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Posts posted by orbit991

  1. In response to post #27837160. #27838075, #27838955, #27839275, #27839770, #27839870, #27842220, #27842305, #27842815, #27844310, #27844755, #27844785, #27845115, #27845405 are all replies on the same post.

    listten wrote: "champions of PC gaming above and beyond any other major game developers or publishers out there"

    Really? They made their games with excessive use of cutscenes, just like most other modern 3D RPG games out there. You are only watching CGI 3D movies with limited gameplay in between.

    Plus they deliberately crammed taxing graphic element in their game to make it look good. This action is just like Crysis 3 which use excessive polygons to burden gamers' rigs. This is a marketing trick done by some game designers in collaboration with graphic card manufacturers so as to lure gamers into buying expensive new cards to keep up with the taxing graphics. At the same time not a surprise the performance of older cards are lower after a couple new release of drivers. This is dubious practice. Not many gamers aware of this. 4k gaming is another marketing trick to trick you to constantly buy new cards as well. Graphic whores who are rich will fall into this easily.

    Plus CDPR made Witcher 3 with $32 million development cost, but marketing cost is $35 million. Marketing cost > development cost. They are eager to sell the game to you more than they want to make good game. Not many gamers know about this news.

    Some people or some sites might have received their $35 million just to help them to promote their game, with dubious review and excessive praise.

    And because of the excessive use of cutscenes, their game is not sandbox and fully mod supported. Not a surprise really seeing that you can't mod even the clothes worn by Geralt or NPCs. Because the cutscenes are CGI. You can't mod CGI. Clothes that you mod won't reflect on the CGI.

    Their games are not bad. Some fanboys just love to overrate their games.
    misa7772 wrote: Well said.
    eleventeen wrote: uhh the game has exactly two CGI cutscenes, one near the beginning and one near the end.

    With the modkit clothing for everyone is fully moddable, and will work and show up in 99.9% of cutscenes.
    d81 wrote: My hardware from around 2012 plays The Witcher 3 just fine on mostly ultra settings. There are a great many options to tailor the graphics to your computer's capabilities. I am yet to have any significant problems, unlike every Bethesda open-world game I've ever played. The Witcher 3 has never crashed once. NOT ONCE.

    So far as I can tell, the cutscenes are rendered using the game engine and are not pre-rendered. I haven't looked at the files, but how can the official DLC provide alternate outfits if the outfits can't be changed? The DLCs are mods, right? Forget about the fact that every video game is CGI...

    For that matter, what do cutscenes have to do with the sandbox? So far as I can tell, I can run about wherever I like. It's certainly not Morrowind, and I much prefer the Bethesda style of blank slate character building (i.e., I don't want to play as a predesignated protagonist), but I think it still qualifies as a sandbox game. A not-very-interactive-kinda-boring sandbox, but still. Not to say that I like the cutscenes...I hate them and find watching Geralt talk a boring waste of time.

    In summation, CD Projekt Red is not making you do anything and their game works fine. They are diligently fixing bugs and adding feature requests. They have provided neat DLC (mods) for no extra cost. They sell the game without DRM. Now they are providing modding tools. What exactly are you complaining about? What other company is doing all this?
    xCELL91 wrote: i personally think the game is severely over-rated, it does have pretty graphics i'll give it that, but everything else (Combat, Quests, Characters, Story, Movement and Controls) is mediocre at best.
    FOSeriesLover wrote: My my this is the whiniest post I've read in a looong time. excessive use of cutscenes? right...

    There are only 2 or 3 CGI cutscenes afaik..

    As for the development cost... Marketing isn't cheap compared to development. While it took years to spend 32 million $ on development, 35 million $ can easily be blown away within months if you want to advertise properly. And so far, they had their game finished. Why spend any more money into a finished product?

    They knew they had made a great game. Why not market it accordingly?
    nexuskech1 wrote: retard skyrim fanboy detected
    nexuskech1 wrote: yeah because skyrim has better quest, combat and main story than the witcher 3 , dont be idiot skyrim is the most overrated crap game ever
    lidowxx wrote: Quote :i personally think the game is severely over-rated, it does have pretty graphics i'll give it that, but everything else (Combat, Quests, Characters, Story, Movement and Controls) is mediocre at best.

