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Posts posted by freeregister

  1. First of all, the "classic" UNP body and also the different physics options for it, that come as separate mods,are practically outdated. Nowadays, if you want UNP, the way to go is "bodyslide" and its UUNP body variants.


    Switching to UNP (or rather UUNP) is'nt that hard:


    - Uninstall CBBE.


    - Download bodyslide: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49015/?


    - Install it with a mod manager, during the installation process choose UUNP options. Now you have UUNP meshes (HDT and non-HDT) for all the different body shapes UUNP has to offer.


    - Next thing you need is a UUNP compatible body texture. CBBE textures won't work. For the beginning, I'd suggest Fair skin complexion: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51602/? IMHO a good starting point. OFC, that's all a matter of personal taste. Look around, try different textures, see what you like.


    - Last step is to update your HDT setup for UUNP. If your're lucky, you can still use your CBBE HDT settings. If they don't work, you will have to install a HDT setup taylored to UUNP. Something like this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72030/? OFC there are other variants - some here on the Nexus, some on Loverslab. In any case - follow the installation instructions to the letter. Since you already managed to get CBBE HDT working, you should also be able to achieve that with UUNP, too. It's the exact same process - just with a different base body.


    - Now you're ready to go: Build a body of the type you want in bodyslide. That's it.


    Let me warn you though: Changing the body replacers is the easiest and fastest part of it all. The real time sink starts, when it comes to armours: You will have to uninstall most of your CBBE armors (practically everything showing some skin) and get UUNP armors instead. Not a difficult or challenging task OFC - but a time consuming one. If you want a bunch of excellent armours to start with, I'd suggest these: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75861/?

    Thanks mate.

    The most useful guide for have a uunp body is yours.

    simple and short.

    :) :) :)

  2. I have UFO and lots of follower mods, too many to list. So far UFO has been compatible with all, as long

    as UFO loads after any mod that adds new NPC's to the game. I can always tell if a mod adding a new

    NPC/follower to the game is loading after UFO, because UFO stops working. All the UFO dialogue options

    are there, but all NPC's/followers in the game just stop obeying them.


    Mods that simply change the appearance of existing NPC's (like Bijin Warmaidens) can load after UFO,

    but mods adding new followers/NPC's to the game must load before UFO.


    Hope that helps.


    It helped.


  3. I used UFO for years.


    The only Custom followers I used without issue was.


    Vilja http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26393/?


    Tania the Hermit http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58670/?


    SOFIA never caused an issue but I only had her on my list for about a month. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54527/?


    Custom followers mainly effect the UFO dialog box on vanilla followers. It my not come up right away. It may take 2 or 3 times to work. This is the way my game is now & I don't mind at all. I have about 130 followers installed & if the dialog box doesn't come up in 1 or 2 attempts I move on to the next one. The inns in my game are full of them.


    With custom followers they will work or be unresponsive. Only the follower Selene Kate caused permanent damage to a save. Some poorly write vanilla followers can cause more problems than the custom ones.


    I do a console save before I install custom followers so it is easy to find the "before " save.


    Except for the one follower mentioned that part of modding this game has been easy & straight forward.


    UFO works well with MHIYH(followers use you custom homes), "followers go on trips"(followers roam Skyrim) & Death Alternative(followers can save you).




    It was useful.

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