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    All Fallouts (not Tactics)

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  1. In response to post #64099801. #64099871, #64100266, #64100311 are all replies on the same post. I'm sorry mate, but what "work" exactly? If you mod for money you're in wrong place and wrong mindset. I suggest considering getting over yourself. If you're flipping out over one off 4$ payment for upgrade or no changes for you at all I believe you might have deeper issues we can't solve here. As a supporter and staunch believer in Adblocking everywhere all the time I welcome the changes.
  2. Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise?
  3. No longer an issue, as in latest patch devs silently acknowledged their error and created new setting "Invert mouse in combat", which defaults to expected and only sane choice of "No".
  4. Hi, since 1.3.1 the weapon targeting wheel is inverted as well if you play with invert mouse look. Means if I want to strike from above I have to move mouse down etc. Which only makes sense when in free look mode (It's hard to explain to someone who is using "normal" mouse look). There is a discussion here: http://steamcommunity.com/app/379430/discussions/3/1698293255122148803/?ctp=2 There is a bug report here: https://warhorse.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/34720# Here is Warhorse QA replying it is by design: https://i.imgur.com/HFUK2Zn.png It is possible to put "bind keybind cl_invertMouse 1" to make keybinds to turn Invert mouse on (and cl_InvertMouse 0 to turn it off), but this is as you can imagine rather cumbersome. What would be superawesome would be if there was a way to have a mod which would toggle Invert mouse off on appearance of the weapon targeting wheel and on on it's disappearance essentially returing to pre-1.3 behaviour. I've no modding experience in cryengine, so I do not even know if it is possible. All I came up with was replacing the particular script(?) or w/e it's called file that affects the mouse behaviour from a 1.2.5 patch into 1.3.1 patch, but I have no idea how to find it or again if it is even possible. Please help, I've coughed up 40£ for this and am left unable to play nor refund it (since i already have 60h played).
  5. In response to post #34710385. +1, also I don't get what stuff web developers of today are getting high on, but back in my day you tried to use all the screen estate you could. Nowadays you have ultra wide monitors and the web pages are getting thinner and thinner. I've grown accustomed to having my web browser spread only across half of my monitor, and yet on some pages (nexus included! ) there is like 100-200px margin on both sides. F that, honestly.
  6. +1 Me Too Plusnet, NW UK, issues same as described by previous posters. Forum ok, mods only loading through a proxy.
  7. Eh, that's a "feature" :D Open PipBoy, press right mouse - it will zoom in, cutting it off in the process. Press right mouse again it will go back to normal. Hope that helps. Though if you already messed with the pipboy variables in ini files it might still be cut off, if it is just use default values in that case I guess.
  8. If it's Fallout 4 they're announcing I just hope it isn't accompanied with video where grass magically appears only in radius of 5 steps in front of camera along with blatant lies how they not reused the engine from Morrowind...again.
  9. My vote for notification going away after I click it. Also, just because something is like that on facebook doesn't mean it's good - more often quite to the contrary. If you want to emulate something, do it with what's functional and good - not just because it's popular. For me facebook is about as popular as testicular cancer.
  10. Check the flamer.nif in meshes/weapons/2handhandle in NifSkope. Also you can try to delete it and that would force the game to use the default model from the bsa. Although I'm not completely sure what might cause this "model breakage", because sometimes I see ED-E like that, with all the antennas and moving parts "jumped" away from the base model, but a game restart usually fixes it.
  11. I know it sounds counterproductive but what fixed it for me (in fallout 3) was changing the FixTransparencyBugs=true to FixTransparencyBugs=false In the [FIX] section of enbseries.ini and enblocal.ini (I'm not sure which takes precedence and since the section is in both files I always change both). Give it a try.
  12. Hi, as the title says, my mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/20918 causes lvl up freeze on my game. Mod attaches script to every weapon to add recoil. I understand the implementation is not the best way, however the other available mods which automatically add recoil lag for me (so instead of tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr I shoot tr-tr-tr----tr-tr---tr-tr-tr-tr---- etc). The only remaining mod was MMMZ's script which seemed to work with best performance for me, but with my layman modding "skills" the only implementation I was able to do is attaching script to every weapon I use. I have leveled up first time since I uploaded the mod and have now unfortunately found it causes the infamous freeze on level up bug. I can reproduce 100% via loading game with my esp, then advlevel in console, put points in skills, choose perk, press done, freeze Once my esp is unchecked I can lvl up no problem. Are there any known weapons causing this (similar as to the winterized t51b armor script can)? Can it be caused by my other mods? Can it be caused by my save game being corrupted? (it's 120+ hours save) Or is it just the limitation of the implementation and I have to try to implement it automatically via fose somehow? If so is there any tutorial to this? (most times I mess with scripts my game doesn't even reach main menu so I counted this as resounding success until now) Just looking for some suggestion as the only I can come up with is deleting weapons from my esp 1 by 1 and reloading f3 and trying to lvl and that sounds like there must be a better way to go about this, since I changed some 900 records with added script I uploaded the files here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bwy5vtbI0HfpLWJDbjhmV0dpNU0/view?usp=sharing and hid the mod for the moment until I can solve it.
  13. use quotes to enclose the multi word, i.e. help "i can haz cheezburger" or save "lol kek wut" also in console the quote might not be where it is on keyboard in my case i have to use key for @ to produce quote, I believe this has to do with keyboard layouts. edit: insanityman beat me by a minute :D well played sir
  14. The images in your links load instantly but they are all skyrim related, last few months I only frequent FO3Nexus, where (usually at evening UK time) the images load extremely slow (upwards to 10-20 seconds) or don't load at all. Mind you, not all of them on the page though it's like 1/3 loads instantly, then half of rest starts popping up and rest remain empty space for picture for 10-20 seconds. Clicking on image to zoom it can produce the same result regardless of if the thumbnail loads immediately or in few seconds or 10sec+ Since they load fast 75% of time it's no big issue for me. My internet speed: http://www.speedtest.net/result/4043128524.png
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