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About DavidYokosukaJapan

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Fallout 3 Custom Beginnings Deluxe mod supplemented with Imp's More Complex Needs+YADM+Triage
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Fallout 3 followed by original Deus Ex, Quake from 1996, and MechWarrior 2.
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Justin, IIRC you have to craft motorcycle fuel. I can't remember the exact components but when you get the bike from the car dealership, the guy in there will give you a note (added to your pipboy). Read that note and it'll tell you what you need to make motorcycle fuel. Have fun in the Wasteland! FALLOUT 3 the best of the Bethesda Fallouts :) Off topic but if you want to explore someplace like Fallout with friends go to Orca Island (in the Miscreated game).
Tracking Down **the Cause** of CTDs [FO3]
DavidYokosukaJapan replied to DavidYokosukaJapan's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
Thanks for the tips :) I always used Natural Selection and Skeleton Decay in the past which probably caused some issues. I'd keep almost all other MMM settings turned off/minimum and the only "extra" monsters I liked being added are "Stalker creatures." I'd never use "tougher traders" cause I much prefer Upgraded Caravan Merchants mod. -
I noticed today that when I get any crippled limbs there are no negative effects. This also occurs with drug addiction. No negative effects at all listed in pip-boy but the status screen shows the âaddictedâ pipboy face.  About a day ago I installed DoctorOfTheWastes mod [ https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/7083/ ]. Even after uninstalling that mod crippled limbs don't "work." The Lone Wanderer runs at full speed even though the crippled legs icon appears in the HUD and the PiPboy Status screen shows both legs got crippled (from a fall).  My last save was over 33 hours ago so I hope someone can help me resolve this :confused:
Tracking Down **the Cause** of CTDs [FO3]
DavidYokosukaJapan replied to DavidYokosukaJapan's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
Apology for the tardy reply--haven't logged on it some time. Been playing a LOT of Fallout 3 though :) I used to use MMM but noticed a LOT of CTDs occuring with it so uninstalled it. Kind of a pity cause it's the only mod I know of that deletes loot from ash & goo piles which is realistic so I liked that. But game stability is far more important. -
Tracking Down **the Cause** of CTDs [FO3]
DavidYokosukaJapan replied to DavidYokosukaJapan's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
Thanks very much for the tip EJ, just found it -- "Effects teXtures Enhanced" Much appreciated! Now it's time to search for a mod that removes all loot from disintegrated people & animals -
Lookin' for mods I might find interest in.
DavidYokosukaJapan replied to jpmonteith's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
How are CB's ironsights are broken for all the energy weapons? I didn't have any issue using the laser pistol and rifle, however the 'ironsight' for the Railway Rifle totally blocks the screen. Did you overwrite CB's ironsights with RH_Ironsights? Yeah, the repair costs for stuff in CB v1.8 is high but it didn't bother me...kinda seems "realistic" in a way...either pay up to fix an item, or sell it as 'junk.' :p Even with the expensive repair costs I was still rolling in caps--the expensive prices on weapons and armor I'd get from Talon and Raiders got me "stinking rich" by level 10. I recently restarted my game using CB 1.0 and was shocked how ridiculously cheap everything is! I'd forgotten Like I mentioned before, I think "the economy" of newer versions of CB is just wrong. It's a bit punishing on a new character but after you kill one Talon team, you're set for the rest of the game. On that run where you used A3-21's plasma rifle I think you had trouble in that battle cause that weapon has good damager overall but poor damage per second--it's just to slow. BTW is the Pancor shotgun from another mod? I didn't see that one in CB but I remember it from FWE. Anyhow with CB I guess my point is, "sometimes less is more"...or better. -
Tracking Down **the Cause** of CTDs [FO3]
DavidYokosukaJapan replied to DavidYokosukaJapan's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
I like the variety MMM adds to the 'default' creatures, night ghouls, hunting & looting, and the "skeleton decay" but I can definitely live without ALL of that for a stable game. Other than the Stalker creatures I had all of the new monsters turned off. 5 years or so back when I had iguanas turned on some bug occurred that spawned maybe 300 (or more) iguanas around the outside of Megaton. Though I thought it was kinda hilarious it really affected FPS in a bad way :tongue: Isn't EVE a bit broken too? That mod always caused instability for me, regardless of the various stability patches (Blackened for example) that I had in load order. One reason I can't use Blackened (and a lot of other mods) is because I play without Mothership Zeta DLC checked ("Blackened files all require the original versions of their respective mods, and *all* of their DLC addons. No exception"). I just hate the MZ DLC that much. edit: I have to admit one thing I REALLY miss about not using MMM: items removed from ash & goo piles. That's realistic. -
Lookin' for mods I might find interest in.
