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About gargoylesky

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  1. Nope. Not even the Orc adventurers actually take anything, they just hang out in the ruins, killing enemies that respawn there. If there was some unique looking Aleid ruin with lots of respawning Varla stones as well as unique hard to kill bosses then I'd keep going there to train and for the loot.
  2. I have two saved games. First is a brutal male orc who spends his days in the Arena. I even hunt down NPCs who cheat on their wives. You can't tell their wives that their husbands are cheating on them so I gave justice... brotherhood way. Second is my fragile female breton, a mage, who spends her days collecting flowers, lol, and selling potions everywhere. Who said you must fight to make money or fight to level up? Lol.
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