.esm 254 FE 2 SFBGS004.esm 253 FD 1 SFBGS006.esm 254 FE 3 SFBGS007.esm 254 FE 4 SFBGS008.esm 253 FD 2 sfta01.esm 254 FE 5 sfbgs00c.esm 253 FD 3 sfbgs00b.esm 254 FE 6 sfbgs009.esm 254 FE 7 sfbgs00a_e.esm 254 FE 8 sfbgs00a_a.esm 254 FE 9 sfbgs00a_f.esm 254 FE a sfbgs00a_g.esm 254 FE b sfbgs00a_j.esm 254 FE c sfbgs00a_d.esm 254 FE d sfbgs00f_a.esm 254 FE e sfbgs019.esm 254 FE f sfbgs021.esm 254 FE 10 sfbgs023.esm 254 FE 11 sfbgs00a_i.esm 2 2 starfieldcommunitypatch.esm 3 3 ancientmarinerextended.esm 254 FE 12 varchar_hopetown_expanded.esm 253 FD 4 neonvertigo.esm 4 4 TNClassM.esm 253 FD 5 ppoi_deserted_uc_listening_post.esm 5 5 shipbuildercategories.esm 6 6 tnshipmodsallinone.esm 253 FD 6 caracal_crater.esm 7 7 poi_variations_shuffle.esm 253 FD 7 tankgirlsmodelhomepoi.esm 8 8 loc-crimsonmarket.esm 9 9 useful mess halls.esm 254 FE 13 dwn_newhomestead_playerhouse.esm 254 FE 14 sksfderek.esm 10 a better_living.esm 254 FE 15 ramen.esm 11 b gtech habs.esm 254 FE 16 workdata_rrlna_rabbits real lights new atlantis.esm 253 FD 8 327ggtridentluxuryhabs.esm 253 FD 9 stroudpremiumedition.esm 12 c arc_lodgestn.esm 13 d dynamic universe shattered space.esm 253 FD a qso safehouse.esm 14 e placedoorsyourself.esm 15 f dwn_luxhabs.esm 253 FD b ceejcrimsonhabs.esm 254 FE 17 tc12_uc_cydoniahousingunits.esm 16 10 rvspace.esm 254 FE 18 workdata_rrlna_rabbits real lights akila city.esm 253 FD c emi_miningleaguehabs.esm 254 FE 19 dwn_luxhabs_pdypatch.esm 254 FE 1a Northern Lights.esm 254 FE 1b aselyria.esm 254 FE 1c workdata_rrlna_rabbits real lights neon.esm 17 11 kinggathcreations_legendary.esm 18 12 grafscockpits.esm 19 13 int_glassless_cockpits.esm 20 14 wormholes.esm 21 15 matilijasaerospace.esm 254 FE 1d matilija pdy patch.esm 22 16 ancientmariner pdy patch.esm 254 FE 1e dwn_luxhabs_usefulmesshallspatch.esm 23 17 audreyhairbundle.esm 254 FE 1f deluxedynamicboostpacks.esm 254 FE 20 eli_crimsontrashremovalpatch.esm 254 FE 21 outpostfishtank.esm 254 FE 22 astrolabe.esm 254 FE 23 habs_va'ruun.esm 254 FE 24 workdata_rrl dazra.esm 24 18 better_living_ii.esm 254 FE 25 ccjeweleyes.esm 254 FE 26 sp2_immersivelandingramps.esm 25 19 varuun technical institute ship habs.esm 253 FD d RicherShips.esm 254 FE 27 sp2_landingbaycargoaccess.esm 26 1a aseveil.esm 253 FD e forgottenfrontierspoi.esm 253 FD f wicked outpost projeckt 2.esm 253 FD 10 wicked outpost industrial complex.esm 27 1b tankgirlsmodelhome.esm 254 FE 28 varuunity.esm 253 FD 11 vcva3200.esm 254 FE 29 max_credit_vendors_sp0ckrates.esm 28 1c mordrid-missle-systems.esm 29 1d mordrid-reactor-power.esm 30 1e mordrid-5x-xp.esm 31 1f mordrid-payload-more-cargo.esm 32 20 mordrid-scavenge-more-stuff.esm 33 21 mordrid-energy-weapon-skill.esm 34 22 mordrid-shield-systems.esm 35 23 outpostmissionboards.esm 254 FE 2a workdata_rrl landing pads.esm 36 24 raijinheavyrevolver.esm 254 FE 2b shades_tattoo_megapack.esm 254 FE 2c smuggler's run.esm 254 FE 2d starfield_spacer_overhaul_z.esm 254 FE 2e cheatterminal.esm 254 FE 2f franky.esm 254 FE 30 rvulpack.esm 37 25 useful infirmaries.esm 254 FE 31 useful mess halls - expanded.esm 38 26 dynamic universe.esm 254 FE 32 varuun dlc items in base game.esm 254 FE 33 x2357primeweaponskinsmagshot.esm 254 FE 34 x2357primeweaponskinsmagshear.esm 254 FE 35 x2357primeweaponskinsnovablast.esm 254 FE 36 x2357primeweaponskinsnovalight.esm 254 FE 37 x2357primeweaponskinspenumbra.esm 254 FE 38 noangrycompanions.esm 39 27 skkshiptools.esm 254 FE 39 newhaircolors.esm 40 28 starfield_hair+beards.esm 254 FE 3a fang's chest.esm 41 29 skktriggerng.esm 254 FE 3b x2357primeweaponskinsmaelstrom.esm 254 FE 3c x2357primeweaponskinskraken.esm 254 FE 3d 200 ship crew slots.esm 254 FE 3e shippartsunlocked.esm 42 2a avontechshipyards.esm 43 2b onek_ships.esm 254 FE 3f infinitestorageboxes.esm Catwalks.esm 44 2c FreedomCealumite.esm 45 2d du_xfire.esm 254 FE 40 Darker Nights.esm 254 FE 41 enhanced blood textures.esm 254 FE 42 x2357primeweaponskinsmagpulse.esm 254 FE 43 x2357primeweaponskinslongfang.esm 46 2e alwaysvisible_backpacks_z.esm 254 FE 44 uc_military_overhaul_aio.esm 254 FE 45 x2357novastrikeskins.esm 47 2f