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Everything posted by Fixadent

  1. What is "reshade?" Can I HD screenshots here?
  2. If you're running Fallout 4 at high resolution, is it possible to take a screenshot that captures it's full detail and not just a degraded png image?
  3. Married women often wear their both their engagement and wedding rings on their left ring finger. I'd like the normal Fallout 4 wedding ring to be replaced with something much more eloquent, like what's pictured below. Silver, and with diamonds.
  4. My character preset if for download if anyone's interested. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25996/?tab=3&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout4%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fuser%3D0%26id%3D25996%26gid%3D1151
  5. Feel free to post photos of your Fallout 4 counterpart in this thread. Here's mine, isn't she adish?
  6. The Chernobyl reactor mesh was not intended for use in any games, it's purpose is simply art. I'm just making suggestions for any weapon modders who might read this thread. Oh, I forgot to add the M416 assault rifle to that list, with tons of neat attachment options.
  7. What new weapon mods would you like to see in Fallout 4? Here are my choices. *XM8 assault rifle *FN-F2000 assault rifle *MG36 light machine gun (with 100-round double-drum magazine) *L86A2 assault rifle *Steyr AUG-A3 assault rifle *PP-19 submachine gun *M249 SAW light machine gun *GOL sniper Magnum *AA-12 shotgun *M24 sniper rifle *L96A1 sniper file *Carl Gustav Recoilless rifle (shoulder-fired anti-tank weapon) *Mk5 submachine gun
  8. Is there a wedding gown for Fallout 4 yet?
  9. I remember back in Skyrim, someone made a tropical island that was meant to be for screenshotting your character (usually a sexually attractive female). Does Fallout 4 have anything similar?
  10. I remade my female character to look a lot sexier and I'd like to see her wearing some skin-tight stuff, particularly black latex or rubber. Here's my redone character. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25996/?tab=3&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout4%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fuser%3D0%26id%3D25996%26gid%3D1151
  11. I saw this in the screenshot of another mod here on nexus, but I don't know where to get it. If someone could help me out, that'd be great!
  12. Which option do I select in looksmenu to push back the jawline of my character?
  13. Ok, then it looks like there's no tax.
  14. Is there any tax for purchases on newegg.com for US residents?
  15. Fallout 4 keeps launching in windowed mode and I don't know how to make it fullsreen. The game worked fine yesterday, but today it doesn't want to run in fullscreen for some very bizarre reason.
  16. And now for something completely off topic. :smile: I build gaming machines for a living. Well, at least, I used to...... And I never found a situation where SLI/Crossfire actually yielded benefits anywhere near satisfying my 'cost/benefit' test. One good card is really all you need. Why spend another 500 plus bucks on a second card, for maybe 5% performance improvement? And for Beth games, it makes even less sense, as once you pass 60FPS, the game starts getting really screwy, so, the second card does absolutely nothing for you. Just my Opinion. Only time SLI and crossfire is good is when you going extreme such as two of best top of line gpu's or there is a massive saving cost wise from buying two cheaper cards than newer more expensive one. But yes I totally agree. I've got two GTX 1080's in SLI. Yes, that is the very definition of "Overkill". :smile: Not really, I've seen youtube videos of people playing games like GTA V where the fps counter sometimes drops to 40-50 at certain points, even using a single GTX 1080 at 1920x1080. Watch dogs 2 struggles at max settings/1920x1080 using a GTX 1080 as well.
  17. And now for something completely off topic. :smile: I build gaming machines for a living. Well, at least, I used to...... And I never found a situation where SLI/Crossfire actually yielded benefits anywhere near satisfying my 'cost/benefit' test. One good card is really all you need. Why spend another 500 plus bucks on a second card, for maybe 5% performance improvement? And for Beth games, it makes even less sense, as once you pass 60FPS, the game starts getting really screwy, so, the second card does absolutely nothing for you. Just my Opinion. Only time SLI and crossfire is good is when you going extreme such as two of best top of line gpu's or there is a massive saving cost wise from buying two cheaper cards than newer more expensive one. But yes I totally agree. I've got two GTX 1080's in SLI.
  18. newegg has a DDR4 memory kit that I want that they simply don't carry in stores. I'm building a new enthusiast gaming PC with Nvidia SLI. I feel safer using a prepaid card because in case it gets stolen or hacked, you only lose the amount of money that was added to that card, which isn't much.
  19. I meant a pre-paid vanilla card, and not an actual credit card. I got into considerable debt with the last credit card I had so I cancelled it. It's also not safe to use CC's online.
  20. Does newegg.com accept prepaid credit cards as payment for purchases on their site? If so, which ones?
  21. I keep getting this error message immediately after exiting Fallout 4 into windows 7 desktop. What does it mean?
  22. I just picked this up today, is it a good choice? https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139044&ignorebbr=1&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC-_-pla-_-Power+Supplies-_-N82E16817139044&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9tz6rI2W1QIVlGF-Ch3RHAnZEAQYASABEgLWe_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  23. Is it absolutely necessary to go with a 1,000W power supply for the following build? Can I get away with a high quality 860W like the Corsair AX860? *Core i7 7700K *16GB DDR4 *ASUS Maximus IX Hero Z270 motherboard *2-way SLI GTX 1080 8GB ASUS STRIX/RoG series
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