In response to post #68716941. #68723861, #68735286, #68737571, #68739056, #68739171, #68740636, #68745321, #68747631, #68747731, #68748276, #68749311, #68752906, #68753381, #68754851, #68754956, #68755416, #68755451, #68755546, #68755801, #68755941 are all replies on the same post. Do not confuse screenshot with graphic editing. The first is photography, the capture of an image ; the second is computer-aided editing of a captured image. I agree that in an event called "screenshots", to see incorporations of texts and illustrations - or simply the incorporation of illustrations - come may be perplexing. It is like allowing tractors at the auto show because they are vehicles. They are vehicles, that’s true, but it’s also a car show, not a vehicle show. It’s the same here. A graphical montage remains an image, that’s true, it's a post-treatment, its' also true, but it is an "screenshot" event, not an "image" event or "post-treatment" event. In any event, this is only the first. Things will become clearer and more refined as we go along. For now, let’s focus on the positive. This event is not yet perfect, but it starts from a good feeling.