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  1. The new UI is so much less readable and less intuitive to navigate. There is no visual distinction between any of the different element and it makes navigation actively worse. If it's not broke don't fix it! What exactly was the intent with this change? What issues were the designers trying to address other than making it look more modern and generic? This literally looks like y'all just hired some corporate think tank and told them to make the most bland and generic web layout they can think of. No body cared that "element of the design hadn't been updated in 10 years" stop changing things for the sake of change! Such a bad decision I might honestly just stop using Nexus because this change is so terrible and switch over to ModDB despite liking that site's design far less than the previous design of Nexus that's how much worse this version of the website is in my opinion.
  2. Thank you greysin that is exactly what I was looking for :) and allan, I didnt post it in requests because I had a good feeling that the mod I was looking for already existed and I just couldnt find it.and I was right :)
  3. So is there any mod that replaces the music that the bards play with Malukah's cover of "The Dragonborn Comes", or any of her other Skyrim themed songs? Her cover of "The Dragonborn Comes" : "Legends of the Frost" by Miracle Of Sound Ft. Malukah : If There is a mod for this already could someone point me in that direction? (assuming the maker of that mod got permission to use the music) If there is not could someone please make this after getting permission first of course. If this exists or can be made I wont have to kill bards and avoid inns like the plague because of the horrible music they play.
  4. I support this idea a completely truly massive dungeons with many branching paths and hidden treasures and puzzles (with clues preferably) would be awesome maybe even make one as some plane of oblivion type thing. Also add a few bottomless pits of death I don't know what it is about Bethesda and not having any sort of bottomless pits of death in any of their games but I feel like every good fantasy game needs a handful of well placed bottomless pits of death. That being said don't over do it bottomless pits of death should be use few and far between.
  5. Have you tried the various guards or improved storm cloak/empire mods?
  6. now you just need to replace their voice with something like "GET OFF MY LAWN!" hahaha
  7. O.o how was this mod related? I believe that you sir are posting in the wrong forum. (not trying to be rude just stating a fact)
  8. So as I am sure anyone that is a fan for the Avatar series on Nickelodeon knows the season finale for the second series called The Legend of Korra hired early today (er.. yesterday I suppose) and ever since The Last Airbender I have thought that an Avatar game would be freaking incredible! So I started thinking about it and well I wouldn't say that it would be easy but it would be possible to make a total conversion for Skyrim that could be about as close to an Avatar game as we will likely ever get considering that I doubt Nickelodeon will ever sell the rights for a game (we can still hope right?) Any way I was thinking that part of it is already in the game I mean you already have fire-bending and part of water-bending with destruction magic. Fus Ro Dah could even be used as air-bending (sorta) and I know that I have seen some mods that would work for earth-bending ("Earth Prison" if I remember right?) I know its still a long way off but its a start. There are even ways to do blood bending with control/command effects (Command Deadra spell) or with the new vampire telekinesis spell that is part of Dawn Guard And to make it feel more like the avatar universe you could even replace mobs with stuff like platypus-bears, polar bear-dogs, weasel-snake, tiger-dillos, ect. (also there needs to be one bear JUST bear) and replace dragons with sky bison (though you would have to make them non-hostile) Adding in armor and clothing from the series would also be really cool Korra's clothing is really cool and would even be a good standalone mod by its self as would the White Lotus armor Air-bender robes would be really cool as well. Word walls could teach you advanced bending techniques and the soul stones could give you bonuses to certain types of bending (like being able to blood bend when ever you want and not just on a full moon) The alters could be converted to represent past Avatars and will give you buffs as they do now. Adding canteens or having to use gourds to store water for water bending would also be really cool and water-benders being able to swim really fast or even being able to use a whirl wind sprint while swimming that will launch them forward in any direction they are looking including strait up. There would need to be some expanded unarmed combat as most of the fighting in the series is based around martial arts so adding some more animations for unarmed fighting including kicks, jumping attacks, spinning attacks ect watch the show try to make some animations that mimic that fighting style. =) you could also use it to balance the need for both magicka and stamina by making unarmed or just close attacks use stamina and long range missile attacks use magicka. Increasing knock back/down chance and making it actually cause characters to fly backward a bit would also be a really nice effect. You would also have to remake most of the perk trees but not sure how would be the best way to go about that would be. Replacing the enemy archetypes to fit with the avatar universe would also have to happen we cant have fire benders using healing spells now can we. Adding chi-blockers as a high level/difficulty enemy archetype would be awesome or as a follower! A cool idea for a weapon mod based on the avatar series would be Sakka's star metal sword this could be added by making a new random cell even which will cause a meteor to fall into the cell which can be looted for star metal you take the star metal to the sky forge and Yourlan Greymane will tell you about some legend of a black smith that once made a sword of star metal but due the the extreme rarity of the metal the technique was lost so you must go find the journal of said black smith in order for Yourlan to create the star metal weapon (you can choose if it is a sword, axe, or hammer or 2h version) I would also love to see the main quest line replaced perhaps it could start out as you (being the Avatar) being contacted by the White Lotus who tell you that they believe that you are the Avatar and must come with them to train. Once you arrive at the while lotus sanctuary you begin training but the sanctuary comes under attack by [insert enemy organization here] could be chi-blockers, non-bender mob, evil benders, ect ect. during the battle the masters of the white lotus tell you that you must escape and lead you through a secret passage