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About jd44

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    United States

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  1. Simple add the ability to rotate the Habs 90 degrees. So we can make better ships.
  2. As it is now you can only do "Face Art". It would be nice to have arm, chest, back ect. Tatoos to choose from.
  3. They need more voice options, there is not a good option for Dwarfs, or Half-Orcs. No gruff voices, no noble sounding voices, no shady sounding voices, no eccentric sounding voices, no obviously insane voices. The namesake games had all of these as options for both genders. The ones you get are just normal human, no personality within the voice.
  4. Pretty straight forward. The ability to fully create your hireling from scratch.
  5. jd44

    Mod Request

    Could someone make a Mod that removes the Death Penalty for Solo Play, or at least cap it at something like 10%, 15%. The Death Penalty as it currently is makes the game not be any fun and unplayable in Solo. The developers have a year of knowing this is breaking the game for the majority of players and have not taken any action on this.
  6. Could someone make a mod that adds a Clothing Set for the "Special" slot that is V's Office uniform? So that when you equip it you will always be in his/her suit reguardless of what armor items you have equiped.
  7. I have owned this game for two years now and still cannot play it because of the key mapping. Could someone make a mod that allows for fully custom key mapping. Mainly with space flight games I need the mouse for steering, arrow up for acceleration, arrow down for deacceleration, arrow left/right for rolling. and the keys around the arrow keys to be mappable (Lctrl, Lshift, Enter, Delete, Insert, End, Home, Page up, Page Down, and number pad). I have tried with the controls as they are and cannot even pass the flight trainer.
  8. I second this. Having the shield equip to the same bind as the 1-H weapon would be ideal, you would only have to use the one keybind to equip both.
  9. A craftable item called a Backpack. It would add an extra bar of inventory, and an extra 100 lbs of carry capacity.
  10. I have an idea for a mod that adds Familiars to the game. This is something that no one has done but would be fun for those who play mages. My idea is as follows. Once you finish the quest “Under Saarthal” for the Mage College, Tolfdir give you a spell book “Call Familiar”. When you cast the spell a screen pops up having you choose between two familiars (once chosen it is permanent), a Sprite, or a Quasit. Both Familiars: Use the animal slot Have a magic pool that is equal to 100+1 per level of its master. Are not targetable. The Sprite will hover over your head (like Candlelight) and will be a tiny humanoid with butterfly wings and leafy garb. When you enter dark areas it will turn into a ball of light (the Candlelight spell) and provide light for you. The Sprite knows the “Heal Other” spell and will use it on the PC or followers when their HP drops below 75% of their health. It can equip 2 rings. When you cast “Call Familiar” when the Sprite is already called it will open a menu with the option to equip a ring and an option to learn new restoration spells. The ring slot allow you to equip any ring in your inventory to one of the slots or switch out rings if you want. The option to learn new restoration spells will allow you to “teach” the sprite any restoration spell that you have a spell book for in your inventory. The Sprite also gains perks as the PC levels as listed below. PC Lvl Perks 10: Novice Restoration, Regeneration 20: Apprentice Restoration, Recovery 1 30: Adept Restoration, Respite 40: Expert Restoration, Recovery 2 50: Master Restoration, The Quasit is a small devilish looking creature that sits on your shoulder. He will automatically cast Transmute on your inventory when you have enough ore in it to do so. He will cast Oakflesh on you when ever battle starts, and will do so when the spell wares off if it has enough magic to do so. When you cast “Call Familiar” when the Quasit is already called it will open a menu option that allows you to command the Quasit to “Transmute” weapons and armor in your inventory. When you select this option, it will show a list of weapons and armor from your inventory, you move the ones you would like to “transmute” to “his” inventory and confirm. 50% (round down; minimum 1) of their base materials will be added to your inventory. Quasit Alteration: Oakflesh (upgrades to Stoneflesh at level 40) Transmute PC Lvl Perks 10: Novice Alteration, Mage Armor 1 20: Mage Armor 2 30: Mage Armor 3 40: Apprentice Alteration 50: Stability I do not know how to mod, but if this is something that people would like, then I open it up for any moder to make this a reality.
  11. I have an idea for a mod that adds Familiars to the game. This is something that no one has done but would be fun for those who play mages. My idea is as follows. Once you finish the quest “Under Saarthal” for the Mage College, Tolfdir give you a spell book “Call Familiar”. When you cast the spell a screen pops up having you choose between two familiars (once chosen it is permanent), a Sprite, or a Quasit. Both Familiars: Use the animal slot Have a magic pool that is equal to 100+1 per level of its master. Are not targetable. The Sprite will hover over your head (like Candlelight) and will be a tiny humanoid with butterfly wings and leafy garb. When you enter dark areas it will turn into a ball of light (the Candlelight spell) and provide light for you. The Sprite knows the “Heal Other” spell and will use it on the PC or followers when their HP drops below 75% of their health. It can equip 2 rings. When you cast “Call Familiar” when the Sprite is already called it will open a menu with the option to equip a ring and an option to learn new restoration spells. The ring slot allow you to equip any ring in your inventory to one of the slots or switch out rings if you want. The option to learn new restoration spells will allow you to “teach” the sprite any restoration spell that you have a spell book for in your inventory. The Sprite also gains perks as the PC levels as listed below. PC Lvl Perks 10: Novice Restoration, Regeneration 20: Apprentice Restoration, Recovery 1 30: Adept Restoration, Respite 40: Expert Restoration, Recovery 2 50: Master Restoration, The Quasit is a small devilish looking creature that sits on your shoulder. He will automatically cast Transmute on your inventory when you have enough ore in it to do so. He will cast Oakflesh on you when ever battle starts, and will do so when the spell wares off if it has enough magic to do so. When you cast “Call Familiar” when the Quasit is already called it will open a menu option that allows you to command the Quasit to “Transmute” weapons and armor in your inventory. When you select this option, it will show a list of weapons and armor from your inventory, you move the ones you would like to “transmute” to “his” inventory and confirm. 50% (round down; minimum 1) of their base materials will be added to your inventory. Quasit Alteration: Oakflesh (upgrades to Stoneflesh at level 40) Transmute PC Lvl Perks 10: Novice Alteration, Mage Armor 1 20: Mage Armor 2 30: Mage Armor 3 40: Apprentice Alteration 50: Stability I do not know how to mod, but if this is something that people would like, then I open it up for any moder to make this a reality.
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