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Everything posted by Foina
Hello, can you help me? I play Fallout 3 in fullHD (1920x1080). I must keep the subtitles On because I'm not very good at listening to english. Problem is, at this resolution the subtitles are almost at mid-screen height, in the way of everything. How can I push them down the screen? Is there a mod that does it already? (my search has been fruitless so far)
Hi, can you recommend a mod for Fallout 3 (not New Vegas) that adds weight to all ammunitions? With a quick search I've seen a couple on the nexus but they have low endorsements, post counts, downloads... makes me wonder if perhaps there's a problem. Or maybe they're fine and it's just a shame that they are so poorly known?
Thanks, but the OBGE plugin for SSAO doesn't give good results, IMO. Some sort of grid pattern is visible through the shaded areas, and it appears to affect snowflakes and raindrops too. Other ideas? The nVidia implementation of Ambient Occlusion wouldn't be bad if only it was thicker. On a very foggy Oblivion-day the screen areas affected by the Ambient Occlusion filter are clearly visible. The filter is everywhere on screen. It just is too subtle to spot when the textures aren't brightened up by the fog.
I have an Nvidia card, a GTX 770 My display driver is version 320.49 Only yesterday I notice that Ambient Occlusion is available for Oblivion as well (thought it was only for Skyrim, silly me). So I activated it, and set it to Quality. But I find the effect extremely subtle. It's pretty much NOT there. See for yourself... http://i1048.photobucket.com/albums/s372/ph0cs/TES%20IV%20-%20Oblivion/OblivionAO_zps1d7709e4.jpg ^^ (click to enlarge) The doorstep of Wavnet Inn, near the IC. On the left: no Ambient Occlusion. On the right: with Ambient Occlusion set to Quality. The very same effect adds dramatically to Skyrim, and it's everywhere on screen. Why is it so poor in Oblivion? Can it be enhanced?
@ OP: The first Black & White game (from Lionhead Studios) had the Sun rise from the East, reach the Zenith, then set back to the East. It was dutifully pointed out on the official forums -months after the game release- but did anybody care? At best we got the occasional lol-it's-true comment. And the game developers? They kept in touch with the community, posting in various threads, minus that one, and two official patches later the embarassing feature was still there - untouched. Bottom line: enjoy the game : ) and don't let a minor detail ruin your fun.
And my question is yet to be answered... I understand that. But it doesn't change the fact that he *is* coming back to life every time the cell resets. He used to do so at game start, and he does it again if I resurrect him (as I explained in 1st post). The only time he DIDN'T return was when he disappeared completely (for 100 or 200 play hours, I can't tell). And it turned out that he was dead and his corpse invisible. With respect, after ~500 hours of play you should reasonably suspect that I know which mods I have in use and what they do to my game. I said I'm no expert of CS and Bethesda, but that doesn't make me Forrest Gump. (But since I'm asking for help, I suppose that automatically makes me the computer rookie that can't tell Chicago from Blackcomb..... right?) In any case this is straight from my plugins.txt The only 2 console things I did -outside of these mods- have been to give my horse a name (via SetActorFullName), and set timescale to 12. Say, do you want to inspect my latest savegame? I .rar it down to 1.2 MB. Then you can see things with your own eyes. PM me an e-mail address if you want it. Kind regards.
If the "Respawn" flag is not checked, the actor will not respawn after death. FormIDs from active ESM/ESP files never get cleared, even if the things that reference them do. As such, a FormID can always be used to bring them back. Sir, that doesn't answer my question. Quite possibly I haven't spoken clear enough. Allow me to try again. The Highwayman was met _and_ dealt with (<-- killed) multiple times before his disappearence. And he always returned with the cell-reset. Then -at some point- he stopped doing it. One day I walked through Fort Ash and there was no Highwayman nowhere. And it stayed like that for _hundreds_ of play hours (I hit 486h:54m of play just yesterday). In all this time the cell kept resetting every few days as it always does. Then -the other day- I messed with this Highwayman's form ID and brought him back to life (see 1st post). Since then he has been (again) met _and_ dealt with multiple times, and he has always returned with the cell reset. I'm no expert of the Construction Set and Bethesda games in general, but even I understand that his disappearence _wasn't_ meant to be. My question is thus: what made the Highwayman die, disappear, and stay dead for hundreds of play hours? Kind regards.
