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Everything posted by AlreadyBanned

  1. Thank you very much, you have saved me quite a bit in aspirin.
  2. That figures...assumed cookingmenu was...well...the cooking station. OK..awesome..thank you we have JOY! Odd that the PipboyMenu was not though....was thinking it was completely bugged
  3. Correct, the quest is an open "infinite" quest I have tried Pipboymenu CookingMenu and a few others but I really need is the chem station. EDIT: Yes, messagebox and notification...no Joy
  4. For the life of me I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong... Scriptname Test extends Quest Const Event OnQuestInit() RegisterForMenuOpenCloseEvent("LockpickingMenu") Debug.Trace("The Quest Fired!!") EndEvent Event OnMenuOpenCloseEvent(string asMenuName, bool abOpening) If (asMenuName== "LockpickingMenu") If (abOpening) Debug.Trace("Joy!!") EndIf EndIf EndEvent I have tried without parenthesis, if abOpening == false and using almost every "MenuType" The Quest fires but still no Joy. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. Howdy...care to enlighten us? My script is basically as follows Scriptname TEST extends activemagiceffect native bool Function SetUnconscious(bool abUnconscious = true) native Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) akTarget.SetUnconscious() endEventUnfortunately...this only works on Robots (Codsworth, P.A.M. ect...)
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