I wanted a way to have corpse decorations so bad. I am doing a cannibal raider crazy guy play through and wanted to really get into it. For a while I would try to place actual dead corpses but that is so time consuming and then they disappear eventualy. ButI finally found something that works. I can now craft nude corpses just like the raiders have with the immersive corpses mod. here's how you do it. first, get that mod someone mentioned, Raider themed workshop, or butcher meat rack mod, or both. then, go to lovers lab and download "Nude Raider Corpse Decoration Replacer" here https://www.loverslab.com/topic/64996-nude-raider-corpse-decoration-replacer/ and also download the patch for raider themed workshop/butcher meat rack. It explains how to do it in the mod page but its simple, first you just download the main file and activate the plugin then manually download the patches, and copy the data folders for what replacer you want (male, female, cbbe etc) into the fallout folder. I can now finally have the crazy ass f*#@ed up raider settlement i've wanted.