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Nexus Mods Profile

About Tingling

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  1. thanks imma give a try on installing again ^^
  2. So today ive installed some new mods: Race compatibility, Body types and Bodychange, after installing some npcs started having purple face and the game sometimes crashes (follows the load order i have and a screenshot) idk how to solve this please help :/
  3. also forgot to mention on LOOT doesnt appear to have any sort of errors
  4. So i have a new laptop and decided to use a list of mods that were working on my previous laptop anyway they worked in the previous one like a charm now here when i click create a new game i dont see the usual characters on the wagon however i hear them (i thought it would be just a glitch) however when the journey ends and we are supposed to be interragoted before going to the execusion the horses keep walking on the same spot and never get to the interrogation (where you create a character) nor the execusion. im a massive newb with mods though ive tried my best to clean with tes5dit and the order but could use help from here on forth please note that some mods from the load order are disabled such as requiem and the necessary compatibility mods and the standalone unfocial patches are also disable and some more as well thank you Load order
  5. thanks i will take a look at it and try the option thanks for the info :p
  6. Hi there ive recently re started playing skyrim installed some mods and apparently everything is working im not having any erros on LOOT however since yesterday when im playing that happend 5 mins or so after i log in and im in riverwood about when i leave i end up having a crash i thought it might be the loading order so imma post mine to have you guys thoughts and ideas if might be it or not thanks.
  7. hello i was installing some mods and the only error im having atm is the following "Delete MineOreScript.pex from Requiem. CCOR's script must take precedence. " im using nexus mod manager and tbh i dont know how to proceed here can someone bring me a light? i think i have deleted but didnt work so restored it
  8. hi before everything i cam here for help im totally lost idk how to order my mods anymore i reordered them so may times and im completly lost nothing seems to work, granted im a total noob when it comes to mods ive only played without em so far ive been trying in a space of one month or more to try to get skyrim to work but i cant please can someone help me how to order this? follows my current load order to mention i have used a usk to usleep patch via tes5edit and had to activate em in a certain time also didnt run reptificator yet cause still on the work for this please help me out here
  9. hi there so im having an issue with nexus mod manager when i was trtying to see how i could order the mods manually the manager crashed and now i cant open it at all i tried uninstall and reinstall again but didnt worked follows the tracelog file
  10. t hey are inactive i had to download em for a requiemrnt and using this afterwards: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71316/?
  11. can someone give me a light on wich direction to take here?
  12. Hi there i was wihout internet for a while tried to sort the mods with loot then by hand but still not working out as they should (i beliebe) since the game crashes easly after 5 mins in game or even less, im new to the whole modding i pretty much downloaded the ones i thought would look cool and its dependencies used loot to order but then i got requiem wich required to be the last one etc so im asking if anyone could help me sort the load order correctly in order to make skyrim work properly again? follows the load order i have atm my knowledge of tes5dit is minimal but i did the cleanups necessary that loot asked me also theres not a single error on loot atm.
  13. the game works but crashes after some mins in game
  14. i ave disabled them on nmm
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