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  1. Has anyone made a gameplay overhaul mod that makes the game an actual RPG instead of a looter shooter? Basically think skyrim, a steel sword is a steel sword, the only way it can be better than any other steel sword is if it's been upgraded somehow (enchanting/blacksmith, or in cyberpunk context weapon mods). Items shouldn't have levels, it's immersion breaking for me, but besides that I just never really liked looter shooters. My greatest disappointment when I played the game was the fact that it was just a glorified looter shooter that was only marketed as an rpg rather than actually being an rpg. The closest thing i've found to this idea is this mod which makes at least firearms no longer scale based on level (so you can just loot a gun and use it without swapping it out every 15 minutes due to the out of place looter shooter game mechanics), but it also makes the game a bit less of an RPG by removing some of the character level up bonuses such as health. A little bit of bullet sponge is just lore friendly although i do agree that in the base game it's a bit too much. Is there any other mod that just focuses on adjusting the game to be more rpg like and less looter shooter?
  2. Really wish to see linux support, all the most popular games on nexusmods work very well on linux. (TES/Fallout/Witcher/Cyberpunk/Dragonage/Valheim, even monster hunter works well on linux) Supporting linux shouldn't even be hard, the biggest difference under the hood would be using '/' instead of '\' for paths and possibly ':' instead of ';' for separation. Even the UI doesn't seem to be using anything weird like wpf so even that part should be fine too.
  3. (This has been solved, see edits at bottom of this post) I tried setting [Launcher] bEnableFileSelection=1 uLastAspectRatio=1 in fallout4prefs.ini, fallout4.ini and fallout4custom.ini but whatever i do no option shows up in the launcher to load plugin files. I need to be able to mod the game without a mod manager because I'm having problems with the vortex and mod organizer 2, I know how to install mods manually, been doing it since the morrowind days, I just need a way to load the plugin files and control the load order. Edit: I found it out, you just start the game and go ot mods then in there you can load mods and configure the load order. Problem now is that the load order I set is not being respected, e.g. I try to change the load order for the mods, for some mods it works, for other mods it always just resets to the position it started at. Edit2: User/AppData/Local/Fallout4/Plugins.txt is what I was looking for :smile:
  4. Most of the female faces in the game are kinda ugly. There are very very few exceptions to this, and it doesn't fit the narrative of the game at all. It's like a lot of faces that should have been pretty were deliberately made uglier (as is a common trend for AAA games these days for god knows what reason). The only hope I see for this ever getting fixed is through a massive mod that would improve the faces of all females in the game. I don't actually expect anyone to do this, but I saw there was no request for it so I had to add it in because it's one of those things that actually bothered me most about the game for some reason. A lot of those faces may be technically impressive in the sense that they're quite realistic for video game standards, but they're bad in the sense that the faces in this setting should not be realistic in the first place, at least not in this sense. The society in which the game is set should be plastic surgery galore... Especially when looks are as important as they are there. The male characters I noticed do not have this problem at all, sure there are ugly males, but there's also plenty of pretty boys to go around. And at least some of the ugly ones are ugly in interesting ways at least like the Maelstrom crowd.
  5. Yeah I heard it breaks some other mods, follower mods specifically, that's a bit worrying, because it really shouldn't, and if such mods are breaking, perhaps a lot of things in the base game are now broken too; because the update should not affect plugin files in any way theoretically; so I wonder how the hell this is happening. But while I am completely on board with you for hating Microsoft (no seriously, I don't even use windows anymore, and it's microsoft's fault I had to go learn how to use linux instead...), when it comes to managing game companies under their ownership, they have historically done a pretty decent job, it seems their policy for a lot of these game studios is to just let them keep doing whatever they were doing and keeping their meddling to a minimum. I mean just look even at recent games, flight simulator, psychonauts 2, age of empires 4, halo master chief collection & infinite, ori and the blind forest & ori and the will of the wisps, forza horizon 4 & 5, state of decay 2, sea of thieves... and that's not even getting into their older games. Also it's true Microsoft tried to kill off linux, but they've changed their stance and it's basically ancient history (or is it just that they shifted to an EEE stance? :huh: ) Also, notably, Microsoft do not seem to actively prevent games published by them from supporting linux, there's a good bunch of linux native titles published by microsoft; and out of those games I just mentioned, with the exception of halo infinite, all of them work on proton, and with the further exception of forza horizon 4 and 5, all of them work well on proton too. Mojang, despite having been bought by Micro$oft also still maintains and updates the java edition of minecraft just like it always has, although a bit of a shame that that version of minecraft is not used on platforms other than PC.... Speaking of which as another commenter mentioned, it's not like microsoft shut down modding for minecraft either. As for Microsoft trying to force a profit out of modding and going as far as shutting down free mod support... If anything, anniversary edition is the excact opposite, since buying anniversary edition literally gives you ALL the creation club mods, if anything, anniversary edition is the end of paid mods, although I'm not holding my breath for that... My point is, although you're right about microsoft being a piece of s*** company, when i tcomes to game publishing, Microsoft knows how to make money, and their #1 strategy seems to have been not to sabotage their own game studios, and it's been working out great. Even when they do meddle (they sure meddled plenty with minecraft) it usually turns out all right for everyone involved. Microsoft is a bad, bad company, but game publishing is possibly the only thing microsoft has ever done right. Also the anniversary edition thing has bethesda written all over it, I doubt Microsoft had anything to do with it besides taking a share of the profits from the AE sales lol... This is just basic bethesda. And I wouldn't expect it from microsoft, because as shitty as they are, they've got plenty of money to not be desperate enough to pull a stunt like forcing mods to be paid only; just like they're not desperate enough to actively prevent linux support for their games (in the end it doesn't matter if the user is on windows or linux, microsoft still gets paid for the game, and that's good enough for them it seems).