So... can anybody tell how an actor can die and stay dead over dozens of cell-resets to the point his corpse disappears for good, yet his form ID is still usable to bring him back to a perfectly normal life as it was before his inexplicable death & disappearence? Faithfully waiting for answers. Thank you.
Is checking a person's private & personal inventory an innocent activity in your book? I'm sure you'd get _really_ upset if you caught anybody sticking his hands in your pockets. So why shouldn't they? Either get better at thievery, or don't complain for the consequences of your actions. Put it in its Place - Enhanced Grabbing should do what you ask for - and a few more things. Make sure to read the readme. I haven't tried this myself and I will take no responsibility if your game gets screwed by it. DarNified UI is an extremely popular GUI overhaul. Again, make sure to read the readme. There's room for lots of customizations to suit your tastes. Have fun :smile:
Hi, first of all: thank you for the help. Perhaps it's my imperfect english, but from your post I understand that: if I kill every creature in the cell of Fort Ash (so to speak) and regularly return there every 2 days (not 3), the cell is never going to restock its creatures. I'm confused. I've been away *far* more than 3 consecutive days from the place, and the Highwayman has been missing for like an eternity. He and the Mountain Lion just a cell away. With the difference that the Highwayman's corpse was nowhere to be seen, while the Lion remained in plain sight all the time. [edit] Meanwhile the harvestable flora continued to restock, and the nearby treasure chest (Highwayman's ?) continued to re-lock. [/edit] However, now that the Highwayman is back, if I kill him and wait 3 days on my return he's alive and robbing me anew -- but I have to wait in another cell for it to work (which is consistent with what you explained). Feels like I miss important details here :confused:
This is a followup from another thread in Oblivion Discussion (Some NPCs & creatures are nowhere to be found). I've done some research on my own. Here's what I found... Using the console command: save MySave 1 I obtained 10 MB worth of .txt file. Inside it I found the form ID of the Highwayman usually posted just outside Fort Ash. It is 000C5263 I then used the console to move myself at his location: player.moveto c5263 I was brought under one of the archways of the very Fort Ash structure - but nobody and nothing was there. I used the command: "c5263".getdead which returned 1.00 I don't know how he ended up like that, but it's been over 150 play hours ago at least. Aren't dead NPCs supposed to respawn when their cell resets, every 3 days no questions asked? :ermm: I walk away a little and try to give him the wake-up using the following commands: prid c5263 moveto player disable enable resurrect it works. The long lost Highwayman cat-folk reappears closest to me, runs away not far, then spots me, runs back and starts his "pay up or else" routine. Glad to be robbed :smile: But I know this NPC is only one of many. More creatures vanished for good elsewhere. At this point I need expert advice. I'd like to write a mod: just one script that runs in the background and brings back these stuck-dead NPCs: as the player walks around, the script scans the cell he is in, at regular intervals. That's piece of cake. question 1: But how do I programmatically tell the difference between a stuck-dead creature and a regular-dead one [that is going to come back at the next cell reset]? question 2: In particular, how do I detect when a dead corpse is invisible (like my Highwayman was) or in plain sight as it usually is? question 3: And how do I filter out those dead creatures that are supposed to not respawn (quest-related NPCs)? Oh, one more thing... Near Fort Ash there was an Oblivion Gate. I found a dead Mountain Lion there. The creature has been in this state since the Gate opened. But before the Gates's appearence I used to spot a Mountain Lion in those whereabouts. I suspect that the very same beast was killed by the Daedra and then it glitched into a permanent death. Differently from the highwayman, however, its corpse never did vanish. question 4: How do I know if a dead creature has been dead for too long (say, it outlived its cell-reset)? Please help. Kind regards
Not sure how to best phrase this, but some NPCs and creatures I used to encounter in the wilderness aren't around anymore :confused: There was this highwayman ambushing me at Fort Ash (on the way to Chorrol) -- haven't seen him in a *very* long while. In the near vicinity (of Fort Ash) opened an Oblivion Gate (now long shut). There used to be a Mountain Lion in there, as well as a Spriggan and a Brown Bear. They were fairly frequent encounters -> none is around anymore. These are just examples, more AI has gone missing elsewhere, and nobody else appeared in their place. What can I do? Please help.
