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About ImmortalAbsol

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  1. I'd be up for a mod to at least service and repair his synth body. Perhaps even in two ways, one where as director of the Institute you order them to fix him up, and confused but obedient they set to it - dusting off the antiquated parts and tools. And another where you have to talk to experts on robotics and the Institute and to destroy a number of gen 2's for parts.
  2. There's a mod that adds a scale category to robots in the workbench. With presets for switching robobrains between their Far Harbour and Automatron sizes, would that help?
  3. I feel like a broken record but Bethesda does not allow porting and in turn the Nexus doesn't support it either. If someone wanted to recreate the outfit(s) from scratch they could do that. Mod me up Nexus /j
  4. This mod contains tarberry foods but that isn't all, but at least it is all lore-friendly being inspired by recipes in Fallout 76; https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/36685 This mod has much more you won't be interested in and I only mention it because it includes "Berry Booze" by my request which Cait implies to be canon if you take her to The Slog; https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/38796 (I don't know how the latter works with the recent updates)
  5. Nobody can backport for you on a legitimate website as Bethesda doesn't allow it. However someone could make the assets from scratch if they wanted. That being said there's already a mod or two here on the Nexus that makes all the chems look unique, but the colour of the Mentats most likely doesn't line up because the mod predates your reference. Hope this helps.
  6. Ah, just never seen it described that way.
  7. Sorry I don't understand your wording. Nick Diamond loyalty quest?
  8. Some furniture that it will always return to might be a good solution. Like collectron pods in 76. Maybe there's a terminal attached to it where you choose if it's sandboxing the immediate area, patrolling the settlement or guarding it's pod.
  9. I've wanted a similar thing where the feral neighbours can be captured and tamed with the beta wave emitter (or some mentats and island fog remedy, same function as what the Ghoul in the TV show has), and the frozen neighbours can be resuscitated with some combination of Curie's medical knowledge and the mysterious serum. Just because. Or. You collect samples from the frozen/feral neighbours and make synths of them. Neither scenario is realistic or completely accurate to the games logic, but I prefer it to undoing their previously established vanilla stories. The ferals could provide security like Junkyard Dogs and the pre-war residents could provide happiness.
  10. You can also ask nicely on a mod that includes a lot of flags for factions. Nice design.
  11. I agree it needs to be centered and zoomed in but “cancer” is a bit much...
  12. Don't worry I won't spoil it if I find out. I haven't discovered what it means and I haven't seen anyone else either. Just some flavour text in the tutorial area.
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