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Nexus Mods Profile

About DeathAngelS300

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. So yes, any magic mods? I especially wanna use telekinesis lol
  2. So yes, any magic mods? I especially wanna use telekinesis lol
  3. Well okay then :/ And yeah, games seem to tend to get a little crazier once u head outside (it being much to load and all) And thanks I'll look into em
  4. Well dang :( That's the thing, I never have Money. I happen to have gotten a little bit from a friend and its the only money I've had in months so like... Ugh... (Sad face) I was just hoping that cause I know it has lots of mods there could have been some to.help maybe :/ I still appreciate your help though and will keep the list for future advance if I get lucky and save up money from a couple birthdays or something maybe. I have the Razer cortex software? I'm guessing that won't help enough though :/
  5. This is the stuff I can find about my laptop Windows 8 64 bit Toshiba Processor: AMD E-300 APU with Radeon HD Graphics (2 CPUs), ~1.3GHz 2ram Idk if like that's good enough info or something? The requirements lab site thing told me everything else was fine? But Idk I'm pretty dumb-ish to this stuff lol...
  6. I want to get the game desperately but when I went onto the system requirements lab everything was good to go but my GHz thing... I have 1.3.... Is setting the game on low settings good enough? I assume it won't be. So I'm wondering of there's a mod that will help me? Any help would be hugely appreciated. Idc about graphics being the best as long as its a bit tolerable and it doesn't lag so bad it's unplayable. I'm new here by the way so forgive me if I'm doing anything wrong lol...
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