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About rlavlfwo0911

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  1. After transferring this settlement this weird graphical bug happens. Normally It doesn't happen but in some locations some objects change like the image. I personally think this is not caused by any mods but I'm not sure why. -edit I fixed it myself. It is actually caused by scrap everything and I stopped using the ini file.
  2. When I play fallout 4 my playthrough is fairly long so I often experience severe bullet sponge. To fix that I have installed a mod modifies health scaling but it wasn't good enough for me and caused another problems because the game is designed based on that ridiculous amounts of health. So I'm just gonna make level cap. But I'm not sure what level is the best choice for this because some enemies and events including from mods appear after playable character reaches certain amounts of level. What do you think is the best level for this?
  3. It is certain that silence effect set weapons's detection level to silent but I can't sure this also happens to the weapon's projectile. This is really confusing because I couldn't find any description for this.
  4. I used setweaponammo and setweaponcliprounds to make underbarrel weapon mod but it seems these functions don't affect current ammo count. Before I reload previous ammo count remains still. Does anyone know how to directly control ammo count?
  5. I normally play the game peacefully but I didn't know the most peacefull solution in GI Blues cause the worst result for kings in mr house ending. So I want to fix this situation and have some plans but not sure they are right way. First things is typing "setstage 10e196 90" and "startquest 10e196" to restart the quest from reporting to the king. Second is just typing "setstage 10e196 100(or 101 I need check this later.)". I'm not sure which one is better and what is potential problem caused by these methods.
  6. Is there any function that returns base id in pipboy menu when I selected(left click) an item? I think this could be used to hotkey quest items.
  7. I just finished simple retexturing but without compression the file size is too big. What should I select to compress texture in this image?
  8. Water breathing effect works properly when in actor effect category. This is the reason rebreather in new vegas also use the same script to add water breathing effect.
  9. I want to add water breathing effect to about 20 helmets. So that I need to write 20 identical scripts like this. scn script int iEquipped begin OnEquip playerplayer.AddSpell VMS15WaterBreathingActualset iEquipped to 1end begin GameModeif iEquipped == 1 && Player.GetEquipped helmet == 0player.RemoveSpell VMS15WaterBreathingActualset iEquipped to 0endifend But as far as I know Gamemode block is executed every frame and has a chance to affect gaming performance.Can this scripts significantly affect performance?
  10. I use millenia's script as a reference which stops quest after adding form to formlist. scn scriptname short idoonce begin gamemode if idoonce == 0 addformtoformlist form formlist set idoonce to 1 stopquest questname endif end So you mean this does not cause problem NORMALLY but can be problematic in rare case?
  11. For lack of my English skill I think using example is easier to explain. Form A Formlist B Mod C start game without C -> script add A to B -> save game -> start game with C and load previous game -> C overwrites B -> is A still in B?
  12. Suppose there is formlist A and add any form by using addformtoformlist function. After this load mod that revise formlist A. Then what happens?
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