This is what I'm getting on the top left corner of my Skyrim, when I first start the game. Im using NMM and about 120 mods or so, mostly followers. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
So I download the mod, enable it in MO, start the game, then exit the game and it will be in my overwritten files in MO? Is that for the saved games or ECE presets you're talking about?
I have read the instructions on a lot of these mods for this stuff and I go to put it were they suggest and I realize I don't have some of the files, i.e. CME_save file, for example, or SKSE plugins.
Can I run more than one skin/hair/eyes/brows texture at a time in my game? The reason I ask this is because I see on a lot of follower mods that they are using more than one of each in the credits unless I don't understand what they mean, please help