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  1. I recently saved over one character with another. Luckily, I had the Saves folder backed up, but it was not quite recent. I will still have to redo a bunch of stuff to get back to where I was. What I was looking for is a relatively simple mod that would list the saved files in the game with more meaningful names rather than just the location of where the character was saved. Morrowind and Oblivion had meaningful save names, so something along those lines would be nice (e.g. CharName <location> <playtime> <save#> ). I'm aware of some of the save file managers, but I'd rather not have to deal with that. The above fix would prevent accidental saves for me. Thank you :)
  2. I set SKSE to auto update (it wasn't set after I manually updated it). I then reverted back to 1.8 and updated it again to 1.9 which fixed it.
  3. I'm having the same issue. It happened when I tried to update from 1.8 to 1.9. I'm not sure if I can go back to 1.8, and a few mods require 1.9; I'm worried the mods will stop working if I revert back to 1.8 somehow.
  4. My hope is that using a new (to me) form of modding development will quicken the process. Obviously the work involved will still take the same amount of time, but allowing any modder to contribute to the project should make the overall time less so. The overall plan is have the whole of Tamriel, and some previous time periods. However, it is not expected to work on the whole thing at the same time. Really it is up to the modders what will be worked on. If the majority works on the past Morrowind, it is still possible for other modders to work on other areas or time periods. If other projects are working on areas, this project should focus on areas not being developed. To me, it would seem that updating Morrowind to Skyrim+ standards would be the easiest since the story, writing, NPCs, items, and architecture is already created, it just needs to be updated (as opposed to having to create things originally). I'll be updating the OP when new ideas come to mind. If you see something you like and you can create it, then run with it.
  5. Are those projects for the Oblivion system? The Dark Brotherhood was for Skyrim, but it's being adapted for Skyrim now... I believe all the others are Skyrim specific. If they will have it for Skyrim, then this project can focus more on some of the other areas, Morrowind to start. Thanks for the heads up :)
  6. Are those projects for the Oblivion system?
  7. Updated OP (6/2/2012) with instructions for contributing to the TES: Tamriel Project, and Notes on changes to Morrowind. Let me know your thoughts on realistic lighting. For me, Candlelight is pretty much useless in vanilla Skyrim.
  8. This was more to encourage others to take up the project and give them a general outline of what could be included in it. I like to think of myself as an "ideas man." Even without the Construction Set, I've seen some really good mods thus far. I forgot to include this idea in the OP, but my thought was to somehow create a wikimod where all developers could contribute in a small or big way to the overall project without needing a central leader or forming a group. Modders could submit their mods to the project, and other modders would use those mods in their mods until it grows to all of Tamriel. This would allow current mods to be used and cut down on some of the aspects that need to be done (re-texturing comes to mind). I really do hope Bethesda creates something like this because I loved Morrowind and would love to play it with Skyrim's system (although a little tweeked). No offense to the Bethesda designers, but things like the faces and some of the textures are so poorly done. Obviously thousands of modders can come up with a better result than a time-constrained company like Bethesda.
  9. This would be a huge undertaking, would take a very long time to complete, and would require the work of many different modders and types of modders. The following are the many ideas that I, and others may also have for making this "mod" a reality. Overview This overhaul mod would allow the player to travel to all parts of Tamriel with fully created cities, quests, items, NPCs, etc. Each race starts out in their own respective region (Dark Elves in Morrowind, High Elves in Sumerset Isle, Nords in Skyrim, etc.) The story will take them across all of Tamriel. If it is not possible to create Tamriel outside of what is currently available for Skyrim, there can be entrance points between regions that allow the player to enter and exit. The Elderscrolls, or some form of magic item will allow a player to travel back in time, essentially allowing the player to replay previous Elder Scrolls games but updated to Skyrim. Enhanced detail will be given to creatures, races, and environment so the experience is beyond Skyrim vanilla. It will also be possible to visit these locations in "present time." All weapons and armor from previous games will be included (bone armor, dai-katanas, etc.) Extensive recoding of NPCs will be needed for previous games that do not use the current AI system. New vocal recordings will be needed to make NPCs in other regions have full dialog. Previous games' combat system will also be updated to Skyrim. New clothes will need to be designed to each region. Each region has its own fashion. Races typically wear the fashion of the region, but their own race has their own fashion. The clothes need to fit the region; Argonian weather may dictate what they wear, while Redguard is completely different. How This Mod Project Can Work When you upload a mod for the project include "TES Tamriel Project" in the title. Before you upload your mod, perform a search for "TES Tamriel Project" to find any new mods that have been added. Any changes by another mod should then be included into your mod. Hopefully there will not be many conflicts between mods being made for this project. Higher quality mods will trump previous mods, but give credit to any original ideas from previous modders. Please include any conflicts or bugs when releasing your latest project mod. Thoughts on Game Mechanics Once the player travels back to a time period (Morrowind, Daggerfall, Time of the Dwemers or Snow Elves), it is possible they will be stuck there until completing the main quest of that time period. Traveling beyond that region within the time period may be blocked somehow to limit travel and the need to design regions for each time period. If it is the case that there needs to be enter and exit points between regions, this should be fairly easy to block off access. There will be no level cap, and skills will advance past 100. Skill trees with perks will need to be changed somehow to accommodate this. Because of the extensive number of quests to be done across all of Tamriel and time periods, the cap will need to be lifted. The game will start in Skyrim's current timeline with characters starting in their race's region or origin. From there, they will be able to complete quests in their region, or travel to other regions. Each region will have its own main quest. The exception to this is regions that have more than one time period will also have a main quest as per the original game. Within each region's main quest will be the ability to obtain the item that will allow time travel. Partial List of Time Periods Time of the Dwemers Time of the Snow Elves Morrowind Daggerfall Oblivion Other time periods can be added, including important moments in Tamriel history. Aspects from previous games not included today may implemented, such as a spell creation system. Fast travel will be possible in other time periods, and the ability to turn it off completely for all time periods should be available. The same will be true for compass and quest markers. The current Journal system should be used. Current mods may be used by permission such as those that enhance the inventory list, and the favorites list. The ability to create arrows should also be available. Mod Additions Fast-Exit: Points need to be added to Morrowind and other dungeon areas. This should be discreetly added, such as a door, trap-door, or short passageway to an exit. Horse Combat: When riding a horse, pressing M1 does a front kick attack, M2 does a rear kick attack. Normal damage for horses should not be changed. 3 Rings: The ability to wear 3 rings, one on each index finger, and the third can only be the matrimony ring worn on the ring finger of the left hand. Notes on Morrowind Update Silt Striders are included, but horse carriages will not be. Stables to buy horses will be available in: Ald'ruhn Balmora Sadrith Mora Vivec Mournhold (outside) The list may be increased for more locations on the mainland of Morrowind. Different types of horses should be available for different regions. Skyrim has a stockier version, while other regions may have racing-type horses than can run faster. Mages Guild travel should be allowed between regions that have a mage guild presence. Boat Travel should be allowed between regions with accessibility to water, especially if the town or city has a port. New dungeon creation can be as linear or non-linear as you like, but must have a Fast-Exit. Blacksmiths should be added to cities and towns (like Skyrim has), mines should have ore veins and smelters outside if mine is active. Arrow creation should be available at forges in all regions. If you have any other suggestions, feel free to include them, and I can update the OP.
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