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Nexus Mods Profile

About PraeterVictus

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. Hi friends! So I've decided the time has come to upgrade my computer, as it's beginning to run a little behind current games, including Fallout 4. Here is my rig: Processor: Intel Core i7-3770k CPU @ 3.50GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.5GHz Memory: 16GB RAM Video: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680, 4GB Memory It runs Fallout 4 and other games decently, but the framerate drops in some of the more graphics-intensive areas, especially those added by mods. I also have a lot of framerate stuttering in Skyrim and a game called Star Citizen (if anyone's familiar with that). So, my current plan is to double the RAM and buy a juicier graphics card. Does anyone have any recommendations? Are there any other upgrades I need to consider?
  2. Is there something going on with the Nexus servers right now? I tried updating my mod, but the new files aren't uploading properly to the servers. Not only that, but it appears all new mods over the last day are experiencing the same problem.
  3. Oh wow, I must be blind, I didn't even see that option. crimsomrider, is there no limit to your knowledge and abilities? :)
  4. So I know that you can add alternate skins to characters in the Creation Kit by creating a texture set and setting the character to use it. What I'm wondering is, would it be possible to do the same thing with models for outfits? I'm working on an update for my armor mod, which will have tons of different options (8 colors, 5 optional glowing colors, plus a non-glowing version, and many other options, so the overall possibilities will be pretty numerous), and I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to apply those alternate colors and glowmaps to the model using texture sets in the Creation Kit, without having to create a new mesh for each item (since obviously that will cause it to take up quite a bit more memory). So far I haven't seen an option for this in the Creation Kit. Edit: While we're at it, is it possible to apply glowmaps to a model that doesn't already have them through the Creation Kit, or would I have to make a separate model with glowmaps and emittance enabled checked in the material editor?
  5. Holy crap, that worked perfectly!! I didn't realize Outfit Studio could be used to edit meshes that way. Thank you so much, Crimsomrider! :)
  6. Hello everyone! So I'm working on a helmet for my Victus Tactical Armor mod, and I want to make an open-face and closed-face variant. I've got the open-face version down, but with the closed-face, I wanted to add a visor that covers the whole face, and I'm trying to use the visor from one of the flight helmets for that. The visor is almost perfectly proportioned and positioned, except that it's a little too far forward, so if i use it as is, it looks like the visor is floating in front of the helmet. Does anyone know how to make a slight edit to the mesh of the visor so that it's just a little bit farther back? I don't have 3ds Max, and as far as I can tell, any edits I make to the mesh itself don't stick when I try it in Nifskope 2.0. If anyone could give me some info on how to do that, I would hugely appreciate it, because this is exactly what I need to create the exact kind of helmet I'm shooting for.
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