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Everything posted by cmal

  1. Unless it was changed for NV (which I don't think it was), you need to make the game recalculate movement speed, like this for example player.damageav rightmobilitycondition 1 player.restoreav rightmobilitycondition 1 after you set speedmult.
  2. In the original mod, every normal attack causes the effect to go through this random chain that chooses which special attack to use, with the two instant death attacks having the smallest chance of occurring. Since I've rewritten the code so that the player can choose to use these two specials now (provided they are available), should I remove them from the normal attack probability tree and just leave the hideous crippling effect specials.
  3. I am currently working on a revamped version of my Hokuto Shinken mod for New Vegas, which I'll release after NVSE v1 comes out of beta. I've decided to start this thread to keep people who enjoyed that mod up to date, as well as to get some feedback. A few of the changes I've made so far: The perk is now only a single level, since vanilla FNV only gives perks every other level. The Skill requirements for special techniques remain. The perk requirements have been adjusted slightly. Its now available at Level 2 and you still need Unarmed, STR, END, PER, and AGI, but you only need the latter two at 6 (was at all 7 in FO3). If you pull a few points out of CHR, INT, and/or LUK, and take Unarmed as a Tag Skill, you can get the perk right away. Perk bonuses have been tweaked to reflect changes in FNV and certain balance issues. Some have been removed, some reduced, others increased, and some have been replaced. You can no longer configure the "power" of the mod, since the bonuses have been adjusted to make it less OP overall. The two "instant death" techniques are now essentially available on-demand (more on this later). The special armor has been removed. The music has been removed. It was a bit excessive. The other SFX have been untouched and a certain trademark phrase has been included. Now for the feedback part. I have a few ideas about the insta-kill abilities I've been kicking around and wanted some opinions. Since the instant death techniques can now be activated manually, should they be removed from the normal tech rotation? Should they be hotkey triggered or trigger on a power attack? If hotkeyed, should it be a single key for both (randomly picks one since they both result in death anyway), one for each, or a combination key (ie Shift + Attack)? If its power attack triggered, should it randomly pick one or be selectable like the "special" power attacks (ie Scribe Counter, Khan Trick, etc)? Or maybe a timer depending on how long you hold the Attack key?
  4. Go check Skree's Battlefield 2142 thread.
  5. I can't remember the name of it, but search for "red eye" on the main site. Its a mod of the UT3 Iron Guard Armor made to work with the Reinforced Chinese Stealth Suit. It can't be uploaded on the Nexus itself, but there are links to where it can be found on the listing.
  6. Jesus, that's a lot of bits.... That outfit is composed of the following: -one of the mufflers from Yoko's outfit -T-51B shoulder pads from Tailor Maid -the Persona Outfit -the skirt from one of the two Vocaloid Megurine Luka mods (each for a different body mod IIRC) Feeling too lazy to go hunt down links, but I think you should be able to find them with that info.
  7. You have to go into the "Gameplay > Globals..." menu to modify those. As for #2, I can't help you there.
  8. Perhaps Armored Vests is what you're looking for?
  9. At this time, I am unaware of any way to do this. I investigated some of this matter while making my Precise Aim mod. From what I found, there is no detectable changes to any of the INI settings or game settings whenever a controller is in use. The only thing that changes, as far as I'm aware, is that the function IsXBox returns true when you are using/emulating the X-Box controller.
  10. Good luck with the job hunt. Hope you can come back to this mod once things settle down again for you.
  11. It would be more helpful if you posted your script and the related information. Don't forget to use codebox for you script to make it easier to read.
  12. Yup. The type of scripting you're looking for has basically already been accomplished by Zooming Scoped Weapons. It would just need to be extended to IS and the zooming non-dynamic. There there's all the hoohah of shoving all your questy bits into it.
  13. Okay, I remember this mask. You originally had it packaged with a sword mod. I always thought it looked more like a Tengu mask or a Hannya mask than the usual armor mask. A darker tex will make it look better with the MZ armor, but I still want to ask if anyone's up to making another one. A "proper" Hannya-style mask would be fine, too.
  14. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. Figures you'd already have one handy, jaysus. Have you tried it with the MZ armor, see if they match well? I'll give her a download.
  15. The MZ Samurai Armor is nice and all, but what we really need now is a facemask to go with the helmet. Just thinking out loud in case some other like-minded community members were thinking about it, as well.[/blatant request]
  16. Closest thing I can think of is Owned!, which is more a real-estate mod than a trade and craft mod.
  17. You can go about this two ways: edit the ESP or replace all scope crosshairs with the Gauss Rifle's. Method 1) You're going to need to unpack the Gauss Rifle's scope mesh from the BSA. FOMM can do this, which I hope you're using anyway. You can either unpack it to whatever directory you like, or on the same path as it originally had. Open up your downloaded sniper rifle esp in GECK, find it in the Weapon section, and edit the dropdown Target Nif for the Has Scope box in the Art and Sound tab. Voila. Method 2) Extract the mesh, but rename it to Scope01.nif and drop it into your Data\Meshes\interface\hud folder. All scopes now use the same crosshair.
  18. Cool, thanks for the insights and help. As far as I know, DarNUI does not have the hotkeys as an implemented feature, but there may be unfinished code laying in wait in the files.
  19. So setting it to =0 would have the desired effect on stealth armor but with some sacrifices in regard to other heat effects. Will give it a try later. If its not to noticeable I might be able to life with it. Thanks for your efforts anyway. :) If you want, you can dynamically enable/disable that INI setting using FOSE and a script so that its not always off or on. I have no idea what this would do to stability, though, so it might warrant some investigation. Does that really work? I tried swapping out the Chamelon effect with a new one that used Invisibility, instead, and it didn't seem to make any difference.
  20. As I discovered in another thread, it seems like Chameleon isn't just a visual effect. Even the 5 magnitude of the Stealth Suit's StealthBoyInvis enchant (that is, the Stealth Boy's own enchant) has a significant effect on your ability to be not detected.
  21. First Question: That looks like a personal custom job, probably just rotated the hilt mesh in Nifskope. You're better off asking the poster of the image. Second Question: I think it has something to do with their weapon affinity or something. I've seen threads and posts about the subject, but I never looked into them. Sorry I can't be of any help.
  22. It seems I was wrong after all. Chameleon does have an effect on detection. For some reason, I either misinterpreted my own results or had a bugged experience with it. There is no clean, easy way to get rid of the visual effect. Its hardcoded, so its not like I can adjust the shader, and there's nothing else that could take its place. The only thing that I can think of is using FOSE commands to dynamically change the sneak-related Game Settings whenever you go into sneak mode. It'll take some time and research to determine which values need to adjusted to achieve the desired result.
  23. Okay, I need you to describe to me how exactly "the stealth has been removed completely". What I removed was the same effect used by Stealth Boys, which only provide a shader -- there is no actual "stealthing" involved. As far as I know (from my own experiments and reading the GECK wiki), stealth in FO3 is nothing like in Oblivion, if that's what you were expecting. Just because you have the visual effect of appearing invisible doesn't mean you are undetectable. In fact, only one of the Stealth Suit's three enchantment effects is useful. One just plays a special shader effect for when you go into and out of sneak, one is the insivibility visual, and the last is a Sneak skill bonus. The Stealth Boy has one effect that the Suit does not -- it has a weak ability that temporarily stops combat so you can try to make a quick getaway. Someone who knows better is free to correct my sorry ass if you know what you are talking about.
  24. Use the HideMessageFlag of EquipItem and its unequip counterpart.
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