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About Kaioken100

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  1. The jump attack mod worked fro me for awhile. When I removed it to try BFCO the bfco jump attack floated instead of landing. I tried removing bfco, reinstalling jumping attack, cleared nemesis and it still happens. It is also happening with the magical jump attack moid which i tried similarly. The only other jump mod I have is better jumping and that was not an issue before. Tried to use the OAR jumping fix but that leads to a t pose rather than gliding.
  2. Suddenly happened when trying out bfco, removed it, reinstalled jumping attack, cleared nemesis cache but still got it
  3. Trying to figure out the reason for this weird bug forever. Simply put: frost and fire? Normal. shock? Concentration spells take a second or two to start, sometimes work normally. Casts almost never show up unless spammed. They hit targets but the arc is missing. using voltage textures but bug was before installation. using comprehensive first person overhaul. using goetia third person magic animations. the bug goes across vanilla spells and all modded ones that have the ‘arc’. using mysticism & forgotten magic. what could cause this specific oddity?
  4. None in first person, goetia in third person, issue is the same in both forms and is random. Sometimes it does load right away, sometimes it doesnt, sometimes a flash comes late sometimes it never does, really odd bug.
  5. So Ive been dealing with this bothersome bug for ages now and cant figure out the cause. Thus far in order to try and fix it I have: Upped imaxdesired particles in pref ini from 750 upwards all the way to 10000 with no change Tried disabling realistic waters 2 Tried disabling climates of Tamriel I have no idea what other mod would do this and make issues for shock fx specifically, could it be immersive sounds? Could a replace such as voltage perhaps fix it? Any ideas on why this has happened and how to fix it would be very appreciated.
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