What about this one?
At the time I had a full Orcish (Flawless) set, with Mace, Shield and all. None of it enchanted, though -- neglecting the Enchanting skill altogether has been a mistake I'm starting to pay dearly for. Anyway... I've been investing in Blacksmith, Heavy Armor, Block and One-Handed skills from the start. All in the high 90s by now (Block is 100), with the Heavy Armor tree just missing the last perk. Back when I had the full Dwarven (Exquisite) set I couldn't take on giants. Too high a risk. With the transition to Orcish (Flawless) everything has become a lot easier. Right now I'm on Ebony (Epic). Just switched to it. Armor rating is 687. Nothing, their friends, and a backing army can't seem to pose a threat in melee anymore. But mages are my waterloo. Meet a bunch any better than Adept, and I don't walk away straight. And a single Arch Conjurer kills me before I even enter melee range. It's high time I invest in Enchanting...
Here's what I observed in my game: I regularly revisit the Embershard Mine to replenish my torch supply. But yesterday, after not having done so in a while, I noticed that the place was restocked with bandits. The guy making guard outside the mine died in 1 hit. Compared to me he was worth less than a spit. However, his friends inside the mine were much tougher. Hardly a threat (probably because my mace attacks now ignore 75% of target's armor), but definitely not as low level as the dude outside. Another one. I cleared the Valtheim Towers quiet a few levels ago. Yesterday the bandits finally respawned. Almost all of them were tough enough to require several hits from my mace. Definitely stronger than the first time around. Their chief was especially dangerous: clad in a mix of dwarven and plate steel and armed with an ebonty mace, he managed to hurt me quite a bit -- just me and him 1on1 (only a giant can hurt me more than he did in melee combat). I'm positive there was no dwarven, no steel plate and no ebony to be found when I first looted the place. Still, in the bunch there was the odd archer going down in 1 hit. I hope this answers your question.
A word of caution: when I had to talk with the imprisoned mage, the man was standing a little bit too far into the cell -- making himself impossible to click-talk to. As much as I pushed and slided myself into the jail bars to reach him, there was nothing to do. In the end I picked the lock. Luckily the guard didn't catch me (my lockpicking perk tree is empty). Or maybe he did, but pretended to be looking the other way? Only in hindsight I realized that from _his_ point of view there was this Nord male brute (me), aroused and pole-dancing in front of an old man... (yuk!)
New to Skyrim, I'm experimenting with mods (see what I like and what I don't) -BUT- I always make a savegame before activating a new mod, then run tests for a while. If I don't like it, I remove the mod and revert to the [modless] save I made. I must admit, however, that so far I changed the mods' load order twice. Does this count toward savegame pollution?