  6. Thanks, that paints a pretty clear picture.
  7. We only have a preliminary build for AE compatible SKSE, it's not really ready yet. And before it is ready Address Library can't be updated either, but it probably will once skse for ae is ready. Woah relax you don't have to do a system recovery, there are ways to downgrade your games to the last version after updating them on steam.
  8. I'm pretty sure that for address library to be updated, SKSE for AE needs to be finalized first (right now we only have a preliminary build of it). I just hope if the author of address library decides not to update it, that he at least open sources it so someone else can fork it and update it for the new SKSE version. meh321 is still here but he's been quiet about this, I believe the reason he's quiet is because he just doesn't want to commit to anything before he sees how big of a task updating the address library would be. From what I can tell though, the guy is still an active skyrim modder and clearly loves the game as much as the rest of us, so I think he'll update it when he feels it's the right time.
  9. Seen a lot of pessimism surrounding the latest SSE update and the AE release surrounding modding, people talking like it's the end of Skyrim modding, I'm not really buying into that, I don't think it's gonna be that extreme, I think people are blowing things out of proportion when comparing AE to SSE. As far as I can tell, the AE update should really only be breaking SKSE therefore requiring a new version of SKSE (nothing new there really, this happens every time SSE is updated anyways, it's just a slightly more complicated update this time around) After SKSE is updated, some mods requiring SKSE might also need updating (but also possibly not?) In other words, the way I've been expecting this to more or less go is that when SKSE has been updated to be compatible with AE, everything should more or less work and the only potential problems after that would be mod conflicts between creation club content and free mods, which again, wouldn't really be anything new either anyways. I mean literally the only change here is that the game was recompiled in a more recent compiler, it's still the same game, still the same code when it comes down to it. It shouldn't be that big of a deal. So how bad is it really? Are the pessimistic doomsayers right and modding is just f***ed? Am I right and are people just being hysterical about a minor technical issue that'll probably be resolved in like a month tops? Or is it something in between?
  10. Or failing that, just a more modest armor & clothing replacer... Just because I like jiggle physics doesn't mean I want all the women in the game to dress like strippers 24/7. Some of the vanilla armors and clothing (for instance forsworn) are pretty skimpy, and although most of the heavy armors wouldn't benefit much from physics, a lot of the light armor and clothing would. But as I said, just because I like working physics, doesn't mean I necessarily want to turn skyrim into an aboveground sex dungeon. I mean, it's not so bad to be dressed like this, it's hot enough really, much more and it'd start getting a bit excessive.
  11. Replacing in-game meshes is really easy, just a couple clicks in the creation kit mate, it really wouldn't take you long to figure out. It's a bit trickier however, if you're trying to use outdated meshes from oldrim, which sounds like exactly what you're trying to do.
  12. This: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7935 You'll also want this: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2977 Now all old people will have vanilla body + clothing models, no more slooty grannies, no more grannies with smokin bods either to send you all kinds of weird signals.
  13. Right so in this screenshot I have ugridstoload set to 11, I've got 20FPS with 20% CPU utilization (spread rather evenly between the cores) and only 40-50% GPU utilization (Screenshot) This is quite weird, I'm also not at the end of my rope with RAM or VRAM either (I have 6GB VRAM and 16GB RAM) The only settings I notice that influence this so far are the shadow load distance (I saw a slight improvement with shadow load distance set to 0 instead of 10,000 only like 3-5fps tho) and the ugridstoload setting, in the same situation on ugridstoload 5 I would have 50fps, on ugrids 7 I would have 35fps and on ugrids 9 I would have 25fps all with similar GPU/CPU utilization. The screenshot is a 'worst case scenario' example, it won't really get worse than this, usually while playing at 11 or 9 I will have fps hovering around 30 with cpu/gpu utilization hovering around 50-60% (on 5 I get 50-60fps and on 7 I get 35-45fps). What is going on here and is there any way to fix it? (Besides resetting ugridstoload to it's horrible default value)
  14. It does doesn't it? Looks like something daedra would make their human slave army wear, because it looks just as painful to wear as it looks heavy and protective.
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