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About ChefJackButler

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  1. Without me doing a damned thing, the problem fixed itself somehow. I literally did nothing other than just turning on Fallout and suddenly it was all working as if nothing happened. I have no idea what just happened.
  2. I deleted and re-installed F4SE three times so far, just in case. Nothing. Same result every time. And if I'm using an old version, I can't find any indicators for it. ​As for the mods, all of them have been updated to the latest version of F4SE as far as I can tell. Note the "as far as I can tell" part, because I might be missing something someone else would notice.
  3. I regularly do hard restarts of my modded games, by which I mean I deleted all the mods, deleted the game from my harddrive, re-downloaded the game from steam, and then reinstalled all the mods. I haven't ever had any problem doing tihs before, and it helps the game and it guarantees I'm working from the most up-to-date versions of everything possible. âThis time, though, I run through this process, start everything up -- and F4SE is apparently sitting this play-through out. LOOT is telling me my F4SE is up-to-date (I've got F4SE 0.6.0 and Fallout 4, which are supposedly compatible.) But when I run the game, LooksMenu doesn't function. The mod I downloaded to keep achievements going despite using mods isn't working. Nothing that needs F4SE is working, in fact. But everything is telling me that F4Se is doing just fine, and I can't find any mods that are conflicting, much less that are conflicting in such a way that would turn off F4SE. âCan anyone explain to me what just happened? âOh, and while I'm conversant in a lot of computer lingo and tech talk, I'm a chef, not a programmer... so if you answer this inquiry and I suddenly ask you what seems like a newb question, its not that I'm a newb, its that I'm not a programmer. I don't expect you guys to know how to correctly shirr an egg or whip up hollandaise sauce, after all. âThanks ahead for your assistance.
  4. I'm having the exact same problem. I wanted to put together a "Cait in the Topless Grognak suit" wearing nothing but the loincloth and some light leather chest armor, and what I got was Cait in the topless Grognak loincloth wearing the vanilla NeverNude bra. Disappointing. ​Does anyone know what's going on?
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