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Posts posted by an0nym0uz

  1. thats exactly the reason why we all only changed the iris, because the sclera is shared throughout npc aswell


    for now there is no workaround, and we have to wait for creation kit,

    but thats no guarantee that we will get a way to have seperated sclera


    so my hopes arent that high already

    its very disappointing already

  2. so out of nowhere, whenever i use the controller and try to run my fps drops almost to zero immediatly
    but when i use my keyboard, it goes to normal fps immediatly aswell

    which mod/settings could be the culprit of that?

    i literally cant play actually because i always play with controller, except in shipbuilder

    is somebody able to help me somehow?

    my actual control settings in the .ini:

    # Delay in seconds before the player grabs an interactive object
    # Delay in seconds before the player grabs a basic object

    EDIT: so i tried to delete the whole [Controls] Section in the .ini and voila its working again

    seems something in these control settings really mess up the fps for an unknown reason to me

    considering the fps drop happens in literally under a second, is insane


    does anybody know which part of it, could be the culprit, so i can add the rest back in?

  3. I used some modded Saves in the Past, with many unobtainable Spells.
    But for some Reason, my Xbox always freeze when i select the "Spawn Unbound Dremora"-Spell...
    this wouldnt be a Problem, if this Spell would be the last in the Conjuration List of Spells, but it isnt..
    So i cant use all other Spells in this List under this broken Spell.
    I just need to hover over it, when i try to select an Spell below it, and it freeze immediatly.

    Is somebody here able to delete or remove these
    (both - because there are 2 of these..) Spells from my Savegames?
    There are nearly 4-5 Savegames affected by this Bugged Spells.

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