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About Eldroth

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  1. Hellooooooooooooo, The mod is at its ends, all the interior and clothes/armors and accessories are done. We need to finish the exterior, we have all the meshes as .obj those are from Tera's building. So we need those meshes to be usefull and we can't deal with .obj so if someone can help in turning those into .nif it will be a precious help. Thanxxxxxxxxx per advance, :wink:
  2. * You caught when peeking! *

    "Your sneak skill has increased!"


  3. t is my firewall aswell my antivirus which are bloking it, so I unlock those for 1 hour when I want to toy with nifskope !
  4. Have followed all the steps but Nifskope window does not open ! I am hopeless !
  5. They seem associated but I cannot browse the prog ! I can see that the prog is running via the processus but the window doesn't appears !
  6. Hello, With my old PC I have used nifskope often, just had to click on a mesh and the window of nifskope opened immediatly. Now I have download, removed several time Nifskope and nothing happens. Do I have to install another program for it to works ? Have you heard about thta prob and have you got a solution ? I have a PC and window XP. Thanks per adavance. Eldroth :ermm:
  7. finaly i found you!i should rate you 5\5.and maybe you know where is fredie and loana?
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