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Nexus Mods Profile

About HuzzahBritain

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  • Discord ID
    HuzzahBritain #7766
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Currently Playing
    Star Citizen
  • Favourite Game
    Mass Effect 2

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Contributor (5/14)



  1. Fallout: Hawaii As many people within the Fallout community will have seen, several Fallout: Hawaii projects have rose to prominence and fell in the past years. The topic of a game being set in Hawaii is clearly a popular one, therefore our team is taking steps to produce quality content for Fallout 4 set in Hawaii. Already, several concepts exist for the story & lore of the mod, and is at a stage where production can begin. Currently, we have a small team and are looking to expand into other branches of development and extend our current teams, in topics such as Level DesignPapyrus ScriptingAsset Creation (2D & 3D)Sound Design In addition to this, further team members can be accepted into our writing team and concept art team. This community project is an excellent way to apply your skills and further your current knowledge. We would appreciate if any applicants to the project had prior experience and a portfolio available for viewing by the administration. To apply to join our growing team, please PM me here on NexusMods where we can discuss further, or feel free to email me. I am also happy to answer any questions or queries you may have regarding the topic :smile:
  2. Hi again, I'm having some issues with the Version Control and Multiple Contributor Collaboration mode of the Creation Kit. I followed this guide to attempt to set my copy of the Creation Kit up for Fallout 4 and for the most part nothing is broken too bad, however the Creation Kit will hang for an endless amount of time on the "File in use" dialogue for any masters selected, which is quite annoying. The Creation Kit will work fine if I cancel these dialogue boxes out upon first load however when I go to check out my edits the dialogue boxes show up again, and cannot be cancelled as it reverts the deselection. I feel like this could be related to Windows filesharing, however I'm out of ideas really. I've had this issue for a while, with no idea to fix it. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. Ahh, I considered looking down this route firstly however wanted to see if there was a way in the Creation Kit that I hadn't learned yet. Thank you for your swift reply.
  4. Hi all, So I entered a cell for reference when building something in the CK and it seems to have left a 'mark' (the asterisk is next to the cell name meaning it has been edited?). Is there any way to roll back changes in the CK? Thanks in advance, Huzzah
  5. Guilty as charged :geek: From what I remember, the circuit breaker came with two invisible markers, a green and red. I believe parenting your main X-Marker to the green marker will work, as long as you set the X-Marker to copy it's parents status. Hopefully that made sense, sorry to necro this :P
  6. Hey there! I'm working on a custom Vault and I was wondering if someone had created a template for the welcome sign (e.g. VltSignWelcome03_81) as I can't seem to find it anywhere however I vaguely remember seeing it. One for the Vault door itself would also be good. Any help is appreciated
  7. Hey all, I'm currently working on a player home mod which is accompanied by a quest, and for the quest I require a male voice actor. Details are below. You'll be speaking a small number of lines which will be used on a holotape.For lore reasons I ask that you are American or have an American accent. (Bonus points if you have a Boston accent)You'll need to have a good quality microphone for audio quality. I will also do a final cleanup on Audacity to remove any unneeded sounds.This work is unpaid as I do not have the funds to pay for a voice actor, however credit will be given to you in the Credits and Description section of the mod.For more information PM me, and we can work from there. Thank you for reading.
  8. Hi all! I've just figured the issue out, the property was constant and wasn't assigned a value. Duh! Cannot believe I missed it aha
  9. Scriptname CorridorToggle extends ObjectReference ObjectReference Property CorridorLightMarker Auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) If (MasterLightMarkerTEST.IsEnabled()) If (CorridorLightMarker.IsDisabled()) CorridorLightMarker.enable() Else CorridorLightMarker.disable() EndIf EndIf If (MasterLightMarkerTEST.IsDisabled()) CorridorLightMarker.disable() EndIf EndEvent ObjectReference Property MasterLightMarkerTEST Auto Const I've made several edits and each edit I make doesn't do the trick aha. Lights simply won't switch on even when the MasterLightMarkerTEST is enabled; I can't get my head around why :laugh:
  10. The script there is the original one which allows the lightswitch to function without interuption, I'm trying to make it so when the MasterLightMarkerTEST is enabled it will allow function of the lightswitch, and when it is disabled you won't be able to use it.
  11. Hi there, So I'm trying to have a lightswitch which can toggle on and off the lighting of the room which can ultimately only be used if the Circuit Breaker has enabled an XMarker. Here's my isse. The first time I tried to do this, I set the master XMarker as an enable parent to all room XMarkers. That, obviously, wouldn't work as then the lightswitches could not toggle their respective XMarker as it's enable state was already being controlled by the master XMarker.The second time I attempted this I tried to get the lightswitch script to check if the master XMarker was enabled, then if it was to pass the normal function of the lightswitch. Now, I think that I'm on the right track here however the script itself is wrong. Scriptname CorridorToggle extends ObjectReference ObjectReference Property CorridorLightMarker Auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) If (MasterLightMarkerTEST.IsEnabled()) CorridorLightMarker.enable() If (CorridorLightMarker.IsEnabled()) CorridorLightMarker.disable() Else CorridorLightMarker.enable() EndIf EndIf EndEvent ObjectReference Property MasterLightMarkerTEST Auto Const This is an example of the code I am using on each lightswitch. How would I edit this so that the script first checks if the MasterLightMarkerTEST is enabled, then passes the event OnActivate?
  12. Hi all, I got it working in the end, turns out I just needed some more time to think about it.
  13. Hi guys. The title pretty much sums up the question. I've had a look at the source and comments and I can't get my head around how it works. I'm trying to get the circuit breaker to operate as a master switch. All the rooms in my cell have an XMarker acting as the enable parent for each light source in the room. I want to have the room XMarkers parented to a main XMarker which can disable all the lights at once, which is controlled by the circuit breaker. Any help is appreciated :smile:
  14. Ahh okay! I presume you'd just need to create a new armor on the armor menu. If you open another piece of clothing for reference you can make sure you have each field filled out correctly
  15. Hi there! If you want to create your own outfit you're best of duplicating an already existing one. When you say it was your outfit and textures do you mean as in a custom model or just custom textures, as for just custom textures you would duplicate the original outfit, say the tshirt and jeans, then do a material swap on the duplicate. I hope that helps with your question! -Huz
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