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Everything posted by KaptenPonga

  1. So alot of people have been complaining about the underwear bug, whereas outside of inventory and you're nude you get a pair of panties slapped on your butt. I'm pretty sure It's a bug as sometimes you just get panties and no bra, and sometimes panties with breasts glitching through the bra. Tried starting a new game and when I got to my apartment where i could undress, I'd remove clothing but character in inventory still had the clothes on but in-game i was fully nude. I'm sure CDPR will eventually get around to fixing this bug, but I'm pretty sure modding community will get to it before them, perhaps doing their job entirely.
  2. Bumping this topic. I've tried reading around forums about this "bug", commonly people gets underwear outside of inventory and breasts clipping through the bra. And one person apparently got a reply from CDPR saying that in free-roam they've "meant to be censored" like it isn't a bug. I've fiddled around a bit, tried starting a new game and when i got to my apartment where i could "disrobe" I'd be completely nude in-game breast and genitals, but in inventory i was clothed even though I'd removed the clothes
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