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Everything posted by sargeschultz11

  1. Is anyone here familiar with UI modding for Fallout 4. I've taken up the task of trying to make a UI mod and also see why Xbox has some wonky UI mod issues after the next gen update. I have noticed that certain sprite references in the older version of this game file do not match up with the current version. Some of the old sprite names I couldn't even find in the new one. I've included a screenshot of what I see in the new file and an image of an older forum post where they reference the names and numbers of the older version of this file before the next gen update. The main focal point of my endeavor was to figure out why and fix the issue of custom layouts for DEF_UI not working anymore on Xbox and now I've gone down a rabbit hole of unknown territory. I have noticed a few different things in my digging so far, but this issue was the first one that was most significant, I thought. Perhaps I found a bug?
  2. I got it to work. I just started all over from scratch and everything worked fine. Not sure where I messed up the first go around. Thanks for all the help.
  3. I believe the bolt has to be detached from the rest of the model mesh. Have you made sure that yours is? Simple first troubleshooting idea I can come up with.
  4. I tried your suggestion of exporting and re-importing. Once I re-imported the model did not have a UV layout. I had to unwrap it again. There must be a step somewhere I'm missing. I can find some useful tutorials but almost ALL tutorials do not explain 100% of everything that you need to do. Everyone always leaves out stuff that they did in their tutorials but it's key things that they are leaving out. It's very frustrating. I appreciate all of your help so far. I imported my newest model after I UV unwrapped it. When I imported it into Substance Painter it had the correct UV map already. So I think I'm making progress.
  5. I was using body slide outfit studio to convert the the obj to nif.
  6. i'm in over my head. How do I export with unwrapped UV's? I'm using blender. I have UV unwrapped the model again. Now what?
  7. The mesh itself looks just fine in nifskope but when the texture is applied it looks like the screenshot in both nifskope and CK
  8. I'm having issues with textures I've created in Substance Painter for fallout 4. In SP they look like this. In game it looks like this... Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you to anyone who replies
  9. I am trying to make my first standalone custom weapon. I have a model and textures. I am at the point where I need to put it into the game but I am struggling to find a good tutorial that shows how to get the gun into the game. So many tutorials are specific but also extremely vague. Can anyone help? I have CK and FO4edit. Not sure how I go about editing and/or creating all the neccessary files to get it to work.
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