In response to post #24798859. #24798999, #24799109, #24799114, #24799789, #24800024, #24800839, #24802019, #24802639, #24802919, #24803084, #24803214, #24803324, #24803634, #24803924, #24804049, #24804079, #24804924, #24804984 are all replies on the same post. *slow claps* You can label me a hater all you want, it doesn't change what I say one bit. I am offering genuine opinion on the matter of rage-quitting modders over many years of observations across multiple modding communities, and apparently that makes me a hater. Well sure, whatever floats your boat. I only try to wake people up once. If you insist on living in the dream bubble, who am I to persist? And good luck with your paid-mod revolution. You'll need it if you're going by your plan of "not posting anything until the pay button comes back". This kind of tactic only works when the modding community is so small and your contribution so great that your departure would actually make a dent on it.