DavidYokosukaJapan replied to jpmonteith's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
I use V1.8 on that other forum. It works fine. CB 1.8 -- was using that from its release but it made a few too many gameplay changes for me. - Did not like some of the additions/removal of some perks (I really like Intense Training as it is). - I also did not agree with CB1.8's alteration of the economy by making weapons super expensive and clothing super cheap (lore breaking: Crow says that armor is "what they'll pay the most for" and Lucky Harith says "they aren't free but they come close!") - Didn't agree with replacing raider weapon Formlists with all makeshift junk weapons -- they're essentialy limited to the worst firearms, throwing spears, and throwing rocks or baseballs at you. However I really love that the later versions of CB come with iron-sghts! That's really great. I also like that young creature variants are added but I did not like the addition of floaters, wanamingoes, and Failed FEV mutants at all (which kind of led to me downgrading back to v1.0) -
Broken Steel crashes my game!
DavidYokosukaJapan replied to DavidYokosukaJapan's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
Thanks for the tips :) I've bookmarked both of those for install. I don't currently have any issues with Alt-tabbing (which I generally do so I can set CPU priority for FO3 to "high." NVSE is getting a serious look into as it seems to resolve 'general' crashes. I'm not completely certain why Broken Steel would cause a CTD. One thing I noticed was that there was an dead Albino Radscorpion in the middle of Big Town when I'd Fast Travel there (the only way I could access Big Town without an immediate crash)... MMM adds items to the Albino RadScorpion death FormList so maybe that's why? Anyhow I can live without MMM -- I actually had all features turned off except for Stalker creatures, hunting & looting, and skeleton decay. All neat but I think I can live without them or maybe find smaller replacement mods for at least two of those. After uninstalling all my mods except for one "core" mod I was still getting CTDs that went away when ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated was *not* checked in FOMM, but that was probably from uninstalling UIO...I guess it's buggy now that it's no longer supported and causes crashes even after uninstall. Actually I think anything that modifies the UI/HUD causes some pretty bad instability so just resolved to using the default HUD. I "resolved" all my issue by nuking my FO3 install and doing a full reinstall to a new location. I installed all my 'core' gameplay mods (which does not include MMM or EVE) and have had a stable run so far, albeit just 2~3 hours, but that's with zero CTDs so I'm happy. Completely copied this stable FO3GOTY folder and will start installing all the HD retex mods next (I use em all). Thanks again for the anti-crash tips! -
Lookin' for mods I might find interest in.
DavidYokosukaJapan replied to jpmonteith's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
Custom Beginning Deluxe is a good alternate start mod. V1.0 on the Nexus seems pretty stable. The later versions add more features (thus more instability) but the later versions will never be finished because the mod is abandoned. However the alt starts part is complete and much better done than FWE's. -
Broken Steel crashes my game!
DavidYokosukaJapan replied to DavidYokosukaJapan's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
I guess this is the point where I reinstall the game and start over? -
Broken Steel crashes my game!
DavidYokosukaJapan replied to DavidYokosukaJapan's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
Thanks very much for the reply M48A5, appreciated! One thing I've noticed about master updating is that my game would crash whenever saving if Master Updating was not done. The only way I can save when not master updated is by killing my character once and then could save. If you still recommend NOT master updating I will stop and just kill my character once before playing every time I start FO3. Necessary info follows. CPU, AMD Phenom II x6 555 Black Edition Callisto Dual-Core 3.2 GHz Socket AM3 80W HDZ555WFGMBOX Desktop Processor - C3 RevisionGraphics card:Â Sapphire Radeon R9 290 4GB GDDR5 DUAL DVI-D/HDMI/DP PCI-ExpressNative screen resolution of the display monitor: 1920x1080Amount of System RAM: 16GB (4 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800)Hard drive free space: 91 GBDesktop PC (home built) GIGABYTE GA-890GPA-UD3H AM3 AMD 890GX SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 HDMI ATX AMD MotherboardOS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1 (always updated automatically with Windows Update).Game Folder Path is C:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout 3 gotyThe Windows User account is an "Administrator" account.Steam version of Fallout 3 GOTY edition, all DLCs that came with FO3 GOTY edition: Broken Steel, OA, The Pitt, Point Lookout, MZUsing FOMM v 0.10Not using a game "construction kit" like TESCS, SKSE, or GECK.Other helper programs:BOSS Version 2.1.1 with Masterlist Revision: 7313 (2013-07-05)Fallout Script Extender v1.2 beta 2FO3Edit v 2.5.1 (2009-06-11)BOSS Version 2.1.1 with Masterlist Revision: 7313 (2013-07-05)Yes, applied "LAA/4GB Patch" to enable your 32-bit game to use more than 2GB of system memory.Game worked at one point. Had some sporadic crashes but not bad. Used MMMs instructions for uninstalling that mod and after that the crash-at-some-cell-changes started. Also