Stuff out of ordinary happened a few times now, and I'm wondering whether it's gremlins, my computer, mods I'm using or other software. Since you are the experts, you tell me. 1) Somewhere not far off Whiterun a lone mammoth appears mid-air and starts falling from the sky, inpacting at about 10 meters ahead of me. Dead, with pain scream and all. Oh yes! Free Tusk for Ysolda. Lootchaaa! 2) Morning, stepping outside Breezehome after a night's sleep. While still on the doorstep, I hear a noise on my right, followed by a grunt, and finally "Aah". Braith appears, speeding away to my left. Where she was, Brenuin is. Flat & dead. Reloading -> hasn't reoccurred. 3) Morthal town. As I walk around aimless, I approach the Jarl's building. There's a guard outside. Moments later there's also a giant Frostbite spider. Upside down. Dead. It popped out of nowhere 3 meters above the ground, then fell without a noise. None seemed to acknowledge the event, much less the very guard within arm's reach of the monster. 4) Going back to Whiterun from Ivarstead. All alone, it's just me, my footsteps, the wind, and the background music. Outta the blue I hear a voice approaching me fast, then leaving as fast. Moments later I spot a flying horse with the Hunter NPC on the back. The duo is literally defying gravity, inertia and momentum, as if they slide along an invisible rail at constant speed. Flying aimlessly they hit the ground, the mountain walls, then high in the sky, a few times. I recover from the wtf moment and start laughing my eyes off. The duo disappear, never to be seen again. Been a while now, I wonder how they're doing... 5) Climbling the 7000 steps path to High Hrothgar, I find a dead goat on the road. No trace of its killer. I continue the climb, all is silence. Suddenly a powerful growl breaks out of my speakers, my screen darkens and there's this Cave Bear jawing at my face. It just wasn't there a nanosecond ealier. Was it Quake I'd be telefragged, heh... Fus Ro Dah, hippi ya ye, and loot ya later (for the record: I was unable to locate the corpse). 6) This one noticed minutes ago. Whiterun, 9 AM. Stepping out of Warmaiden's I see Brenuin sliding backwards, motionless, till he's roughly at the center of the road. Drunk this early in the morning, are we? Brenuin faces the market plaza, and in a few seconds he starts walking normally. I just saved and quit. That's what I noticed, all in a week's play. Now you tell me: must I worry about these *things* getting worse? Is it my fault in some way? Can I do anything to prevent these behaviors? I have Skyrim Legendary Edition. This is my list of mods: Dawnguard.esm HighResTexturePack01.esp HighResTexturePack02.esp HighResTexturePack03.esp Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp Run For Your Lives.esp Point The Way.esp Dr_Bandolier.esp SkyUI.esp Dragon Soul Relinquishment.esp WWNightEye.esp Scriptless werewolf bonus.esp DG-NoAttacks.esp SkyMills - Animated Distant Mills.esp SkyFalls - Distant Waterfall Overhaul.esp SkyFalls - Dawnguard Edition.esp Not a CTD (yet), just these weird happenings...
[Dawnguard DLC] I don't like vampires to kill my NPCs!
Foina replied to Foina's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Thank you -- I never was good at searching. To tell the truth initially I searched for mods that would bring the werevolf perk tree into vanilla Skyrim (without need of the DLC, that is). Found none. Then I thought that the DLC wouldn't be bad if it wasn't for those random attacks... and so I asked about it. That "When vampires attack" mod sounds the most interesting. I'll try it 1st. -
For me, THE annoying thing of Dawnguard DLC is that a vampire may enter Whiterun (or other settlement) any night and murder some NPCs. Despite my care, Adrianne, Belethor, the gate guard, Amren and the woman owning the Bannered Mare were all killed -- which I noticed no sooner than 3 game-days later (too late to fetch a past savegame. Corpses to resurrect? None). How to put a complete stop to this unwanted feature of the DLC?
