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About dukemordred

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  1. If you`re gonna be a free user the least you could do is NOT have ad blockers, yet somehow some of you are proud of yourselves for not supporting the site, way to go. I`ve had freezes too because of the autoplay video with sound ad, that damn tram I don`t even know what they were advertising with that. Seems to be gone now.
  2. Hey guys, anyone knows how to remove brahmin from provisioners? I want to fill the map with supply lines so the settlers basically become patrols, but the brahmin is ruining it for me. Thanks.
  3. I was wondering this as well, it seems the gauss in vats just shoots without charging, similar to how the laser musket only uses one charge even when you have multiple charge mods on it.
  4. maybe because we can place interior walls and doors very easily with basic use of the TCL command and a bit of creativity? I`ll admit tho there are many improvements to the building system that could be made.
  5. my CPU is i7 4.00 GHz my GPU is 2Gb 256 bit my RAM is 8Gb Anyway, the question was not "why do I have bad fps" It was: why so bad ONLY inside Institute. I have explored every single location in the game and nowhere does it even come close to that huge fps drop.
  6. I tried the ini tweaks related to reflections that worked in other games, they don`t seem to do anything here. How are not more people crying about this? I see many with potato PCs using textures even lower than 512 to get their game to work, all them haven`t gotten to the Institute yet?
  7. I was thinking that the lights and all the reflective surfaces are to blame but that is just guessing. But if they are, how do we fix it? We need some solid info from someone who is more knowledgeable
  8. Seems like the built-in stairs inside the screen are blocked off and rendered useless. The whole point of mine was to integrate the structure and make it the actual entrance, not build a monstrosity that just happens to be next to the screen. There`s no nice way to say this, but I have to: Those floating walls that make the "fence" made me cringe.
  9. -------------------------------- http://imgur.com/a/TFA6Y -------------------------------- The interior isn`t very interesting but 2 floors with plenty of space for anything one might need. There is access from the ground, using the stairs inside the screen, entrance on pic 3. Missile turrets have big enough range to shoot from the roof at anything in a decent range. And yes that is a Mutfruit farm on the roof :D
  10. Well at least I`m not the only one. If anyone Identifies what exactly is causing it please post.
  11. Hey all, For some reason, inside the Institute is the only place in the whole game where my FPS drops even to 20. There is no other place where my FPS drops to anything below 40, and even that is rare, mostly I can hold 50-60. I have tried the fog remover mods and the lower texture ones, they don`t do anything for this whole area. Has anyone else experienced this? Any Ideas?
  12. I`m sure this will get done at some point, the synth relay grenades have the perfect animation already for it, just spawn power armor instead of the synth. Problem would be to save your own power armor configuration when you call it, but I would settle for premade variants.
  13. Don`t have it anymore, I kind of accepted the fact that I can`t build as big as I want. The limit for me was a building 10x10 with 3 floors, where 1 unit is 1 big shack floor, on Spectacle Island. Half way through decorating that with lights and furniture the crashes started so I just scrapped it and built smaller.
  14. Hmm, thing is, sometimes I would crash, load a save from 1 min ago, build the exact same things and not crash. Even add more on top of it and still be ok. If it would be a clear limit it would make sense but this is pretty lame.
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