uninstalled "Project Beauty" when uninstalling MMM.Yes, Have used Steam "verify local files" and it redownloaded one file (8.4 MB in size IIRC)Did not rename the game INI files under the "Users" folder tree but the game still reinitialized and set graphics to Ultra. Had to remap all keyboard controls."Hide known file extensions" is NOT enabled in Folder Options.Load Order follows: Fallout3.esmAnchorage.esmThePitt.esmStreetLights.esmBrokenSteel.esmPointLookout.esmZeta.esmUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esmInventory Access.esmIMCN.esmImpervious Power Armour.esmCRAFT.esmCALIBR.esmUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Operation Anchorage.espUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch - The Pitt.espUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.espUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Point Lookout.espCustomBeginning.espCustomBeginningGOTY.espCleanerSettlements.espDarkNights-Default.espMegatonLightingPlusNeonSignGlow.espRock It Launcher Extended Ammo.espkrzymar-MoonSize_040%.espRetarded Leveling 15x Slower.esproyphilipsevil.espKarmaThresholdExtreme1010.espRegulating Karma Talon Style V1.5.espLess suspicious NPCs.espPurposeful Walking.espCASM.espDelay ThePitt + Anchorage.espEMPVision.espGrave Digger No Karma Gain.espGNR Enhanced.espmidlifecrisis.espRude Awakening.espStealth Kills Enabled.espStealth Kills Enabled - Pitt Compatibility.espyaDisguisesMod-Merged.espfessentialdeathtime900.espPowered Power Armor.espPPA - Operation Anchorage.espPPA - Broken Steel.espPPA - The Pitt.espPPA - Mothership Zeta.espZetaNoReturn.espGunfire Sound Range Increased.espFO3 Better Followers.espFO3 Better Followers - Ignore Traps.espDread Dogmeat.espFollowersHireContinued-CharismaCheck-NoKarmaCheck.espBornagain Outcast T-45d Texture Patch.espRailwayCrutchStock.espTriage.espImp's More Complex Needs.espGlowingQuantum.espDestructibles.espMentats Re-Textures.espIMCN - Mentats Stimpak Retex.espIMCN - 5 DLC Merged.espIMCN - Destructibles .espIMCN all other mods patch.espPPA - IMCN.espBM13ImprovedMZSpacesuit.espOasisSafeWater.espFo3HirezdMinigun.espFo3HirezdFlamer.espmajormodder's Junk Food to Barbeque Crisps.espCB load order overrides.espAll RETEX Overrides.esp (a patch I made for all retex mods for foods that usually would get overwritten by a merged patch but with this they don't)merged patch.esp Total active plugins: 72Total plugins: 95 -
Tracking Down **the Cause** of CTDs [FO3]
DavidYokosukaJapan replied to DavidYokosukaJapan's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
Thanks for the replies--genuinely appreciated! I ended up following the readme file for Marts Mutant Mod to uninstall it...now I can access all cells outdoors. Game does randomly freeze every now and then. I think starting a new game might be in order -
My issue is that I have a crash error (screen freezes & have to use Task Manager to shut down the process) that occurs when changing cells while running outside between certain cells. For example when running from the cell that contains Hallowed Moors Cemetery to the one that contains Big Town, it crashes when Big Town loads. Every time. If I Fast Travel to Big Town it loads there fine right in front of a dead Albino Radscorpion. If I try FTing away it crashes the game Things I've tried: - Large Address Aware Enabler - using CASM, disabled all autosaves - Load order is sorted using BOSS. However I changed some ESPs near the middle to a lower position so they'd be "load order winners" at game execute time. (e.g. Dread Dogmeat lower than Better Followers) - Multhreading tweak in INI file (bUseThreadedAI=1, iNumHWThreads=2) - Using the Updated UFO3P v1.6.1 (don't use later versions cause don't like many 'game enhancements' in later versions that "fix" things that are not actually broken e.g. respawning mezzed NPCs) - Making a Merged Patch in FO3edit. - FO3Edit MasterUpdate. - Steam Validating file cache. Final step was disabling all mods and running the game -- it still crashes. Disabled all DLCs and it stops crashing... and narrowed it down to Broken Steel.esm. Running the game without Broken Steel stops the crashing. Deleted that ESM and used Steam file validation to redownload a 'fresh' version of that file. Still, using Broken Steel crashes the game. Advice please!
I've been using mods and tools such as FOMM, NMM, and FO3edit for years. I'm I think I'm decent at making my own merged patches and sorting mods by the order of what I want to "win" the load order 'battle.' That being said, sometimes while walking outdoors in FO3, after the slight pause that occurs when a new cell loads, sometimes there will be a CTD. After starting the game again, if I go to that same area the CTD occurs every time. If I don't go to that cell for x # of days and then go back (after the cell "resets" I think), everything's fine. I think the cause is a conflict between MMM (the creatures mod) and CB Deluxe (alternate start mod that also adds new creatures, some of which are same as MMM). Looking in FO3edit, using a conflict Filter, in the Creatures tree and NPC tree, I've got the "ones I want to win" (MMM, which is HIGHER UP in load order) in the merged patch, overwriting the CB Deluxe NPCs and Creatures. Is there some FormList or some outdoor cell modifiers I need to be checking? If anyone out there has suggestions to point me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it I *think* the cause is a conflict between MMM (the creatures mod) and CB Deluxe (alternate start mod that also adds new creatures, some of which are same as MMM).