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About Charles17

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    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Skyrim SE
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    God of War

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  1. Edit: Link removed Here is the same file as google drive.
  2. The google drive link worked for me. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4iEH8ar3jtxbFlkVzZSVHN0alk/view?resourcekey=0-bTFKQxbSl6Y_4-dZDHE0AQ You have to place the psc files into data/source/scripts to be read as they do not come packaged this way and have them below, overwriting, skyui.
  3. Hello community. With the introduction of SPID it seems as if a better than vanilla way of handling spells, perk, effects, etc., has been given to us. Unfortunately for those like me, understanding the description page is like reading a foreign language. I am not a scripter by any means. I downloaded the mod XPMSSE Weapon Styles Uncloaked and reading what it did I started going through SSEEdit looking for mods that had cloak in the data tree. I found a lot of them under, Magic Effect / Global / Quest, included in more mods than I initially thought I would. Some of the mods do not have open permissions to modify them so asking someone to make changes isn't possible. Another mod, Spell Perk Item Distributor xEdit Scripts, have a way to automate the process but no guide to determine what is safe to change and what isn't. Before I go blindly breaking everything in my game, can anyone explain in simple words the process of using SPID to replace cloaks, when is it safe to do so, and provide a step by step description on how to go about changing cloaks to spid using the xedit script. I know I am asking a lot but I do thank anyone who cares to help.
  4. Uploaded a simple mod to eliminate the need for console commands to remove grass from the soul cairn. Soul Cairn No Grass
  5. I finally found my issue. On github I downloaded the most recent skyui zip file containing source scripts but it wasn't until later I stumbled upon the files located on google drive that needed to overwrite those skyui source scripts. I was able to compile the script after that change so matter resolved..... I hope.
  6. ISSUE RESOLVED I am having an issue compiling a script from someone else's mod I modified. All dependencies are installed with script sources in proper location. All psc files are in source\scripts. BSA's containing scripts have been extracted and the source files moved accordingly. SDK 5.1 for SkyUI is installed. I don't know what to do to get this any further, so any helpful comments are appreciated. C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Source\Scripts\this.psc(1368,37): AddInputOption is not a function or does not existC:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Source\Scripts\this.psc(1368,5): type mismatch on parameter 2 (did you forget a cast?)C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Source\Scripts\this.psc(4482,4): SetInputDialogStartText is not a function or does not existC:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Source\Scripts\this.psc(4490,4): SetInputOptionValue is not a function or does not exist
  7. If you are trying to maintain a high quality sound, compression levels do matter. Compare lossless audio such as flac, to lossy audio like mp3. The higher the compression the worse sounds you are going to have. Advantages to seperate bsa I can't really see any unless you have a quite large file size. All just my opinion.
  8. I use a multitude of different armor and clothing mods, along with some custom weapons. Problem is, is that the weapons aren't lining up correctly and are clipping through the players arms, backs, and legs. How do I go about changing the placement of the weapons so as to eliminate, or at least reduce, this clipping? If possible I'd like to not break one and two-handed animations in the process.
  9. There is a script that I know used to exist, but can't find now, that can be applied on npc replacer and follower/companion mods that makes them use the base in-game body. Essentially what it does is delete the entry for wornarmor but much quicker than doing it manually. I've already spent hours searching with no luck. I don't remember it's name. If anyone happens to know where it is, I thank you for sharing it with me.
  10. I'm getting a strange ghosting effect to the left of the player when it's raining in-game. When sunny, a perfect image, slight rain...slight blurring, and a downpour is giving a near perfect image, only translucent, of my player character about 1/2 a heads width to the left of the pc. Would this be a bad setting in enb, a weather mod, water mod, etc? Thanks in advance.
  11. Problem 1: Using MO2 means that the bodyslide output is in your mods folder, not the actual game folder. Check your body mod folder and the output will be in their. You can also in the right pane of MO2, click on the data tab, and navigate to the said directory and it will tell you exactly which mods folder the bodyslide output was copied into. Problem 2: Open whichever npc replacer you're using and navigate to meshes/actors/character/........ and just look in each folder until you find their body files, if they have them. A high number of npc replacers use their unique bodies, only a few use the base game directory.
  12. Hello. I am working on an extensive personal project whereas I'm taking around 20 or so npc replacer mods and trying to give each and every one ks hairs, specific brows and beards, and remove their dependencies on author induced textures. I prefer they just use the bodies and textures I already use. Eventually I'll combine them all into a single esp and have the looks from each mod. My problem is after I make my changes to the npc, save, then export facegen, I have what appears to be a vanilla model head with the hair and brows I chose. The custom head sculpting from the authors design is simply gone. Is there an additional step needed to preserve the original mesh/head shape?
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