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Posts posted by Matusff

  1. Caesars New Regime is one for consideration


    You can try Searchlight Airport NCR or Legion mod ,they have a quest that help you invade searchlight for the ceaser's legion.


    scottmack - I think its more like retexture of legion armor, then the quest mod, cuz it dont add any quests into the game.


    mrqiv1122 - thx ill try it

  2. Hi, are there any good Legion quest mods?

    Because I played the game many times - once as NCR, but I dont like them.


    There is just about 20 Legion quests (main and sidequest) and 42 NCR quests (main and sidequests) + some Mod quests wich you cant do when you are legionnaire.

    I would really apreciate if you could help me and post links to them. :smile:

    Thanks a lot :smile:

  3. Hi, are there any good Legion quest mods?

    Because I played the game many times - once as NCR, but I do not like
    them - and there is just about 20 Legion quests (main and sidequest) and
    42 NCR quests (main and sidequests) + some Mod quests wich you cant do
    when you are legionnaire.

    I would really apreciate if you could help me and post links to them. :smile:
    Btw sorry for spamming but noone responded to my latest post :/

    Thanks a lot :smile:

  4. Hi, are there any good Legion quest mods?
    Because I played the game many times - once as NCR, but I do not like them - and there is just about 20 Legion quests (main and sidequest) and 42 NCR quests (main and sidequests) + some Mod quests wich you cant do when you are legionnaire.
    I would really apreciate if you could help me and post links to them. :)
    Thanks a lot :)


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