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Everything posted by Mattoropael

  1. In response to post #54702473. Maintaining the functionality of two very different web designs sharing the same content is very costly and inefficient. There can only be one.
  2. Won't say I agree with every decision and direction Nexus took... but hey, this is pretty awesome. Congratulations.
  3. In response to post #24823894. Give it a little time. There's no way in hell the modding community can recover from such a divisive disaster in merely a few days.
  4. In response to post #24817769. #24821019 is also a reply to the same post. My eyes... Can you PLEASE divide it into paragraphs? As much as I'd like to read your message, my eyes are screaming for me to stop.
  5. In response to post #24784099. #24784289, #24785139, #24810294, #24811099, #24812869, #24813719, #24813764, #24826064, #24827614 are all replies on the same post. tl;dr - Pandora's box has been opened.
  6. In response to post #24798859. #24798999, #24799109, #24799114, #24799789, #24800024, #24800839, #24802019, #24802639, #24802919, #24803084, #24803214, #24803324, #24803634, #24803924, #24804049, #24804079, #24804924, #24804984 are all replies on the same post. *slow claps* You can label me a hater all you want, it doesn't change what I say one bit. I am offering genuine opinion on the matter of rage-quitting modders over many years of observations across multiple modding communities, and apparently that makes me a hater. Well sure, whatever floats your boat. I only try to wake people up once. If you insist on living in the dream bubble, who am I to persist? And good luck with your paid-mod revolution. You'll need it if you're going by your plan of "not posting anything until the pay button comes back". This kind of tactic only works when the modding community is so small and your contribution so great that your departure would actually make a dent on it.
  7. In response to post #24791749. #24793384 is also a reply to the same post. Well, this paid-mod experiment is like the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil to some modders. It gets pretty ridiculous when you realize that many who were willingly working for the community until that point had willingly submitted themselves to the OMGMONEYMONEYMONEY-frenzy and went AGAINST the community. And then you would horrifyingly realize that these seemingly benevolent people simply didn't know about the possibility of monetization until Beth and Valve opened the floodgate. Worse yet, some of their creations have already grown to the point that they're so essential, these same people can effectively hold the entire community at ransom if they want to. tl;dr - I agree completely, the damage is already done, those who have literally JUMPED at the chance of monetization aren't going to just come back. While I do foresee the community recovering from this, it may take a little while.
  8. In response to post #24798859. #24798999, #24799109, #24799114, #24799789, #24800024, #24800839 are all replies on the same post. Well, goodbye then? What makes you think you're the first? What makes you think Skyrim is the first place I've seen modders with attitude like yours? From what I see over the years (including games with a free/paid mod split like The Sims), every time someone rage-quits, the community on a whole remains unchanged, the status quo is maintained and nobody even remembers that modder after a few months at best. One piece of advice: Don't get fooled by those who say "Awwww thank you for all these years of modding, I will miss you" when you announce your retirement. They'll happily move on before the end of the week and forget about you altogether.
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