    Are you sure you are talking about TW3? Because I find it hard to believe that you are stating so many things that were splendidly done by CDPR, let see, combat, I have seen people complaining about it and but lots of people have no issues with it, not the best combat system I have seen in a RPG, but definitely not bad.

    Move on to Quests, Characters, Story, you got to be sh1tting me if you think they are mediocre, the game has one the best story telling sequences I have seen in a video game, characters and dialogues so well written that lots of people claim it's one of the very few games in which they actually care about the characters in game, and I have seen lots of people have many emotional moments while playing throughout the game, check some let's play series on youtube if you have any doubts.

    Even 90% of the side quests are so well designed and interesting, it's never something like fetch/steal something for someone, kill something/somebody for someone, then it's done like we have seen so often in Dragon age/Skyrim, there is always more to it in TW3, whether there is something sinister behind what may look like a simple and ordinary job, or there is something NPCs try to hold it from you for some reason, it's all up to you discover what it's really like.

    About movement and controls, yes, there were issues when the game first got released, but they got fixed after a few patches, and now you have an alternate movement which is a huge improvement over the original.
    xCELL91 wrote: atleast skyrim has the immersion factor of actually making u feel like u r living the game
    btw i'm more of a Dark Souls player since i think skyrim is s#*! by comparison.
    Dark Souls >>>>>>>>>>>>> The Elder Scrolls > The Witcher > Dragon Age
    ouzair wrote: Here's a thought why don't we stfu and enjoy the games :)
    xCELL91 wrote: @listten i didn't say the combat was bad i said it was mediocre, as in between bad and good.
    and as for the story, characters and main quests; i just finished the novigrad part and about to take a boat to skillege, and until now there wasn't a single character or quest that was memorable to me most of them characters/quests were very generic for me, a bunch of medieval gangsters, also i don't know if the developers intended it that way, but i didn't feel like a was playing a fantasy game let alone an rpg. keep in mind that i have played games like Final Fantasy, Dark Souls, The Elder Scrolls, Persona and such and they offered far more likable and intriguing characters and story.

    and about the controls, yes i'm aware they tried to fix it with a patch but they only fixed the acceleration problem at the initial movement. there r far more annoying problems like turning the character around or the controller key mappings which cannot be modified, and having to use my right thumb for both the camera and attacking.

    moxica wrote: "champions of PC gaming above and beyond any other major game developers or publishers out there"

    Some of you seem to be missing the point of this comment, entirely.
    " DRM free games, huge free "Enhanced Edition" patches to their games, free DLC (let's acknowledge how awesome that is in this day and age of "season passes" for DLC...), modding tools, and the list goes on."

    There is nothing in their about Best game ever, best design ever...
    Yet for some unexplainable reason, that's what was jumped on.
    The chasm that existed between PC and console, years ago, was based on the freedom that gaming on the PC offered. This chasm has been thinned down to the width of a crack because of DRM, paid dlc and locked down files that prevent modding.
    Those 3 things didn't exist in PC gaming years ago and that's what made PC gaming golden.
    If you wanted a console game, you went to a toy store or a department store. (Before there were gaming stores) if you wanted a PC game, you went to a PC store or a bookstore! They were separate types of gaming in every way.
    Consoles had their games and the PC had their games. If there was a crossover game, they were usually made for the PC and ported to the console. If it was made for the console and ported to the PC, we still could mod some of them and add levels and other stuff.
    When you got a PC game, you didn't need a third party company to play it.
    You bought it, you installed it, it was yours. Period. You could easily browse the files and see how everything worked.
    I know, I've heard the argument "Steam isn't DRM!" Take Steam off your computer and see where your games go then come back and we'll talk about that, thank you.
    "How are companies supposed to protect themselves against piracy?!" DRM has never been about piracy. It's about the resale market which has been stated, by several companies, as the biggest threat to PC gaming revenue.

    So with those things in mind, CDPR is the ONLY company that does things the way traditional PC games were done back in the golden age of PC gaming.

    FRiNGE07 wrote: Well Said Kudos

    Nice tin foil hat there buddy.
  2. Well, you can keep telling me it's the steam sales, but as soon as you gave a server choice everything is blazing fast again without any issues. That auto system of yours is borked up gents, no idea why it keeps on timing out servers and causing slow speeds, but it is, like I said with this change everything is working 110% as before.
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