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Posts posted by Systex

  1. This thread needs to be deleted, if you don't like it, don't buy it and stop complaining already. I'm actually looking forward to TES:O, finally something different. Don't dload it if you don't like it, you can go back to Morrowind for all I care.
  2. I've noticed too that some mods are not compatible with the latest patch, most of them work fine though. Pretty much all texture mods are compatible, the only mod I've found to be not compatible with 1.6 is The Dance of Death, the kill moves don't work/appear. You should probably find out what mod causes the CTD by manually turning on/off the .esp files.
  3. I've got a dual-core processor. QQ. /sadface. Also got 6GB's of RAM and a Nvidia GTX460 overclocked 1gb ddr5.

    I have never, ever had any problems with gaming, I'm running all Call of Duty's on max settings and still getting 125fps. On CoD4 I can manage to get it over 200fps. Also running LotRO on nearly max settings with the high-res texture pack installed... but Skyrim? Nope. Runs terrible. Even without any mods installed.


    Bethesda does not got the money to start handing out money to get a better engine

  4. I don't understand how people can possibly go with the Empire. Remember, it were they that wanted to execute you... for no apparent reason. If it wasn't for Alduin, you'd be dead.

    Another thing is that the Empire bans the worship of Talos, thus killing all the pride and honor of a Nord.

    And lets talk about the Thalmor, they capture Nords, interrogate and torture them. And of course the Empire (General Tullius in this case) supports the Thalmor. In my 300+ hours of gameplay I've heard multiple Thalmor elves shout: "soon all Nords will bow to the Thalmor" and "don't you see, elven supremacy is the only truth."


    And why do some people claim Ulfric to be a racist? I know that the dark elves live in the Grey Quarter of Windhelm, but really, they should be happy that they've got a roof over their heads. We all know that Nords don't like the elves, but this is exactly the same what happens in the real world. Many Europeans don't like all the people from the Middle East invading our land.


    I've also made a little comparison of the Jarl's that side with the Stormcloaks, and with the Empire. I can honestly say that the Jarl's supporting the Empire are utter douche bags that care nothing for but for themselves. They also look like proper rich idiots that don't give a crap about pride and honor. But just like with everything, it's just a matter of opinion. The only Jarl I like that supports the Empire, is Balgruuf the Greater. He doesn't like the Thalmor and he's not a Thalmor slave.

  5. Did you even read my post? If you don't have anything useful to say, don't reply. I'm looking for a solution, so please, don't post useless stuff about bumping and that it's frowned upon. >_>


    I've tried 3 different ENB mods now and they all do the same, my mouse reacts very weird, when I open the world map, it becomes laggy as hell, I even disabled all mods and it's still laggy. Even tried out the lowest possible settings with no DOF and all that. But the game is still lagging and stuttering.


    4GB RAM

    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 - 1gb ddr5

    Intel® Core2 Duo CPU - E8500 @ 3.16GHz (2 CPUs), ~3.2GHz

    850 watt power supply.

  6. So I've downloaded this mod, and I'm getting a smooth 40 fps in Solitude, about 35-40 in Whiterun and 60 fps indoors. But it's still choppy as hell, whenever I move, it's like the game skips a lot of frames. When I stand still and look around, everything goes smooth, but when I walk/run/sprint all hell breaks loose. Is there some sort of fix for this, I'm not experienced when it comes to ENB stuff.


    Any help would be appreciated, Skyrim has become unplayable now. :(

  7. So after a few weeks without a single CTD, the mental torture has begun again. I've been doing the Thieves Guild quests, and on the quest called Blindsighted I gotta travel to Irkngthand. So what I do is fast travel to Korvanjund, a nordic ruin to the left of Irkngthand, and then it crashes. I ain't done anything, haven't made any changes to my .ini files, there are no mods that cause conflicts with each other, I only have about 15 installed anyways.

    I've validated and defragged local game content, but it was all in vain.


    My Skyrim is currently on Seriously, if you ever feel like torturing people, let them play Skyrim for a while.

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