I figured it out! I googled " oblivion using GIMP change "texture size" ". Looked at Better Retextures : Detailed Guide For NifSkope and the GIMP and found this: Saving A New Texture and Mesh "Use File-Save As to make a copy of the texture with a new name, say MyCuirass.dds in the folder data\textures\armor\YourName. Be sure and type the extension or GIMP won't save it. I find saving at DXT3 compression with "generate mipmaps" checked works best. If you do not compress, your file will be larger, and if you don't generate mipmaps, the file will look odd at a distance or for those without texture size set to maximum. " I just actually installed GIMP to use Robert's Male Body replacer 5 using these instructions: Photoshop costs a LOT of money, so here's how to convert these textures for free. Get the Gimp here- http://www.gimp.org/windows/. Then the DDS plugin here http:// nifelheim.dyndns.org/~cocidius/dds/. And the normalmap plugin herehttp:// nifelheim.dyndns.org/~cocidius/normalmap/. Install all of these. Now open the Gimp and drag your first bitmap onto the image window. Hit Ctrl-Shift-S. On the 'Save As' popup, click the tiny button by the words 'Select File Type ...' near the bottom, and choose DDS Image. On the next popup, choose BC2 / DXT3 for your compression. Put a check in the box alongside 'Generate Mipmaps'. So I took the nebula file I wanted to use and pretty much did the same process as above (compressing the file) and now I have some sweet Sky Candy using medium textures :biggrin: I've attached a quick screenshot Damian.