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Nexus Mods Profile

About swindy

  1. I don't think they can stop you hosted your Mod on another site, but once you upload your Mod on steam you cannot remove the right for steam to use that Mod. I agree with your view completely. In the words of the great Bill Hicks: "Quit trying to put a dollar sign on every f**king thing on this planet".
  2. I have just been on to the steam website and read the 'continuing agreement' and would like to point out your legal obligations if you host a Mod on Steam 1. You give Steam full and unconditional use of the Mod for ever and to sell this rights to third parties. 2. You give Steam the right to use your name in what ever way they deem fit, including advertising and marketing . 3. If Steam decide to use your Mod for financial gain, you will receive 25% of the Gross income and Steam will keep the other 75%. 4. Steam can change the legal agreement at any time by posting an updated agreement. If you do not check the new agreement within 30 days (how will you know they have changed it? They wont advertise it.) you could lose what little rights you have left to your work. Now , in my opinion the only reason Steam have any interest in hosting Mods on their site is that the corporate lawyers and accountants at Steam believe there may be some money in it, and 75% of that money is for them not for you. Now is have no problem with people earning money from their hard work, but I do have a problem with large corporations taking three quarters of the profit from someone else's hard work. I think this is the beginning of a slippery slope; if enough Mods are hosted on Steam and enough people download them, they will start charging money. I don't think this is a good thing as the modding community is one of the few areas of gaming that hasn't been engulfed by the corporate juggernaut. At the very least if we end up getting charged for Mods then the modder should get more that 25% of the revenue! Stick with the Nexus!!!!
  3. Does any one find Dragons too easy to kill?Admittedly I have not got too far in the game, but the two Dragons I have killed, died to easily for my liking. Do they get harder to kill as the game progresses?
  4. You picked the wrong one my friend, I suggest you keep your ignorance holstered. ;) The only difference between atheism and any religion of your choosing is that atheists are in denial of the faith they have in mythologies that hold discriminatory hateful theories and backwards views. That denial finds it's foundation in extremist faith in theories that are not proven scientifically. What does that mean?I thought the point of Atheism is that the Atheist has no faith. I'm glad I'm started this post, its quite enlightening.I had no idea that so many people would read the article and believe it to be true!
  5. I personally cannot wait to unlock the 'Dragon Fisting' perk.
  6. Please check out this link. Its hilarious! http://christwire.org/2011/11/is-skyrim-teaching-your-children-how-to-perform-rim-jobs-and-other-homo-erotic-sex-maneuvers/
  7. Any idea of the PC keyboard/mouse button layout yet?
  8. How do you manage to play with both? The same way anybody would, by using keyboard and mouse, and then switching to a controller when I feel like it. Thought you meant at the same time! Motherfu**er has fast reflexes :thumbsup:
  9. Which control method will everyone use with the pc version? Keyboard/Mouse or Xbox controller? Call me old fashioned but I reckon I will use Keyboard and mouse.
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