Is anyone here familiar with UI modding for Fallout 4. I've taken up the task of trying to make a UI mod and also see why Xbox has some wonky UI mod issues after the next gen update. I have noticed that certain sprite references in the older version of this game file do not match up with the current version. Some of the old sprite names I couldn't even find in the new one. I've included a screenshot of what I see in the new file and an image of an older forum post where they reference the names and numbers of the older version of this file before the next gen update.
The main focal point of my endeavor was to figure out why and fix the issue of custom layouts for DEF_UI not working anymore on Xbox and now I've gone down a rabbit hole of unknown territory. I have noticed a few different things in my digging so far, but this issue was the first one that was most significant, I thought.
Perhaps I found a bug?