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About tauba

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  1. well i think i lost some brain cells during that but it doesn't crash anymore the bad mod was apparently LooksMenu but i don't understand why it's tied to the character creation and not anything i used
  2. yeah i did that but that fixed only half of the problem because it still crashes in the pip boy and trading menu so console and esc work
  3. every pip boy tab including perks console trading/transfer esc but vats still works
  4. looks like fallout must really hate me because this didn't help either anyways i went to my plugin.txt and replaced every * with nothing after that the game works just like it should but without any plugins so it has to be an esm,esl,esp or maybe more that causes it to crash i tested around 80 or so until it crashed again after deactivating "Skyship Welder.esp" i thought everything was normal again until i started fallout a 2nd time and then the same crashing started no matter if Skyship Welder was disabled or not
  5. Interface: Console.swf Console_FeaturePanel.swf dialoguemenu.swf ExamineMenu.swf HUDMenu.swf levelupmenu.swf MCM.swf MessageBoxMenu.swf multiactivatemenu.swf Pipboy_DataPage.swf Pipboy_InvPage.swf Pipboy_MapPage.swf Pipboy_RadioPage.swf Pipboy_StatsPage.swf PipboyMenu.swf PipboyMessageBox.swf vatsmenu.swf lyrConf.xml Translations: AdvancedNeeds2_en.TXT LooksMenu_en.txt MCM_en.txt DEF_CONF: DEF_CM_1.xml DEF_INV_TAGS.xml components: conditionclips: condition_body_0.swf condition_body_1.swf condition_body_2.swf condition_body_3.swf condition_body_4.swf condition_body_5.swf condition_body_6.swf condition_body_7.swf condition_body_8.swf condition_body_9.swf condition_body_10.swf condition_body_11.swf condition_body_12.swf condition_body_13.swf condition_body_14.swf condition_body_15.swf condition_body_16.swf condition_head Vanilla.swf condition_head.swf condition_head_pixie.swf perkclip_default.swf quest vaultboys: Miscellaneous Quests: DefaultBoy.swf vaultboys: special: agility.swf Charisma.swf endurance.swf intelligence.swf luck.swf Name_Clip.swf Perception.swf strength.swf scripts: Condition_Head_fla: MainTimeline.as
  6. i'm not sure if ArmorKeywords and Armorsmith Extended affect the inventory and the plugins that affect the inventory are like mods that add holotapes immediately after loading a save like cwss redux the only plugin that really affects the inventory is CarryWeight9999.esl like the name says it adds 9999 carryweight
  7. i removed them but still crashes i also tried running the game without an interface folder at least the console and ESC work now but the pip boy and trade menu still crash
  8. after reinstalling HUDFramework nothing really changed after that i disabled it and tried to run the game without it again nothing changed except i could open and close the pip boy but if i clicked something in the pip boy like INV it crashed
  9. these are the mods that affect the menues Better Console - F4SE Console Commands Complilation HUDFramework Pip-Girl - Limited Edition Pip-Boy FO4 Photo Mode Vaul Girl Perk Tree MCM SimSettlements maybe i disabled SatelliteWorldMap.esp and Local Map Expanded (Zoom-out Ext. plugin).esp
  10. whenever i press one of these keys: the game acts like i pressed alt f4 however shift + z for esp explorer is not affected ESC Ö:console R: transfer any pip boy related key (except flashlight) and trading does the same instead of the trading menu showing up its my desktop before you ask i have no DEF_UI installed something weird happened while testing if it crashes while building everything worked fine trading,console,pip boy until i pressed esc and tried to open MCM
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