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Everything posted by Deleted38226930User

  1. Hi the Nexus staff, Excellentium and napoleonofthestump, Thank you for this event, which I hope is only the first of many and congratulations to everyone (Nexus, Excellentium, napoleonofthestump and all participants). I really like the idea of explaining the choices. When it’s done well, it’s always interesting and informative. I didn’t expect to be among the 15 finalists. In fact, I didn’t expect anything. Which makes me all the more surprised and touched by this result. Thank you very much for taking the time to look and enjoy my work, and see you soon to the next event :D
  2. In response to post #69292606. #69292866, #69309521, #69313606, #69314061 are all replies on the same post. Most people who can’t afford it are people who are waiting for it to fall out of the sky rather than putting their hands in the dirt. There are a lot of free software and a lot more tutorials. We must not be lazy to consult them. Today, with the Internet and everything in it to make post-processing accessible to everyone, everywhere, even on a phone, the one who says, "I can’t afford it," is someone who says, "I don’t want to lift a finger, I want it to fall into my mouth". None of the participants in this contest are responsible for the laziness of those who come here only to spit on the work done by hiding behind a false pretext. Everyone can afford to do post-treatment, but not everyone wants to do it. If they do not respect themselves, they should at least respect those who have understood that we are getting nothing without anything. You know, almost a year ago, when I started, I knew absolutely nothing. Just the Print Screen key. I didn’t even dare post an image on the Nexus (or elsewhere) when I’ve been a member for almost three years. Today I created my own Reshade, I’m thinking about creating my own ENB and I’m one of the 15 finalists, how do you think that happened ? By the operation of the Holy Spirit ? By invoking the Holy Patron of the Photoshopers or a genius in a bottle ? with sarcastic comments ? Complaints ? Negative reviews and pejorative comments ? I learned by observing the work of others, reading tutorials, daring to participate in community events, listening to advice that wasn’t even meant for me, trying, over and over again (and also missing, repeatedly). I did this by being patient, determined, listening, and putting my pride and ego aside so that I could always move forward. Not overnight, but by taking the time to take the time. It takes effort, effort that anyone can make ; effort that NO ONE can make for you.
  3. In response to post #69292606. #69292866, #69309521, #69313606 are all replies on the same post. Hi Irstina, You don’t have to explain yourself. You didn’t break any rules of the contest, you realized something, you liked the result and you wanted to share it with others. That’s the main thing, the rest is just frills. There will always be dissatisfaction, even in the face of perfection.
  4. In response to post #68849986. Aaaaah ! Niiiice ! Thank you very much MagdalenaA :D
  5. In response to post #68716941. #68723861, #68735286, #68737571, #68739056, #68739171, #68740636, #68745321, #68747631, #68747731, #68748276, #68749311, #68752906, #68753381, #68754851, #68754956, #68755416, #68755451, #68755546, #68755801, #68755941 are all replies on the same post. Do not confuse screenshot with graphic editing. The first is photography, the capture of an image ; the second is computer-aided editing of a captured image. I agree that in an event called "screenshots", to see incorporations of texts and illustrations - or simply the incorporation of illustrations - come may be perplexing. It is like allowing tractors at the auto show because they are vehicles. They are vehicles, that’s true, but it’s also a car show, not a vehicle show. It’s the same here. A graphical montage remains an image, that’s true, it's a post-treatment, its' also true, but it is an "screenshot" event, not an "image" event or "post-treatment" event. In any event, this is only the first. Things will become clearer and more refined as we go along. For now, let’s focus on the positive. This event is not yet perfect, but it starts from a good feeling.
  6. In response to post #68781866. #68792841, #68794466, #68794726, #68803631 are all replies on the same post. I am totally agree about that. Too many compliments are killing the compliment. A critique, when objective, can help progress. It's my opinion. But. But I also understand the interest of limiting all flaming possibilities as much as possible. Dealing with chains of messages filled with impassioned comments takes a lot of time, work and staff.
  7. In response to post #68796476. #68796921, #68796971, #68797196, #68797266, #68797556, #68797911, #68805166, #68812496, #68822706, #68831301, #68832471 are all replies on the same post. Ah ? My apologizes, I didn’t know they were specific to FO. I thought they were common and they also worked in Skyrim (I have the game, but I don’t play it. I'm too much FO addict ^^ ).
  8. In response to post #68796476. #68796921, #68796971, #68797196, #68797266, #68797556, #68797911, #68805166, #68812496, #68822706 are all replies on the same post. There is MODPOS and MODANGLE too. For example : MODPOS Z10 (or Y10 or X10). Same thing with MODANGLE X, Y or Z. I used these command in this picture for remove a tree (by moving it out of camera range) and move the ghoul
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