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About TrustyPeaches

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    United States

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Explorer (4/14)



  1. hey guys. I've been trying to find a mod that adjusts inventory stacks. All the ones I can see are ones that make the stacks larger. But what I'm looking for is something that'll reduce the inventory stacks in normal mode to something closer to the survival stacks. I don't really like doing survival mode because of how hyper aggressive the sentinels are in it but I like the other aspects of survival. are there any mods that reduce the inventory stacks of normal down to survival? Or maybe a mod that reduces sentinel hostility from survival to more like normal? If not a mod that does this would be super awesome.
  2. its a right mess in that cell. I need it for fast travel but I can't find it where you travel in game. does anyone know where its at?
  3. Yes. Edit your creationkitcustom.ini and add/change [General] bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1 I can't find that string but I did find ballowmultipleeditors is this what I'm looking for?
  4. pretty much the title. I was hoping to make a dlc file for my mod but I've run into a snag. the creation kit will only allow one master esm. is there a way around this?
  5. ok that explains everything. I'm good now. sorry for the panic attack XD
  6. well I uploaded the esp. and scripts I had created for the mod and published the mod thinking everything was fine but when I downloaded it to my mod manager (I hate loose files) I recieved an error. I then went to the creation kit and noticed that upon trying to make an archive it said I was packing three files I don't recognize. Scrpits\ObjectReference.pex Scripts\Form.pex Scripts\ScriptObject.pexI then tried to pack said files but there was no place to pack them and I kept recieving an error saying. "invalid directory ;-; EDIT: nvm! it downloaded.... sorry I'm still new to the uploading side of nexus... I'm god I feel dumb >.>'
  7. Ok sorry this is my first big mod. I think I know what the problem is. I need to pack my mod but the creation kit doesn't seem to want to let me. can anyone give me any tips on how to fix this?
  8. sorry I don't mean to flood the chat but I'm having some trouble with compiling the script. could anyone help me out with it? I try to type in the ID for the map marker but I keep getting "extraneous input" the objectreference is supposed to be Bunker HIll Message Property FTB_1m Auto ObjectReference Property 0002B880 Auto Function ShowMainMenu() Int aiButton = FTB_1m.Show() If aiButton == 0 Game.Fasttravel(0002B880) ElseIf aiButton == 1 Game.Fasttravel() ElseIf aiButton == 2 Game.Fasttravel() ElseIf aiButton == 3 Game.Fasttravel() ElseIf aiButton == 4 Game.Fasttravel() ElseIf aiButton == 5 Game.Fasttravel() ElseIf aiButton == 6 Game.Fasttravel() ElseIf aiButton == 7 Game.Fasttravel() ElseIf aiButton == 8 Game.Fasttravel() ElseIf aiButton == 9 Game.Fasttravel() EndIf EndFunction Event onActivate(ObjectReference akActivate) ShowMainMenu() EndEvent
  9. ok. one last question. I've decided I want to hide the message buttons by settlements that are not owned by the player. how would I do this?
  10. ok the function works on hiding the text but it doesn't allow fast travel. (thats what I thought you meant when you said you could return to a location)
  11. sorry I meant locations. I have a message box that has locations listed and I want to be able to hide the locations if they haven't been discovered yet.
  12. I have a message menu that I want to be able to hide messages under conditions of the player not having found various locations
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