Hello everyone! So I'm working on a helmet for my Victus Tactical Armor mod, and I want to make an open-face and closed-face variant. I've got the open-face version down, but with the closed-face, I wanted to add a visor that covers the whole face, and I'm trying to use the visor from one of the flight helmets for that. The visor is almost perfectly proportioned and positioned, except that it's a little too far forward, so if i use it as is, it looks like the visor is floating in front of the helmet. Does anyone know how to make a slight edit to the mesh of the visor so that it's just a little bit farther back? I don't have 3ds Max, and as far as I can tell, any edits I make to the mesh itself don't stick when I try it in Nifskope 2.0. If anyone could give me some info on how to do that, I would hugely appreciate it, because this is exactly what I need to create the exact kind of helmet I'm shooting for.