out of the sanctuary they explain that they must go into hiding and that your avatar training will have to wait until the organization has been stopped they send you on increasingly important tasks to help stop the threat until finally you face down the leader(s) of the organization and put a stop them once and for all. Yes I know that is about the most cliche story line in the history of the world but to be fair that is pretty much the jist of every quest line in skyrim (just sayin) and I only took about 2 minutes to write it (mostly cuz I type slow) if you feel so inclined the please write a more interesting and unique story. =) Well that about sums it up! I would love to see a total conversion mod because as I said in my opening paragraph it is likely to be as close to an Avatar video game as there will ever be but I would even be happy with even small parts from this making it as small standalone mods as I said I think many of the cloths and armors from both The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra would make great mods or the star metal weapon hell even adding new magic that could pass for water or earth bending and I would be happy. maybe over time a collection of small mods could be combined to work together to make a total conversion idk but I do know that I would download any sort of avatar mod in a heart beat! PS. IF anyone does decide to step up to the plate on this one you have got to add a wondering NPC that has a cart full of cabbages and any time the cart is tipped over he yells "NO!!! NOT MY CABBAGES!!!" HAHAHAHA! =D
  9. I have always found the crafting system a little immersion breaking due to the fact that all you ever do is find something in the list and then press a button and in is instantly done, So I think it would be really cool to add some sort of mini-game for each of the crafting that relies on good timing how well you do will determine the quality of the item, potion, or enchantment you make. Each crafting station has their own game(s) and you would have to do in order to actually craft any thing. For example: The smelter has two functions the first is to "Refine" and the second is to "Mold" here's a quick run down of the mini game use to refine ore into ingots: you take ore and change it into ingots you can make up to 5 or 10 ingots at once (but you still have to have all the ore to make how ever many you are making) the first step of Refining is to heat the ore to the right temperature you know you have the right temperature based on the color (each material has a different temp and appearance during the refining) you heat the smelter by pumping the bellow (space bar/a/what ever) at the right speed to slow and it wont get hot enough so you will still have impurities in your ingots too fast and it will get too hot and melt your container and you will loose all your slag (or at least part of it) this process is timed and you can only keep your slag container in the smelter for up to lets say 1 minute? but it must be in for at least 45 seconds in that 15 second window you can press the left mouse button and move to the second step where you would be pouring it into the mold to do is you have to tilt the container (clicking and dragging left/right with the mouse/using the joy stick if your using controller) if you pour too fast your molds over flow and you loose some of your slag, if you pour too slow your slag will cool before you are finished and you will have to heat it again. IF you did a good job you now have all your ingots, if you didn't do so good you get "dirty ingots" and you must repeat the process but it will be much easier because you have already got most of the impurities out. Molding this the same basic process but you must start with ingots and if you don't heat it enough or pour too slowly you wont fill the mold due to the slag cooling too quickly any left over slag is automatically converted back into ingots that the end of the molding process you will get a "blank" for example this could be a blank ebony sword the blank looks just like the actual model (for sake of simplicity) but is consider a misc. item so it cannot be equiped and that would be what you need to take the the forge and go through that mini game then you need to sharpen it. your smithing skill makes the mini games easier giving you more leeway and time as well as making the final item better of course.
  10. Its called Armed to the Teeth link for it right here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9614
  11. I would love to see a mod that adds an alternate beginning to the game where the player has to choose one of the 4 races from Akavir. It opens up with the player on a boat that is being sent out as a scouting party from Akavir once the boat docks (or is ship wrecked) the player is tasked with scouting out Skyrim for places to fortify in preparation for a huge invasion of Tamriel. This would involve making a new faction which all NPC's were hostile to with the exception of dragons and dragon priests. (considering that dragons are originally from Akavir) Adding a whole new main quest line with it would be awesome (maybe repairing your ship could be part of it) and adding a spell that will disguise you as a Tamrielic race that will temporarily change your faction so that NPC's don't attack you on sight allowing you to trade and barter as well as complete vanilla quests. Perhaps you could even start to make alliances with certain factions like vampires, or the orc strongholds to aid the Akaviri once the invasion begins.
  12. how about the Snake-men or monkey-men from Akavir? and Dev that would basically be the tiger-men from Akavir. Basically just do all the races from Akavir though not sure what the best way to do the ice daemons would be considering that they freeze into statues for half the year. Still would be pretty cool. And as for non-lore friendly ideas I think Jade Empire has some good ideas: http://0.tqn.com/d/compactiongames/1/0/i/5/1/jadeempire020.jpg http://www.the-nextlevel.com/previews/xbox/jade-empire/jade-empire-a.jpg http://www.the-nextlevel.com/previews/xbox/jade-empire/jade-empire-i.jpg http://nightmaremode.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/JadeEmpire_Demons.jpg
  13. I don't see much of a point of 1 ingredient potions although adding a perk that allows for 4 ingredient potions would be awesome I wouldn't replace Purify though just add an additional perk that branches off at the same point that Purify does. The best route might to make the perk allow for both 1 ingredient and 4 ingredient potions.
  14. I think a Van Helsing style cross bow would be the s*** It even looks very dewmerish: http://steelcloset.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/van-helsing-crossbow.jpg http://www.instructables.com/files/deriv/FET/2PYJ/G1QWB4FL/FET2PYJG1QWB4FL.MEDIUM.jpg http://www.imfdb.org/w/images/thumb/8/86/VHcrossbow-3.jpg/600px-VHcrossbow-3.jpg
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