I'm extremely disappointed with the NPC's and nearly every badass in the game has the same voice. Every old guy has Arngeir's voice. Every old badass guy has Olfrid Battle-Born's voice. There are so many grammatical and acting errors, I could just go up there and slap Bethesda in the face. In Rorikstead, go to the inkeeper, and one of the options is "Your crops seem to be thriving" WITH NO FULL STOP. In Riften, some elf says "I go down to the Riften fishery every Friday blah blah" IT'S FREDAS YOU LONG EARED GREY SKIN! With the first imperial quest, Legate Rikke asks you to clear out Fort Hraggstad. "We're going to install a garrison there, and your going to clear it out." YOU'RE*. There was another subtitle mistake, with it writing their instead of there. Where did they hire this guy from? >I just killed Alduin >No one cares >I'm the leader of the Thieve Guild, and a Nightingale >No one cares >I'm the Archmage of the College of Winterhold >No one cares >I killed the Emperor >No one cares >I'M DRAGONBORN >NO ONE CARES But still I bloody love the game and am addicted.