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About Yasseira

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    United States

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  1. man can you please reupload the files, the links are down :( Weird... o.O Those links work for me. Maybe there's a problem with MegaUpload sometimes? >.< Do you guys have a better idea for an upload place? Anyways, should MegaUpload not work for you, please write me a message and provide your email address and I'll send it to you that way.
  2. Due to the overwhelming demand, I decided to upload the files to MegaUpload: SLoD PnP (12.37 MB as 7-zip archive Ultra compression): http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2YMQKSJK SLoD WC (3.68 MB as 7-zip archive Ultra compression): http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2S6GUK16 Should those links stop working at some point in time, you are of course free to ask me for them again. Enjoy! =)
  3. I don't think it's a good idea to upload the files on Nexus, if the author himself deleted them on all sites he originally uploaded them on. He has his reasons and we should respect that. That being said, he doesn't seem to have anything against us exchanging these files in private. So if anyone wants them, send me a message and I'll provide any or all of the Silly Levels of Details - Potions and Poisons and Wine Cellar textures to you via email. I can also provide some screenshots, sadly not all of the excellent ones Narmix originally had uploaded. =( The files are huge, though. That's why I repacked them to 7-zip to decrease the size (SLoD PnP Complete: 12.4 mb as 7-zip instead of 15.9 mb as rar, for example). So make sure you have enough space in your inbox!
  4. I got into the Closed Public Beta for Diablo III, yay! xD
  5. Well, there were some harsh remarks about the quality of his work. I guess the author took his work down afterwards. If you want, I can send you the file, since I have it on my system.
  6. If anyone still needs those textures, I downloaded them all before the author removed them. Just drop me a message and I'll mail them to you or similar. ^^
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