ammo crafting without primers.esm 48 30 ammo price increase.esm 49 31 ammo rarity.esm 50 32 mordrid-weightlift-increase.esm 254 FE 46 aaliyah's deal the damage.esm 51 33 mordrid-ballistic-skill.esm 254 FE 47 variable ship repair cost.esm 254 FE 48 survey rewards tenfold.esm 254 FE 49 maintenancefees.esm 253 FD 12 oldworldfirearms.esm 254 FE 4a bublumi.esm 254 FE 4b rbt_CostOfLiving.esm 52 34 Increased_Board_Mission_Rewards_x10.esm 53 35 Increased_Board_Mission_Rewards_Tracker_x10.esm 54 36 LeaveNoWitnesses.esm 55 37 skkstalkersfollowers.esm 254 FE 4c x2357primeweaponskinsmagstorm.esm 254 FE 4d x2357primeweaponskinssolstice.esm 254 FE 4e x2357primeweaponskinsxm2311.esm 254 FE 4f x2357primeweaponskinsstarstorm.esm 254 FE 50 100fleet.esm 254 FE 51 elitecrewiselite.esm 254 FE 52 atom74.esm 254 FE 53 x2357primeweaponskinsmelee.esm 254 FE 54 rev8_improved_v3.esm 254 FE 55 x2357primeweaponskinshardtarget.esm 254 FE 56 acecargoenhanced.esm 254 FE 57 x2357primeweaponskinsbeowulf.esm 254 FE 58 x2357craftablenovastrike.esm 254 FE 59 x2357starborngravisblk.esm 254 FE 5a x2357primeweaponskinspacifier.esm 254 FE 5b x2357primeweaponskinsvaruunweapons.esm 254 FE 5c aesnewskillmining.esm 254 FE 5d onek_sfbgs021_patch.esm 56 38 grafshabs-nova1x1.esm 57 39 ColorfulClassM.esm 58 3a Interstellar Traffic.esm 254 FE 5e phifoodprinter.esm 59 3b adwryos.esm 254 FE 5f grav_79_z.esm 254 FE 60 aesweaponsrechargingsystems.esm 254 FE 61 fleet commander.esm 254 FE 62 varuunti pdy patch.esm 60 3c grafshabs-nova1x1-pdypatch.esm 254 FE 63 avontechdeployables.esm 61 3d avontechraceyard.esm 254 FE 64 starfield_npc_led_z.esm 254 FE 65 unocucflygirl.esm 254 FE 66 x2357primeweaponskins.esm 254 FE 67 phifoodprinter_ssdlc.esm 254 FE 68 ofwindandsun.esm 254 FE 69 shottiesandmore.esm 254 FE 6a trippy_farmerbackground.esm 254 FE 6b cclegendaryvendors.esm 62 3e bettershippartsnaps.esm 63 3f bettershippartflips.esm 64 40 bspf-tnshipmodsallinone-patch.esm 254 FE 6c workdata_rrlna_rabbits real lights cydonia.esm 254 FE 6d workdata_rrlna_rabbits real lights gagarin.esm 254 FE 6e workdata_rrlna_rabbits real lights paradiso.esm 254 FE 6f workdata_rrlna_rabbits real lights new homestead.esm 254 FE 70 workdata_rrlna_rabbits real lights hopetown.esm 254 FE 71 x2357primeweaponskinsurbaneagle.esm 254 FE 72 tnoutpoststorage.esm 254 FE 73 moretraits.esm 65 41 alwaysvisible_backpacks_kingg_z.esm 66 42 eit_clothiers_z.esm 67 43 spacesuitpack_all_z.esm 254 FE 74 starfield billboards and posters.esm 254 FE 75 immersivecontraband.esm 253 FD 13 usefulmorgues.esm 68 44 TLMS-SF60.esp 69 45 BlueprintShips-Starfield.esm
  2. So I've encountered some lag issues. It's usually int the well. In New Altantis and in neon. Also on mars in the sol system. Once and awhile at the free star capital. Ask away on any questions. I feel like it's the NPC's causing the lag and yes, I messed with the settings to see what I can do but nothing.
  3. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14829 Dauntless This mod is in conflict with two mods below and wondering if anybody can make a patch so they work well together? https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/79618?tab=files The Rebuild Collection - AIO https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/80606 The Rebuild Collection - Shared Resources
  4. midvyet


    Mods or mod that populates islands of the coast of Spectacle Island fallout 4?
  5. Wondering if there is a mod for this? Unless someone knows the ID Number for the Shipbuilder Control Console? Could not find anything online about it. Any help would be appreciated. Or a mod made that does the Topic Title.
  6. Okay thanks. But what I am trying to figure out is what is the best mods to use that re texture the game? Looking only for 2k re texture. If I have to do 4k that is fine also. Any help would be appreciated. P.S. Do not need NPC or Player re textures....
  7. Wondering what the best graphical overhaul is for Fallout 4? My PC setup is.... i7-9700k 64gb of ram RTX 3070 Thanks in advance for anybody that helps me :laugh:
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