I'm playing with all Fallout 3's graphics settings to the max, but the reflections on the waters of the river appear only when the camera is pitched down (looking below the horizon). As I raise the view and look parallel to the ground, the reflections clip away progressively, to the point they vanish completely. Looks like the doing of a far clipping plane that rotates in place as a billboard would, copying the current camera's orientation. It looks real bad. Is there a game setting to push said clipping plane much farther so it won't cull the reflections? (I'd upload screenshots of this, but the limit of 250 KB is too restrictive) [edit] Here is a slideshow of 9 screenshots: http://s1048.photobucket.com/user/ph0cs/slideshow/Fallout3 Or click here to examine the screenshots individually (orig size 1024x768): http://s1048.photobucket.com/user/ph0cs/library/Fallout3?sort=9&page=1 Images were taken at maximum graphics settings - fallout.ini was NOT modified. The first image shows what's in front and above me, that is: what should reflect into the water. But the second image shows that the water has NO reflection at all. Then I slowly pitch the camera down... and the missing reflections showly appear. In these still images it's hard to notice but the scene rendered in the reflection is being subject to slicing, typical of a "clipping plane". At some point I can look into the distant white building (within the reflection) such that I can even spot what's inside its external walls. How do I fix this? [edit 2] UPDATE: if I disable the "Depth Fog" advanced water option, from the Fallout3 launcher, the waters look bad but all reflections are there. But, well, without Depth Fog the waters look real bad. I also noticed that if I activate 3rd person view (with Depth Fog ON) the reflections appear regardless of camera pitch. However, they'll still show some clipping at the sides of the screen. Guess the 3rd person view only reduces the problem, but it's still there. Too bad that 3rd person view isn't really viable for play. Instead... I just noticed that when (in first person view) I bring up the PipBoy, all water reflections _instantly_ appear and look perfect (yes, with Depth Fog ON) the very moment I hit the Tab key. Then the PipBoy comes into view a few moments later, as usual. Alas, when I close the PipBoy all reflections are gone again. I can repeat this at will and it's always the same behavior. Any good guy around that knows how to fix this problem?
Animation Bomb (ABomb) bug in Fallout 3 - any tools for a fix?
Foina replied to Foina's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
Yes that's just what I'm going to do. The last 2 responses have been pretty thorough, and I got nothing to add. A sincere Thank You. -
Animation Bomb (ABomb) bug in Fallout 3 - any tools for a fix?
Foina replied to Foina's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
330 hours - okay. This is not my direct experience, but I've read that on a console the bug may take up to 400 hours to become an issue (a 400 hours mark would imply a low framerate of 30 or even 25 -- typical of many a console game). If you are on PC and you aren't struggling at 30 fps, the bug should have hit you _badly_ by now. Meaning that if it hasn't, it's either because Fallout 3 won't suffer from the bug at all (and I'd love to hear that !), _OR_ some 3rd party tool you're using is constantly making sure that your savegame doesn't build up the bug (which is very possible -as the bugfix involves the change of just 1 byte- and learning what this tool is -if any- is the whole point of this thread). Now, are you on PC and are you using some 3rd party tool (if yes, which ones) along with your game? Thank you very much for your patience. -
Animation Bomb (ABomb) bug in Fallout 3 - any tools for a fix?
Foina replied to Foina's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
In which case (I'll politely reply that) telling me so would have hinted me to try and give a better explanation of the problem before bumping the thread twice over 22 days. You certainly can't say I had no patience. But arguing is pointless... I gave for granted that the problem was known with the name ABomb / Animation Bomb because it _is_ in the Oblivion community (which is just around the corner, we can say), AND being Fallout 3 pretty much an evolution of Oblivion (in terms of game engine) I thought to refer to the problem just as I did. With that out of the way, this mysterious ABomb problem is a nasty phenomenon that occurs every 200 or so hours of gameplay, and it manifests in the form of specific animations starting to pause and eventually freeze. In Oblivion this would cause butterflies to fly no more, torches, bonfires and generally any fire to display a static flame, your own hand-held torch would leave static fire sprites in mid-air until the torch was unequipped, gates would not open/close, pressure plates would not work, traps could fail to activate, the list goes on. The bug is so bad that eventually erupts into a game-breaking problem. It appears to be tied to the framerate you play at (at higher fps it'll manifest sooner, at lower fps it'll do later - given enough time it does for everybody). As far as I know this bug occurs in Fallout 3 just as it does in Oblivion, and it's cross-platform (PC, PS3, Xbox), but at least on the PC it can be cured (actually: _temporarily inhibited_, as it'll build up again in another 200+ hours, being it a congenital flaw of the very game engine). There, my best description of whatever you call this problem. Now, please, is there someone who can tell me how to cure this in Fallout 3? Thanks for reading. -
Animation Bomb (ABomb) bug in Fallout 3 - any tools for a fix?
Foina replied to Foina's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion