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About commodore34

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  1. Ok ok, finally I made it. Sorry for my idiotic problems. Anyways I deleted all the files about Skyrim. Than re-installed Skyrim, let Steam to update and re-install NMM. After that I let NMM to download and install some mods. Now I'm happy, framerate dropped about 4-5 fps and loading times increased about 15 secs but I'm happy with these mods. Thanks for any idea and helping. Case has been closed.
  2. In my experience, if you don't updated skyrim to 1.4, dont update SKSE. I was trying SKSE 1.04.07 but it didnt work, then i remove all files about skyrim (i was very pissed off). Then I tried SKSE 1.04.03 and it worked just fine. Now my problem is this. I have installed NMM, it has seen that installed mods, but still I can't use them. It pisses me off again because I hate installing and deleting routines. And yes it gives me frightning headache.
  3. i finally get the skse_loader work. but i still can't use JaySus Swords, Skyboost and HD 2k Textures. i dont use nexus mod manager, i manually install them as readme files say. skyrim launcher doesnt allow me to select DATA FILES, even if i add bEnableFileSelection=1 to skyrimprefs.ini any ideas?
  4. thanks guys, i need one more problem. i manually installed some mods, but i cant use them in game, i mean skyrimlauncher doesnt show me data files. i cannot select any of mods. edit. i also tried skse 1.04.03 but it doesn't work either.
  5. wasnt 1.3.10 the latest? i heard a new beta patch released but that version needs some other skyrim script extender i think.
  6. mage was my first character. if i were you i would choose fire, cuz it does more damage to enemy. i can explain a little bit: fire means more damage to health, you can kill your enemies a little earlier and easier. frost means damage to health and stamina, you can damage your enemy's stamina and enemy cant use any power attack on you. shock means damage to health and magicka. if you attack a mage, this means enemy will use magicka, you can easily get rid of him with shock spells. btw you need to get a second way of destruction, because there is some creatures or people have resistant to fire out there. the other destruction classes have same issue as well. sorry for my bad english.
  7. i have installed skyrim 1.3.10 patch and skyrim script extender 1.04.07. when i try to launch skse_loader.exe i get the message ''Please update to the latest version of Skyrim.'' also i tried to manually install some mods, SkyUI works, Categorized Favourites Menu works, but the others (SkyBoost, HD - 2K textures and JaySuS swords) dont work. any idea?
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