While I've done a lot of scripting in Oblivion, I've managed to avoid it for Skyrim so far. But I wanted to create a simple activator to charge any soul gems in the players inventory. After a lot of reading of the tutorials I came up with the following script. Which as a newby to Papyrus looks OK to me, but it will not compile. Can somebody please point out what I've done wrong... ScriptName SJBChargeSoulGems Extends ObjectReference Formlist Property EmptySG Auto Formlist Property FilledSG Auto Form e Form f Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) Int n Int i = 6 While (i) i -= 1 e = EmptySG.GetAt(i) n = Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(e) If (n) f = FilledSG.GetAt(i) Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(e, n, true) Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(f, n, true) EndIf EndWhile EndEvent I've attached the compiler failure output for info: Thanks OldBrunny