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Nexus Mods Profile

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  1. Hi, I have been looking into trying to regenerate Pre-combine, and Previs data for a playthrough I'd like to do. I am trying to get multiple Quest/Area mods to work together without so much performance hits. The best way to do this from what I have researched is to rebuild Pre-Combine and PreVis. The problem I'm running into, is that there is no clear way to regenerate Previs for all of the cells in say the Commonwealth, there is only an automated method for nearby "groups" of cells. This would take many hours to manually rebuild for each group and could be prone to errors which could take another large amount of time figure out how to fix. Is there anyway at all to automate this process for an entire Worldspace? Any tips or guides or information on this problem and/or regenerating Precombine/Previs, in general, would be very helpful.
  2. Verify the integrity of your game cache on Steam. It usually only repairs a small portion if it finds something messed up. The better alternative to reinstalling.
  3. In Regards To Your Crash, Here Is What I Suspect: Armorsmith and other framework type mods, at least for me are always loaded first, and then any mods which majorly modify world spaces or cells. Your load order is very disorganized looking. When you get to the point you are at 100 plugins or more you need to refine load order. If you are just using Loot with no custom metadata (see loot documentation about metadata linked below), and no custom sorting you are probably getting items, conflicting quests, conflicting scripts or conflicting leveled lists overwritten. In this case, it's probably got to do with a conflict between extended weapon mods, armorsmith extended, or one of the other mods that add a ton of weapon/armor items you have. I don't know that for sure but that would be the first things I checked especially Armorsmith Extended since you have it loaded so low in the list. And also you have all DLC but no Armorsmith Extended DLC patch (it's on the Armorsmith Extended mod page under main download files). Loot Meta Data information can be found here in their official docs: http://loot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/app/usage/editor.html FO4Edit Best Method For Resolving Conflicts 100% Using FO4edit To Resolve Conflicts: Easy Method Of Organizing Load Order: My Load Order Category Guidelines: Below is my general guidelines for organizing my own mod load order (Plugins.txt or drag through plugins tab in NMM). I have included numbered notes corresponding to some sections at the bottom of this post. See them for more details or examples of that type of plugin: The above is just what has personally worked for me on a consistent basis, this is only guaranteed to work when used in conjunction with FO4edit to check for probably incompatibilities or conflicts though. So please do keep in mind there may be some alterations you have to make yourself. I see a ton of comments like this where things crash, having invisible objects, purple-black or missing textures, and are all usually symptoms of incorrect load orders. For Fallout 4, Loot is ok but I find it pretty ineffectual at getting things 100% right, especially if you use no custom metadata to help it get priorities straight. I seriously hope this has been helpful to you or others struggling with things like this!!! :smile:
  4. ---Edit This seems to have been a false alarm on my part.... please disregard I am an idiot apparently and can't make out images correctly... >__> I very much apologize, I feel bad now. :(
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