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  1. New bat files 1) Added Cureall file which run all others in one click; 2) Added all effects from Skyrim Immersive Creatures and Wet and Cold mods. Don't forget to edit firsts two numbers of ID's according to your's DLC and mod position in load order. I hope that these files will be useful. P.S.: Sorry for poor English
  2. milkytoast, I would like to help, but my game CTD at loading screen with your save files.
  3. Try NecroSkeletonAbility codes from Dawnguard, player.addspell/player.removespell: 02006AEF 02011BD6 02014CC4
  4. raz0r72 It can be "Storm Atronach Ability". Try player.addspell 0002F3B7 + player.removespell 0002F3B7
  5. This is "DLC1VigilantCharmedHeadMagicEffect". 1) player.sme XX018C5C or 2) player.addspell XX018C5D + player.removespell XX018C5D New bat file - Wet and Cold effects Somebody use this??? It helps or this is sh*t??
  6. OK, I've finished collecting all Magic Shader Effects and Magic Effect Visuals ID from Skyrim, Dawnguard and Dragonborn. Heartfires DLC dont't have any visual effects. Let's see what we have. Solution 2 - directly removing Magic Shader Effects by their IDs: 1) Skyrim EFSH; 2) Dawnguard EFSH; 3) Dragonborn EFSH. Solution 3 - directly removing Magic Effect Visuals by the Magic Effect IDs: 1) Skyrim MGEF 2) Dawnguard MGEF 3) Dragonborn MGEF Place the files in your Skyrim root folder (where TESV.exe located), start the game. In third person view, open the console and enter: bat <Filename> (bat SEFSH, bat DEFSH, bat DBEFSH, bat SMGEF, bat DMGEF, bat DBMGEF). Don't forget to edit first two numbers of ID's, according to your's DLC position in load order. I use all Unofficial Patches and correct numbers for them - screenshot. As usual, sorry for my bad English )))))
  7. Skyrim Magic Effect ID's bat file ready for "player.sme" console command - Link. Now working on Dawnguard and DragonPorn :blink: ID's. P.S.: Sorry for poor English
  8. I forgot one ID from Dawnguard :blink:, sorry :blush: Now I want do the same for Magic Effect Visuals. :woot: My friends said that I'm crazy :blink: New file P.S.: Sorry for bad ENG.
  9. All Skyrim + Dawnguard + Dragonborn Magic Shader Effects ID for "player.sms" console command. I copied them from Creation Kit. Copy CureAll.txt to Skyrim root folder (not Data), start the game and type in console: bat cureall Link P.S.: Sorry for my broken English.
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