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Posts posted by Athlonite

  1. Best to start with a clean game and add the mods one at a time until you find the offender I had to do it with mine aswell except mine was with male bodies using better males nude still haven't figured out why it suddenly chose to start show men with undies on when nude looked FAF though like a reverse tan line

  2. I tried using the download diagnosis program but get this error msg on every size test


    The remote server returned an error: (502) Bad Gateway



    speedtest result





    I did this after suffering multiple failed NMM 0.61.3 downloads where it would start the download at a ridiculously slow DL speed (less the 10KB per second) after which it would eventually reach 0KBps and fail

  3. Antialiasing - 8 Samples

    Antisotropic Filtering - 8 Samples


    why do you have those set to 8x when you've got 4x AA and 16x aniso on in the NVCPL


    either use one or the other but not both otherwise you end up with trying to do 12AA and 24x aniso so just turn of the AA and Aniso in the skyrim launcher and that should be enough

  4. I'm trying find out if there's a way to make a dragon appear at Mt Anthor as Esbern has given me the quest to go kill a dragon there but when I and the blades arrive there is no dragon to kill so the quest can't be completed and the blades just stay there


    I can use Dragon call shout after which a dragon appears flying around but never lands so can't kill it as it stays just out of range of spells arrows I've hit it with Dragon rend but to no avail it just ends up flying off to god knows where


    anywho any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks

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